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Companion Vette - Movement issues during combat


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There was a well known bug that Vette caused to some players lag spikes and other issues. However, despite having no lag spikes anymore, there's another problem: Vette doesnt move, when she's ordered to attack. As soon as I enter combat-mode, she's stuck and sticks to her last known position, despite giving her the order to attack an enemy.


I called some other companions, but the issue didnt show up at all. They move towards the enemy - no matter if they're ranged or melee.


Can somebody else confirm this bug?

I already reported it to the developter team via the inGame-option.


*EDIT* To be more precise: she doesnt move by ctrl+1 (auto attack) .. only by using special attacks, that's the only way she's moving to the enemy!


Best Wishes


Edited by Dehrro
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/bump :(


There's a new bug I'd like to report: whenever i'm using an elevator (or there's a cutscene), suddenly my companion has no weapons on him. Weapons are still equipped, but not visible in combat. This one's happening not only with Vette, but with all companions in general.


Anyway, Vette still doesnt move to an enemy properly.

Edited by Dehrro
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  • Dev Post

Thanks for the post Dehrro! Can you tell me if this is happening with your other companions, or is it just Vette? We're trying to determine if this is a separate issue than the currently known companion range issue.

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