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Tips and Tricks to doing all warzones by Kamarile from zerodefect(Rakata Mind Prison)


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I have been doing a lot of PVP, seeing how other people are playing, reading the forums, and noticing people are having problems winning Warzones. I am going to write down tips and tricks to help people learn how to play better, win more Warzones, and overall have much more fun doing these Warzones. I play a Sith Assassin and have a lot of fun running my Deception spec.


Before starting a Warzone:


First off to give a few tips to do before even going into a Warzone:


1. Research your class/spec. This is a necessity to understand what skills/abilities that you have available to you and how to use them to your advantage. You can't expect to win a Warzone by playing it like it's PVE. Search on Google for your class and how pvp is done with that class (e.g Sith Assassin pvp spec)


2. Watch videos: There is tons of them out there of how people are doing pvp to learn how strategies are used to complete the Warzones. One such video is this one:


3. Make sure you have Keybinds for all of your major PvP skills: There is very little time to be a clicker in PvP as it takes more than a second to find the button, move to it, and click. This also takes your eyes off your surroundings which usually means death, knockbacks, etc


4. Use a voice server: Our members of zerodefect use skype or ventrilo to communicate our strategies and what is going on around the PvP zone. It takes too long to type out commands which also takes your hand off the mouse and movement keys which means death, knockbacks, etc (see a pattern?). Get a group of friends/guildies together and get talking. I will get more into this in the Warzone section.


5. Stack up on Medpacks: This has helped me survive many times.


While in a Warzone:


Now that you've got the first section done, lets get into the specifics of each Warzone.



For all Warzones:


1. Kill healers first: People stay alive less if no one is healing them.




Oh man, HUTTBALL!. This is 80%+ of your matches (depending on your server's balance of Republic/Sith). Here are some tips on how to have a better chance of winning this overly played Warzone:


1. If you are on a voice server, you have just increased your chances of winning by 75%. Being able to communicate where your team is allows for better passes, picking up the ball, stuns, knockbacks, etc. This is almost a necessity for this map as it is a 3-tiered Warzone.


2. This 3 word phrase will win you more matches then your can think of: PASS THE BALL!. Those people who think they can run the ball across the map with 5 people bashing their face in need to just leave the game and sit in a corner for a while, especially when there are open people who can catch the ball. Unless you have a dedicated healer, you are going to die and the other team will laugh at you. If you are about to die, it is better to just throw the ball on the ground away from you so it will reset.


3. Knockbacks: Use knockbacks on the sides of people while they are on the grates unless they are in front of a fire then by all means knock them into the fire. It is a waste to knock someone back and they land on the same tier or one right below it. They can still score this way which makes you look stupid. This also counts for those dumb enough to knock people closer to the goal or into the goal. Really?!?! That just makes no sense.


4. Use CC at key points: Don't just spam your CC right away. If you see someone walking into a furnace or they have been knock backed into a furnace/acid pool, use your stun then. They will die and you can feel accomplished. I know there is a Deminishing Return (DR) to this so don't worry if it fails.


5. Defensive cooldowns. If you are running the ball, do not pop all your defensive cooldowns right away. You will die right at the goal. I know from experience.





1. Defend bases: I can't even say how many times I have captured a base with a group and I leave first then all of a sudden the base is taken back because everyone left. If you are the last person to leave, just stop and stay at the base. Also, if you are that person defending, call out early if you see people coming. I know there are stealth classes, but if you see a ton of people coming, it will take them 10 seconds to get to you. Call out they are coming so you can get reinforcements to you.


2. Interrupt people capturing a base: This goes with defending, but it needs its to be said. If you see people capturing a base, interrupt them over killing a target. It is useless to kill someone at a base you just lost cause they will get reinforcements while they keep you from capturing it back. They can fly right into a base they control and vice versa.


3. Capturing a base: Unless you are extremely good and get a jump on a base with 1 defender, you should roll with a group. This will allow you to to get someone to capture while you block the enemy from getting close enough to interrupt.


4. Holding 2 bases is fine: If you can hold 2, you will win. If you go to capture the 3rd base, try to trade off at least with the enemy so you still hold 2 after all is said and done.




Knock people off the bridge. Self-explanatory.




1. Stand next to the door: So many people run out to fight that someone ninja captures right behind them. Get interrupts before killing people. Otherwise, it is pointless.





1. Capture the side with less opposition. Period.



I hope this helps you guys out.

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Huttball: The team that remains on the high ground wins 90% of the time. Being able to burst someone down while being entirely safe is an enormous advantage. On my Commando, I am unkillable while on the walkways. You force charge me? Sure. Enjoy my PBAOE knockback.


Alderaan: Middle is king. If you don't have middle, it's practically impossible to reinforce the opposite point. If you hold middle, you can be on either side in a matter of seconds. I know middle is usually a giant clusterf**k, but it's that way for a reason.


Void Star: Just fight on the objectives. Don't get caught with your pants down fighting 50 yards away. Make sure you have people on both doors, both bridge consoles, etc. This is a very easy warzone to win if you just pay attention.

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I would like to add a few things to edit in:




If you see someone taking an objective, or running to one, hit them with a DoT, not CC. CC just stops them for a few seconds. A DoT will stop someone from taking an objective for the whole duration.


If there is a healer nearby and you're dying, don't panic. Chances are they have noticed you and are finishing a cast before they turn to you. There are six things that will guarantee to annoy a healer:


1) Jumping up and down or emoting constantly at them rather than simply asking them politely for a heal.

2) Constantly exposing yourself to focus fire from the other team when you are clearly not a tank.

3) Charging off without support.

4) Running away and LoSing them or worse, out of range as they try to heal you.

5) Running towards them with a high damage DPS like a Marauder/Sentinel or Operative/Scoundrel chasing you.

6) Complaining at the healer when you did any combination of the above.




For the love of the force unless it's an emergency or there's literally nobody else to pass to, DON'T PASS THE BALL TO THE HEALER OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER WITHOUT WARNING THEM FIRST. I've lost count of the number of times a drive has failed because some idiot passed the ball to the healer (usually me), who was immediately focus fired by the other side. That is a lost ball, dead healer and oh look the entire enemy team is going to roll over you with no heals.




The turrets block LoS. It's ridiculously easy to ninja one in the middle of a fight with this knowledge. It also increases your survivability tenfold as you can LoS those pesky Ranged classes.


It also means that you can LoS your own healer so take care when running circles around it.

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