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M1-4X Companion mission missing BUG


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Hi. I came back to the game, level 70 Trooper Commando. I used the ship terminal to boost to the Ossus Story line.


1. I completed the mission " To find a findsman"

2. I completed every subsequent companion alert available (about a dozen!)

3. I used the alliance terminal and returned 3 original companions. No M1-4X.


I still don't see Theran Shan either in my companions or alerts either. So maybe thats the issue. Is there a quick work-around to get Theran in my alerts? I have no outstanding missions either.


I see everyone else. So between those two missing. I can not get The Booming Vocoder for Freedom mission.


M1-4X is my ONLY level 50 crafting toon on this character and I need to craft new augments. I dont care about story, how can I get my companion back?

Edited by Master_Jedi_Love
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Ossus really screwed a lot up. Hopefully the Dantooine patch fixes the rest of the missing companions. I want my Trooper's Quinn back :(


Hi folks! I wanted to firstly thank all of you for posting about this issue, and to say that the SWTOR QA team is taking a look to see what might be happening.


Secondly, we have several fixes coming in Release 5.10.3 - The Dantooine Incursion that may resolve some of your issues. Specifically, Theron Shan should successfully return for Troopers that begin Ossus after our 5.10.3 release.


Thanks again for posting about these missing companions, and I'll update this thread again when I have more information to share!

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M1-4X is my ONLY level 50 crafting toon on this character and I need to craft new augments.

Then craft them. Rank 1 companions can craft everything that Rank 50s can craft. Being lower in rank affects the time it takes to craft and the chance of getting critical successes, but it doesn't prevent them from crafting.

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