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Improve this Immortal build


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The build is for PvP and would like others takes on whether i could spend points better. In the 40's i had a build that was mostly Immortal but went up to unstoppable in the vengeance tree and i do miss that but cant seem to get to it in a final build.




Any thoughts? Bear in mind its for pvp tanking, i've went DPS since hitting 50 and whilst it is lots of fun destroying people we have a severe lack of tanks in our guild.

Edited by Kabaal
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I'd just take the 2 points out of Shield Spec (worthless tbqh), put them in Quake (making people have less chance to hit in PvP is a pretty big deal.) While having more access to Force Choke is nice, 10 seconds is not a big deal, 60/50 it's not a big enough difference to merit the 2 points. Take the points out of Ravager and put them in Unyielding. If you're "doin it rite" you're going to be the focus of a lot of CC (guard is not effective when CC'd) which means every time you get CC'd you're getting rage, so as soon as you pop out of the CC (be it a simple knock back or quick stun) you'll have 4 extra rage to start smashing face. PERSONALLY I'd also take the 3 points out of Heavy Handed (15% extra damage is NOT A LOT for a SW, and it's a wasted talent for PvP) and put those 3 points in to Revenge (1) and Intimidation (the other 2.)


Other wise it's a pretty cut and dry Immo spec

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