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Guild question about conquests


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My guild just finished our conquest for 170,000 conquest points. Where do I pick the encrypted flagship plans for the guild ship? Do I need to wait till the conquest is over? Because personal conquest reward instantly when done. Not sure about guild conquests. This is our first one. Were not sure.
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Whist you get your personal reward for hitting your individual target of 15,000 points straight away, you have to wait until the next conquest starts before you are automatically given your guild reward (at whatever time that is according to your timezone).


Note that only those who hit their personal target will get the guild reward.

Edited by tuulem
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Whist you get your personal reward for hitting your individual target of 15,000 points straight away, you have to wait until the next conquest starts before you are automatically given your guild reward (at whatever time that is according to your timezone).


Note that only those who hit their personal target will get the guild reward.


Thank you very much

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