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Decorations that Still Can't be Donated to Guild


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First off, I want to thank the team for doing a big sweep of decos some months back and updating almost everything so that copies can be purchased for guild. A whole bunch of decos that were previously needlessly locked from donation have now been opened up, and this has been a wonderful change. Thank you!


Now, please just catch the few decos that slipped through the cracks when you made this change. :)


With the change, it now seems clear that these remaining decos that can't be donated are absolutely bugs. With very few exceptions, they all belong to categories that now can be donated. For example: all anniversary decos can be donated, except only the 3rd anniversary ones. All reputation faction decos can be donated, except for the Abstract Rectangles painting. All CM items can be donated, except for a handful like the Scorpion TK Weapon Rack and the Arneclin Masterpiece paintings and the Model Umbaran Train. All Flashpoint and Operations decos are clearly meant to be donatable but there's still a handful that are locked out.


The spreadsheet I maintain here can be filtered to NA/Physical Donation on the Guild Donation Price category in order to see the full details on these items, but behind the spoiler tag below I just list out the names of the decos in question that still can't be donated.




3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

Alem "Whisper" Reesus Holo

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Coruscant

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Dromund Kaas

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Korriban

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Nar Shaddaa

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Rishi

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tatooine

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tython

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Yavin 4

Art: Alderaan Landscape

Art: Approach to Oricon

Art: Hoth Starship Graveyard

Art: Kaas City

Art: Nerfs

Art: Rakata Prime

Art: Tatooine Landscape

Art: The Reclaiming of Taris

Art: Underworld Casino

Caller in the Dark Holo

D-5X Volitile Demolition Droid Holo

Fabrication Droid (Martial)


Guardian Droid

Holocall Kiosk

Holocron of Dread

Holocron of Fear

Jai Quallo's Sand Worm Holo

Model Umbaran Train

Nathema Flower

Painting: Abstract Colors

Painting: Abstract Rectangles

Portrait, Gold-Plated Hutt

Rakesh the Foul Holo

Scorpion TK Weapon Rack

Slybex Holo

Technician Canni Holo

Temple Arches

Trophy Art: Alderaan Civil War

Trophy Art: Ancient Hypergate

Trophy Art: Huttball

Trophy Art: Kuat Drive Yards

Trophy Art: Novare Coast

Trophy Art: The Voidstar

Trophy Art: Yavin Ruins

Umbaran Spider Tank Holo

Vinn Atrius

Vixian Mauler Holo




There are probably some others too, that I can't verify because I don't personally have them unlocked (I'm thinking specifically the PVP ones). But at the very least I can confirm that these aren't donatable, and based on the context of all other decos of their type they probably should be.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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  • Dev Post

Thank you so much for this post and your diligence JediBoadicea! We are taking a look into these decorations to figure out why they can't be donated to a guild. I'll reply again when I have more information to share!


First off, I want to thank the team for doing a big sweep of decos some months back and updating almost everything so that copies can be purchased for guild. A whole bunch of decos that were previously needlessly locked from donation have now been opened up, and this has been a wonderful change. Thank you!


Now, please just catch the few decos that slipped through the cracks when you made this change. :)


With the change, it now seems clear that these remaining decos that can't be donated are absolutely bugs. With very few exceptions, they all belong to categories that now can be donated. For example: all anniversary decos can be donated, except only the 3rd anniversary ones. All reputation faction decos can be donated, except for the Abstract Rectangles painting. All CM items can be donated, except for a handful like the Scorpion TK Weapon Rack and the Arneclin Masterpiece paintings and the Model Umbaran Train. All Flashpoint and Operations decos are clearly meant to be donatable but there's still a handful that are locked out.


The spreadsheet I maintain here can be filtered to NA/Physical Donation on the Guild Donation Price category in order to see the full details on these items, but behind the spoiler tag below I just list out the names of the decos in question that still can't be donated.




3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

Alem "Whisper" Reesus Holo

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Coruscant

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Dromund Kaas

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Korriban

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Nar Shaddaa

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Rishi

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tatooine

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tython

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Yavin 4

Art: Alderaan Landscape

Art: Approach to Oricon

Art: Hoth Starship Graveyard

Art: Kaas City

Art: Nerfs

Art: Rakata Prime

Art: Tatooine Landscape

Art: The Reclaiming of Taris

Art: Underworld Casino

Caller in the Dark Holo

D-5X Volitile Demolition Droid Holo

Fabrication Droid (Martial)


Guardian Droid

Holocall Kiosk

Holocron of Dread

Holocron of Fear

Jai Quallo's Sand Worm Holo

Model Umbaran Train

Nathema Flower

Painting: Abstract Colors

Painting: Abstract Rectangles

Portrait, Gold-Plated Hutt

Rakesh the Foul Holo

Scorpion TK Weapon Rack

Slybex Holo

Technician Canni Holo

Temple Arches

Trophy Art: Alderaan Civil War

Trophy Art: Ancient Hypergate

Trophy Art: Huttball

Trophy Art: Kuat Drive Yards

Trophy Art: Novare Coast

Trophy Art: The Voidstar

Trophy Art: Yavin Ruins

Umbaran Spider Tank Holo

Vinn Atrius

Vixian Mauler Holo




There are probably some others too, that I can't verify because I don't personally have them unlocked (I'm thinking specifically the PVP ones). But at the very least I can confirm that these aren't donatable, and based on the context of all other decos of their type they probably should be.

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  • 2 months later...

I checked through this list again today to update my spreadsheet, and I noticed that the Holocron of Dread and Holocron of Fear have been updated and can now be donated. Thank you! :D


Two down and a bunch left to go, but we're still a galaxy better on this than we used to be. Thanks for the changes and please keep them coming. It took me two years to get that Kuat Drive Yards art, I would really desperately love to display it in the guild!

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  • 4 months later...

Resurrecting this thread to point out the decos that still can't be donated to guild. We've come a long way with catching all of these, and thanks to the team for that. If we can just nab these last stubborn and oddball hold outs, we'd be all the way there!


As of today, the below still cannot be donated to the guild, neither by credit cost nor physical donation. Most are achievement grants, though the underlined two are Cartel Market items and those for sure should universally be donatable. The 3rd Anniversary decos are the only ones of all the Anniversary decos that can't be donated, and unfortunately they're some of the nicest, so here's hoping!


3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

Alem "Whisper" Reesus Holo

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Coruscant

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Dromund Kaas

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Korriban

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Nar Shaddaa

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Rishi

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tatooine

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tython

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Yavin 4

Art: Nerfs

Caller in the Dark Holo

D-5X Volitile Demolition Droid Holo

Jai Quallo's Sand Worm Holo

Model Umbaran Train

Rakesh the Foul Holo

Scorpion TK Weapon Rack

Trophy Art: Alderaan Civil War

Trophy Art: Ancient Hypergate

Trophy Art: Huttball

Trophy Art: Kuat Drive Yards

Trophy Art: Novare Coast

Trophy Art: The Voidstar

Trophy Art: Yavin Ruins

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
I can't donate any companion-decoration? Is this bug or it's supposed to be this way?


We've never been able to donate copies of companions to guilds, unfortunately. Who knows what goes into the coding mess behind the scenes that explains that limitation, or if it's just a deliberate design choice by the devs. Companions-as-decorations are only ever placeable by the character who has the companion unlocked, and in personal strongholds only.


Now that the thread has been bumped... psssssst, devs, all of the decos mentioned in my post from 12.17.19 still can't be donated. ;)

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  • 9 months later...

This thread need to be re-opened again and again until something is done about it. Here we are a year and a half later and STILL not addressed. One of my biggest pet peeves is the FABRICATION DROID (MARTIAL). I spent millions buying this thing off the GTN only to find out I couldn't donate copy it to my guild. What the frack?!!!


Oh, and the 3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial. Why? Seriously... WHY?

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  • 3 months later...
This thread need to be re-opened again and again until something is done about it. Here we are a year and a half later and STILL not addressed. One of my biggest pet peeves is the FABRICATION DROID (MARTIAL). I spent millions buying this thing off the GTN only to find out I couldn't donate copy it to my guild. What the frack?!!!


Yes, unfortunately the Fabrication Droid (Martial) can't be donated with a credits cost purchase. It can be donated via physical copy (meaning you drag-and-drop a physical copy of the deco into the donation window in your guild bank). The droid can be bought straight from the vendor on Fleet for 2 Universal Prefab MK-4s, which can be crafted (or at least more readily and cheaply available on the GTN than the deco itself).


On my decorations spreadsheet you can filter on the Guild Donation Price column to see the decos that can only be donated by physical donation. That means that when you view them in your decos inventory they won't show a credits price for donation, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to get it to your guild; you just need to have a physical copy for those and be willing to sacrifice it to the guild. But if the devs' intention was for all decos to have a credits cost donation, then all of those Physical Donation category decos should be considered bugs.


That being said, the same list of decorations I cited back in 2019 in this thread as not being donatable in any way are still unaddressed and undonatable. In my spreadsheet, these appear as N/A under the Guild Donation Price column (and I'm also listing them out below). The underlined ones in this list are Cartel Market donations which in all other circumstances are always donatable by credit price, so those definitely feel like a bug.


3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

Alem "Whisper" Reesus Holo

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Coruscant

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Dromund Kaas

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Korriban

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Nar Shaddaa

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Rishi

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tatooine

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tython

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Yavin 4

Art: Nerfs

Caller in the Dark Holo

D-5X Volitile Demolition Droid Holo

Jai Quallo's Sand Worm Holo

Model Umbaran Train

Rakesh the Foul Holo

Scorpion TK Weapon Rack

Trophy Art: Alderaan Civil War

Trophy Art: Ancient Hypergate

Trophy Art: Huttball

Trophy Art: Kuat Drive Yards

Trophy Art: Novare Coast

Trophy Art: The Voidstar

Trophy Art: Yavin Ruins

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  • 3 months later...

This post represents more strongholds bugs that got some attention this patch - thank you! :D Most of this list was resolved with today's patch (that's awesome!), including even the items that could only be donated by physical donation (the extra mile!). I'm heartened to see these fixes.


This is just to call out that there are still some that got missed, hopefully for a future fix. These can still be found on on my decorations spreadsheet by filtering on the Guild Donation Price column to N/A and Physical Donation.


Poor 3rd Anniversary decos get left behind again. Maybe it's deliberate for this set?


3rd Anniversary Fireworks Launcher

3rd Anniversary Galactic Memorial

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Coruscant

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Dromund Kaas

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Korriban

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Nar Shaddaa

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Rishi

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tatooine

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Tython

Art: 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Yavin 4


These two can still be donated by physical donation (having a copy of the deco you drag and drop into the guild bank), but not by credit cost. Considering these are now the only physical donation outliers I'm assuming they were just missed.


Fabrication Droid (Martial)

Guardian Droid

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