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Eye opening article on Kotaku


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Agree with you on RNG, but for our medium sized guild, Conquest is fairly easy. I'd say it's about the same difficulty as before for large yield.


And for Small Guilds who relied on running Alts through?


Yeah, worse than its ever been.



All The Best

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And for Small Guilds who relied on running Alts through?


Yeah, worse than its ever been.



All The Best


Yup, can confirm, 5.8 killed interest in conquest and dozens upon dozens in my guild left. We went down to three English servers directly after, so that should be all the clue anyone needs how 'successful' those changes were. Yes, conquest in its current form is (finally) playable, but anyone who would've been interested already left.


Ossus has been more of a slow bleed, as stuff that should have been addressed (like getting the same loot items over and over) hasn't been. Folks -did- come back for Ossus, but they didn't stay because its incomplete, doesn't fit the existing Galactic Command system, and is on rails (nothing to do other than dailies, and one sort of dungeon).


There's still no actual MMO stuff, not even remotely comparable to days gone by in Star Wars Galaxies or other old school MMO's. I'm here, playing this game because its Star Wars, not because of anything the devs have offered of late. Everything they do, makes my role as a GM more difficult because its just change for the sake of change, not making stuff better. We'll see...

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Yup, can confirm, 5.8 killed interest in conquest and dozens upon dozens in my guild left. We went down to three English servers directly after, so that should be all the clue anyone needs how 'successful' those changes were. Yes, conquest in its current form is (finally) playable, but anyone who would've been interested already left.



Actually no, server merges (2017) came first then 5.8 (2018)


doesn't fit the existing Galactic Command system, and is on rails (nothing to do other than dailies, and one sort of dungeon).


Thank god IMO it better then GC, what they need to do it put gear back into flash points for max levels, and give you gear based on how hard ithe content is, GC should remain for solo players but it should not give the highest gear unless you do the hardest content.

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This time around its not ea bruh, its devs themselves. EA gave them 6 years and 400mil to develop a game with literally no pressure, aside of insisting of frostbite. The fact that devs didn't and still dont see the vision for anthem is hardly ea's fault, not to mention postponing huge amount of work until last year or so. I think bw's devs call it bioware magic. All this stuff started from DAI, which received positive reviews, despite it being a massive let down, in comparison to first DA and older games. If anything, EA should fire lead managers and others who facilitated this **** for so long.


How was DAI a let-down? It was a critical success and financial one.

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What worries me most is that BW, once the premier story driven RPG studio, dropped the ball on the very thing they were once masters of - story. To not have a vision of what story you want to tell and how for years, leading it to sabotage the entire project, is shocking.


Feels like that not having a vision has, if not anthem like derailed, at the very least hampered every BW release post ME1. With all due respect to Charles, who does his best making it up as we go no doubt, SWTOR included.

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I agree. DA2 set the bar low for DAI. So it was quite successful.


There are many of us out there, however, that dreamt of a DAO 2.


I still love DA2, for a game with that little development time it came out pretty good and a few of the features there (Especially the rivalry/friendship system) would've been great at Inquisition.


Meh, I love DAO as much as the next guy but I don't get the nostalgia *****, there isn't a need for a DAO2 I certainly hope the next game does take the story back to dark fantasy as we'll be going to Tevinter of all places. But I don't want them to just make DAO2 for the sake of making DAO2. If they want to make the 6th blight, I'm all for it, but I don't want it to be just for its own sake, I want it to have a proper story that ties in to the wider saga. Unless you mean a DAO 2 in terms of quality of writing, choices, etc which in that case I'm all for that though I'm very pleased with Inquisition's (unfortunately that requires trespasser for the actual ending but that's another can of worms) but like I said I do think it's time to go back to dark fantasy.

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Jim Sterling put out a video today reacting to the Kotaku article, focusing specifically on what sounds like the super toxic work environment at BioWare. Gotta love the title: A Video About BioWare Working Staff To Tears And Calling Its Mental Abuse "Magic".


(NSFW Warning: Jim Sterling uses naughty language.)

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