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What am I doing wrong?


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Ok i hit level 29 last night, and while I am having a ton of fun, I think I am not playing the class correctly.


In terms of PVE, I feel very squishy, which I find very odd since one of the reason I went bounty hunter was because we wear heavy armor. I assumed with heavy armor we would not go down as fast. I wonder what it like with the other classes that wear light and medium armor?


I have upgraded all of my armor, most blues or orange with blue mods, some purple(pink) get them confused.


When I got Gault (think his name is), I tried to go with him for a while just to get a change of pace, and I kept getting very close to death even against normal to strong mobs, I am not even talking about elite.



I tried to heal myself, and I guess because I have no points at all in the bodyguard tree, my heals completely stink, when they heal they barely move my bar, I have to spam heal myself at least 3 to 4 times, so I find I just end up using the medpacks, they seem to work a lot better, only downside can only use once every 90s I guess.


If I go back to Mako I do much better, her heals do pretty good, but sometimes the fights still take a nice toll on me, and kind of shock me that normal mobs are taking me down this much. It was never like this before.


Am I stuck with Mako the entire life of a BH? Don't get me wrong I enjoy it, but would like to see a different variety.




One last question what is the point of paying for skills that are 10K, when damage does not even go up by them? For example I bought something last night I forgot and the damage range in the tooltip showed it as 10-20 more then before?


Is it even worth spending this money on skills if it something you have? Or is the info in these tooltips totally wrong?



I really wish there was a combat log, so I can see what is going on and compare, I don't understand why they don't have one?

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I've just hit 24 and I am running into the same issues, short of the gault thing though. I've written it off as a normal slow spot in a classes profession and intend to slug through it.


I don't really check the change in skills when I train them but are you sure its only 10-20 more damage? This forum isnt a place to beat the dead horse of the combat log though.

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I got into a bit of a rut at those levels as well. Almost to the point where I quit playing my Merc. I think there is a bit of a lull around there where you dont have your best talents/abilities yet, and things can get hard.


Also, not saying you do, but at the high 20's early 30's I really had to actually learn how to play the Merc. I had to learn how to manage heat and use proper abilities. Death from above no longer one-shots packs of weaks, things like that. Before I was just spamming my high dmg and AoE abilities off CD at will. Now if I do that I will overheat really fast and be stuck using the basic attack ability while things beat on me constantly.

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I stopped rolling my face accross the keyboard for wins about level 28ish, things actually pick up a bit. It's not you, it's not the class, it's game design. Stuff just actually lives long enough to have to learn heat management and good rotations etc around that level.


After around lvl 40 I started feeling really powerful again, mostly because I had learned a lot of the "little" things by then that made me do well. I will say that I have found that Mako is the only way to go for DPS mercs, and I still find myself having downtime now after 3-4 packs, where early game I never had any at all. Even Mako can't keep me healed now without downtime @ lvl 42, stuff just gets harder is all.

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I've just hit 24 and I am running into the same issues, short of the gault thing though. I've written it off as a normal slow spot in a classes profession and intend to slug through it.


I don't really check the change in skills when I train them but are you sure its only 10-20 more damage? This forum isnt a place to beat the dead horse of the combat log though.


Yeah I checked I forgot which skill it was whatever we got at 29, I guess I can check ingame.


I looked at the skill before I trained it and then trained it and saw it went up 10-20.


Do a check right before you train.


I was like really 10k for this? Only thing I can think of is the higher rank of that skill gives you better chance of the mob not resisting, but not sure how that plays in this game.

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I got into a bit of a rut at those levels as well. Almost to the point where I quit playing my Merc. I think there is a bit of a lull around there where you dont have your best talents/abilities yet, and things can get hard.


Also, not saying you do, but at the high 20's early 30's I really had to actually learn how to play the Merc. I had to learn how to manage heat and use proper abilities. Death from above no longer one-shots packs of weaks, things like that. Before I was just spamming my high dmg and AoE abilities off CD at will. Now if I do that I will overheat really fast and be stuck using the basic attack ability while things beat on me constantly.


That is exactly how I feel, I noticed DFA was not killing the normal mobs when in packs of 3-4, when it use to wipe them out.

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I switch off between Mako & Gault. Gault is great for live humanoids, whereas Mako is great for droids. O'm a Merc and I usually start (if they're clustered) pounding the middle guy with Death From Above, then hit Fusion Missle. The collateral burning damage USUALLY brings them down to half. As they burn hit the charging one with Electro Dart. Then hit them with Explosive Dart. And that usually heats you up pretty fast. Release the heat and hit them with missile Blast. If they're still not dead, give 'em a couple of blaster shots.
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Have you tried pyro....it's awesome. Watch everything burn!


I have not tried the pyro tree becuase based on what I read, it seems arsenal is the only way to go for DPS.






I stopped rolling my face accross the keyboard for wins about level 28ish, things actually pick up a bit. It's not you, it's not the class, it's game design. Stuff just actually lives long enough to have to learn heat management and good rotations etc around that level.


After around lvl 40 I started feeling really powerful again, mostly because I had learned a lot of the "little" things by then that made me do well. I will say that I have found that Mako is the only way to go for DPS mercs, and I still find myself having downtime now after 3-4 packs, where early game I never had any at all. Even Mako can't keep me healed now without downtime @ lvl 42, stuff just gets harder is all.


Gotcha so it is the game design, I have not played any other classes, if you have is it like this for all or most classes at this point in the game when soloing?




Also it seems like healing is totally different then other games which I guess is good but I can't wrap my head around it. For example I remember when I use to play EQ, my cleric when he healed he was able to heal pretty good with one spell, usually have a fast heal, that can heal maybe 50%, and a complete heal, which would take a lot longer to cast but be a full heal no matter the level and a lot more mana of course.


It seems looking at the bodyguard tree even if i spec for it, my heals would still not heal that great, just get more of them because of less vent? I guess I can try it and respec just

the way things are so expensive ingame, did not want to test too much, not sure how much respecs cost after the first free one.

Edited by Denarok
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I have not tried the pyro tree becuase based on what I read, it seems arsenal is the only way to go for DPS.


Not sure if this 100% accurate. I think Arsenal is easier for DPS so its easier to get better sustained DPS as you only really need to do is stack Tracer 3 times then Rail then Unload then rince repeat.


With Pyro you have to mix your shots up a lot and watch for instant cool down procs and burn. Heat is a bit trickier as you do not have the multiple heat reduction talents like you do for tracer (talent + crit)




I am 40 and switching to pyro tonight when I get home, I am very tired of the tracer back spam, It reminds me to much of my Hunter in WoW. I want to use more than justt 3 shots.

Edited by Brakner
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Maybe its the way your putting your points in your tree, you don't have to always put them in order. Put the points in the areas you have. I know that you're able to get tree stats before you even have the ability so just come back later and and up grade that mod later when you can use it. I take out Elites that are 2 lvls above me just by ping pong between me and mako and you do know that your blasts are heals so when you are fighting with Mako. Blast her so she is being healed and by doing that you burn off heat also. You might already be doing this but if not it should help a lot. Thats how BH heal is shooting the person they want to heal.
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Not sure if this 100% accurate. I think Arsenal is easier for DPS so its easier to get better sustained DPS as you only really need to do is stack Tracer 3 times then Rail then Unload then rince repeat.


With Pyro you have to mix your shots up a lot and watch for instant cool down procs and burn. Heat is a bit trickier as you do not have the multiple heat reduction talents like you do for tracer (talent + crit)




I am 40 and switching to pyro tonight when I get home, I am very tired of the tracer back spam, It reminds me to much of my Hunter in WoW. I want to use more than justt 3 shots.


Let me know what you think after switching curious your thoughts. Not sure what server you are on, but I am on Kaas City.

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Maybe its the way your putting your points in your tree, you don't have to always put them in order. Put the points in the areas you have. I know that you're able to get tree stats before you even have the ability so just come back later and and up grade that mod later when you can use it. I take out Elites that are 2 lvls above me just by ping pong between me and mako and you do know that your blasts are heals so when you are fighting with Mako. Blast her so she is being healed and by doing that you burn off heat also. You might already be doing this but if not it should help a lot. Thats how BH heal is shooting the person they want to heal.


I thought you had to change cylinders from High velocity to Combat Support to heal with blasters?


I will try it in game and give it a shot thanks!

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That is exactly how I feel, I noticed DFA was not killing the normal mobs when in packs of 3-4, when it use to wipe them out.


I was noticing that too but then I hit 27 and got the new rank of DFA. Hopefully that will take care of the little bit that they had left. It wasn't hard to just auto attack a couple times and finish them off tho.


One thing that you might want to consider if things are feeling hard, do some PvP and space missions to get exp and get your level caught up to where you are in your questing. That or go back and finish green quests on Balmorra or Nar Shaada or something.

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Also it seems like healing is totally different then other games which I guess is good but I can't wrap my head around it. For example I remember when I use to play EQ, my cleric when he healed he was able to heal pretty good with one spell, usually have a fast heal, that can heal maybe 50%, and a complete heal, which would take a lot longer to cast but be a full heal no matter the level and a lot more mana of course.


It seems looking at the bodyguard tree even if i spec for it, my heals would still not heal that great, just get more of them because of less vent? I guess I can try it and respec just

the way things are so expensive ingame, did not want to test too much, not sure how much respecs cost after the first free one.


Are you not focusing on Aim? Maybe you have too much Endurance and not enough Aim.


I've seen a couple Mercs (while playing my Sniper) who couldn't heal a group at all. They blamed it on how bad Merc healing was and how broken or crappy they were as healers. But I tried to explain to them that that was not true.


I'm spec'd full Arsenal and I've healed almost all of the heroics and flashpoints up to Mando Raiders now. The only issue I've ever had is when the group has no tank, otherwise healing had been fun and interesting. I'm happy to be able to heal so well w/ a DPS spec.


As for healing yourself, it generally isn't that useful when soloing. Keep a medpac handy for emergencies and more than anything else be ready to activate your force shield at the right time. Use Jet Boost to knock things away from you, don't let them beat on you. Use electro dart to stun things so that you can keep blasting them.

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for PvE - use your companion and keep their gear up to date. tough bosses I usually have Mako start the fight so she gets some aggro and takes some damage. that is 6-8k of damage you are not utilizing if you always start the fight. plus, if you bounce aggro the mobs is walking back and forth which it then is not damaging you :p

I also noticed that the companion stances get reset per login so make sure their stance is set.


for PvP - know your abilities. this helps you get out of sticky situations or away from a good melee player. taking a full health guy on with < 50% health is not a good idea. g heal up first.

also, don't just walk out in to the middle of a fight. you are a ranged class not melee.

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A heal specced Merc can heal just fine. To put that I know what I'm talking about I healed Foundry at lvl 33 on my Bodyguard. The bosses were 6 levels higher than me and I couldn't use any of the drops but I did it without any real problem.


Where the Healing for now really goes out the bottom is if everyone is taking damage. Then it falls through. Though if that is the case more than likely its a group issue.


Or you fighting the Middle boss in Foundry. That is healing intensive. Though as I said a Merc can do it fine.


Leveling as Bodyguard though is interesting to say the least. You can put out the DPS ok enough but, things love you a lot if you don't watch it. I can't wait to get Blizz.

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I'm level 33 and Arsenal spec'ed right now and have absolutely no trouble soloing a group of normal mobs (maybe 6 or 8 become hazardous if they can interrupt) or a Strong with some weak adds or a single elite. I pretty much have the three companions out on gathering missions all the time, so the only time I bring them out is when I have a champ/boss or an elite with a lot of strong adds to deal with.


I typically open with Death from Above whenever there are multiple enemies then electro dart the biggest guy. If there is one strong and a bunch of normal adds I'll concussion missile the strong to put him out of action for 60s. You just need to be careful with AOE abilities.


On a single target just make careful use of your stun and knockbacks to interrupt the big abilities and with the shield and that weak kolto heal you should be able to outlive an elite. I love when I get melee elites because you can almost completely avoid taking damage from them.


I don't think I'm particularly well-geared so maybe just a change in tactics would help you out more?

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for PvE - use your companion and keep their gear up to date. tough bosses I usually have Mako start the fight so she gets some aggro and takes some damage. that is 6-8k of damage you are not utilizing if you always start the fight. plus, if you bounce aggro the mobs is walking back and forth which it then is not damaging you :p

I also noticed that the companion stances get reset per login so make sure their stance is set.


This is good advice, I did this while learning to Solo Black Talon on my Jugger and Powertech Characters at level 13. They act like Ablative Armor, if they do die you still live on to fight. But if you die, they get dismissed.

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Let me know what you think after switching curious your thoughts. Not sure what server you are on, but I am on Kaas City.


I honestly wouldnt try pyro till 50.. its needs talents that are too spread out at low levels to be effective. IE stabilizers + muzzle fluting + thermal detonator + burn out + firebug + rain of fire.


I leveled bodyguard though.. so I could be wrong and it could work decently low levels.




At 50 however, I can talk on many more subjects. Started out full body guard. then went full arsenal. After that I tried 21 bodyguard 20 arsenal, and finally full pyro


In my opinion.. Pyrotech > arsenal. Pyrotech, at least the way I play it, is both highly mobile and fairly bursty + great sustained dps. Pyrotech does require a lot more active managing of your heat then arsenal though, and I think its one of the many reasons that people fail as a pyro merc.


Something that falls into that same category is Power shot.. I hear a lot of things on this forum about how pyro is just as immobile as arsenal because you have to channel and cast to get rail shot to reset.. so mercs are sitting there spamming powershot and i think the mentality that "its 30% chance so lemme spam it 3 times and guaranteed ill have a rail shot proc" 3 spams of powershot later.... "damn, no proc... maybe just one more?" ...... "ok this time it has to proc" and so on. and before you know it, youre close to full heat and youve done nothing but waste your time with power shot.


the thought process should be closer to "how long is left on my incendiary missile dot?" enough time -> "thermal detonator cooldown?" if close prepare for big burst of thermal + rail shot "rail shot cooldown?" if cool down just started -> activate unload. -> "what is the targets health at now after my thermal + railshot +unload burst?" close to or less then half -> power surge + fusion missile (I like the instant cast because it cannot be interrupted <- bane of my existance lol) once the target gets below 30% its game over. Fusion missile is our highest dot in the smallest amount of time, add on 30% more damage and any cooldowns you have open, albeit railshot, thermal detonator, reapplying incendiary missile or even something like rapid shot as you run in to close distance + chance for combunstible gas proc and once in range using rocket punch.


if you noticed, there wasnt really a mention of power shot in there.. I honestly find it very hard to work into my thought process and accept it being there.. i just dont like to use it. especially against force users as they have a ranged deflection chance.. I just find much better things to spend my time and my heat on then to use power shot and hope to get a railshot. Playing as a pyro merc, I honestly dont revolve too much around resetting railshot. We can't do it as well as powertechs and our rail shot cant be buffed as much as a powertechs. thats not to say rail shot is bad for mercs... but I dont think its the focal point of our pyro tree. For me, the focal point is fusion missile, and I've started using it a lot more since switching to pyro, with great success.

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Are you not focusing on Aim? Maybe you have too much Endurance and not enough Aim.


I've seen a couple Mercs (while playing my Sniper) who couldn't heal a group at all. They blamed it on how bad Merc healing was and how broken or crappy they were as healers. But I tried to explain to them that that was not true.


I'm spec'd full Arsenal and I've healed almost all of the heroics and flashpoints up to Mando Raiders now. The only issue I've ever had is when the group has no tank, otherwise healing had been fun and interesting. I'm happy to be able to heal so well w/ a DPS spec.


As for healing yourself, it generally isn't that useful when soloing. Keep a medpac handy for emergencies and more than anything else be ready to activate your force shield at the right time. Use Jet Boost to knock things away from you, don't let them beat on you. Use electro dart to stun things so that you can keep blasting them.



Thanks everyone for responding. I am on way to work so don't have time to reply to each post, but I am now level 39 and things seem to be much better not 100% sure why but it is as long as I use Mako.


I think next level I get heatseeker since all my points are in DPS tree and I have 30 right now.


My AIM is currently 738 and Endurance is 687, power is 51, and crit chance is 19.42%



Also my healing scan heals for 720-894

and rapid scan for 1072-1256



I am not sure how I can heal anything with those numbers especially in a group? I mean I have 8510 HP, and if I do any of those heals my bars barely move?


When do you start healing? When you have only 75% hp left? I usually wait until I am around 30-40% HP left.




I guess as long as I use Mako I seem ok, but I would like to try some other companions just for a change of pace, it gets kind of boring doing the same thing over and over again.









for PvE - use your companion and keep their gear up to date. tough bosses I usually have Mako start the fight so she gets some aggro and takes some damage. that is 6-8k of damage you are not utilizing if you always start the fight. plus, if you bounce aggro the mobs is walking back and forth which it then is not damaging you :p

I also noticed that the companion stances get reset per login so make sure their stance is set.


for PvP - know your abilities. this helps you get out of sticky situations or away from a good melee player. taking a full health guy on with < 50% health is not a good idea. g heal up first.

also, don't just walk out in to the middle of a fight. you are a ranged class not melee.




I did not think of doing that with Mako, I did that with other companions like Torain, and he does ok, but against elites he dies very quick unless I just spam heal. Then again it might be the gear, I admit I have not really kept anyone to date except for Mako.


I will give this a shot thanks!

Edited by Denarok
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definitely think more about damage mitigation, at 50 we have 2 knockbacks if specc'ed right and 2 stuns, one of which can permanently incapacitate most mobs.


It isnt just about armor and heals, it is also reducing damage, i often stun the gold to kill two silvers and then heal up. I will even be knocking and stunning one of the silvers to get down to 1 mob dpsing me for a lot of the fight.


while our attack rotation is basic and simple we do have a number of talents that mitigate way more damage than you can take :)

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So I just hit level 40 and put on my complete lvl 40 pvp gear set, and have to say I feel pretty good right now =)


Aim is at 925, with crit chance at 24%


Also got heatseeker, any advice on what kind of rotation now with heatseeker?

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