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Non-force users deserve better treatment in 6.0


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Anyone else feel like the stories for non-force users in KOTxx was more of an after-thought and was just put in to satisfy those who have non-force user mains. Maybe even using another class for the trailer that isnt the Jedi Knight for the nth time. Discuss.
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Anyone else feel like the stories for non-force users in KOTxx was more of an after-thought and was just put in to satisfy those who have non-force user mains. Maybe even using another class for the trailer that isnt the Jedi Knight for the nth time. Discuss.

Lots of people think that. Truth is, however, not a democratic process. The word is that the original plan for KotFE/ET was more ambitious, including greater story separation for FU vs NFU, but that various things, including lots of complaints from players about the monthly-delivery format, made them scale it back. Let's take a quick peek at what remains:

* KotFE I to IX is mostly independent of FU-vs-NFU considerations, with the exception of Chapter VIII. More on that later.

* KotFE X, XI, XIII, XIV, and XV are all completely independent of FU vs NFU, since the Force plays essentially no role in them.

* KotFE XVI's NFU weirdness is trivially explained *in the story*, by Arcann himself.

* KotET suffered heavily in the scale-back, and, especially in the absence of what has been described for KotFE XII, KotET VII (Nathema) contains substantial and only marginally explicable NFU nonsense. On the other hand, there is substantial FU nonsense in KotET VI (Vaylin's Party(0)) - why can a FU character even contemplate going to Zakuul at that point?


So that leaves KotFE VIII and XII as the main sticking points. KotFE VIII's main problem is that the big fight isn't big enough. It's too easy to whittle Arcann down to the point where, in essence, the player is defeated by Deus Ex Machina Man.(1)


The word is that KotFE XII was originally supposed to have a split plot, one version for FU which went more or less as the final released chapter goes, and one for NFU where various clues scattered through the rest of the game are brought together, and the character learns at least something about making use of the Force.


What clues, though? Well, one example I can think of is in the intro to, if memory serves, the FP that follows Taral V. Oteg shows the player a Force Ghost of a relevant person, and if you are on an NFU character in [sTORY] mode he expresses some surprise that you can even see it.


With that included, even if it is a bit "narratively convenient", the stuff in KotFE XIII to KotET IX would have become more symmetrical nonsense, although in fact KotET was originally, they say, supposed to be much longer.


(0) This is a sideways swipe at Abigail's Party except that *Abigail's* party is somewhere else, and we are witness to the backbiting among the couples (perfectly horrid people, one and all) at a dinner party hosted by friends of Abigail's parents.


(1) https://comicvine.gamespot.com/deus-ex-machina-man/4005-86174/images/

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I feel that the non-Force users, particularly the Smugglers and Bounty Hunters, will be having a much larger role in 6.0 and before; this is due how the galactic underworld has been growing off its influence slowly, especially when it comes to dwindling supplies of the galaxy. There's bound to be a lot of lucrative work for those two. But that's just me theorizing.
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