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A few ideas that I have


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Now I am sure some of these have been suggested before, but these are my thoughts on some ideas.


1.) A paid expansion to do some major upgrades to the game. Last one we had was back in 2014. Make it a disc to so we can get some kind of Engine upgrade to the game. Now before anyone chimes in was built and changed/upgraded for the game. Explain to me then why they would do that and not allow it to be able to be upgraded? They could do it.


2.) Some new races and removal of one. The removal would be Cyborg. Let's be honest here it really isn't a race. It was a last ditch effort to add something. You aren't born a Cyborg. You become a Cyborg. Make it so the Cyborg options can be added to Humans, Chiss, and Mirialan races and an upgrade. Also make all human face tattoos able to be used on all human classes. Add Nautolan to the Republic and Devaronian to the Empire.


3.) Make some of the older armor sets in Collections that have Armors/Mods/Enhancements in them be able to be unlocked as shells. As of current we can't unlock for Legacy and kind of lame that they are shown in our Collections.

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1.) A paid expansion to do some major upgrades to the game. Last one we had was back in 2014. Make it a disc to so we can get some kind of Engine upgrade to the game.

I don't see why an engine upgrade would require a disc. Can you explain that, please?

Now before anyone chimes in was built and changed/upgraded for the game. Explain to me then why they would do that and not allow it to be able to be upgraded? They could do it.

"Possible" and "feasible" are not the same. The question you should ask is not whether the game *can* be upgraded (of course it *can*), but whether the cost would be reasonable. And I can pretty much guarantee that it would not.


Ask yourself a different question, though. Would you want to see new content go on hold for a couple of years (maybe more) while they did that work?

2.) Some new races and removal of one. The removal would be Cyborg.

Not removal. Please do not mess up my Cyborg's look. The Cyborg face-shape appearances are not available on humans, and they are structured more like Twi'lek appearances, so they'd need to import those into humans as well as add the cybernetics sliders.


A more practical alternative would be to leave existing Cyborg characters alone, and (maybe) block creation of new ones / switching to Cyborg, and at the same time add Cybernetics to other species.

3.) Make some of the older armor sets in Collections that have Armors/Mods/Enhancements in them be able to be unlocked as shells. As of current we can't unlock for Legacy and kind of lame that they are shown in our Collections.

Yes. This one comes up from time to time, and that's a good suggestion for how to handle it.

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