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A Few New Ideas


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So I have been thinking about these things for a bit now and figured was time to put them here.


1.) Alliance Crates - The RNG is a horrible idea for these, plain and simple. Gives us a vendor to turn in the crates that we gave to the contacts. That way we can choose what armor we want. On top of this maybe add the Nightmare version to the vendor. For like five of the open crates we can get Nightmare Version.


2.) Onslaught - You guys are stating that it is about HOW WE WANT TO PLAY. Well then gives us back vendors on fleet or new worlds that will allow this. That way we can min/max or play how we want to. By buying the armorings, hilts, barrels, mods, and enhancements that we want.


3.) Outdated Cartel Armors - We all know that there is still some armors that are on the Cartel Market that come with stats. Well how about just making them shells now so we can unlock them in our legacy and use them on all characters. (I know this is one that a lot of people would like and also second time I have mentioned it)

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