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Customer Support.......?


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After returning from a break I started up a sorcerer and am at level 24 on Nar Shada. Working on my class story quest line I am at the stage called "the big show" where I am to listen to Paladius's speech and make the ground shake.....and that cut scene freezes right at the beginning and I am not able to complete the quest. So being unable to complete that I cannot move forward with this toon. Three days ago I submitted an in game ticket for help and have not received a response. Yesterday submitted a post on the bug forum and no response. I have searched online and tried every fix and work around I could find for the past 6-7 years and nothing works.



I know this is the general discussion forum but I figured what the hell, maybe someone that frequents this forum may be able to help. I have tried the following fixes...reset quest, have companion present/not present, companion gear unequipped, lowered graphics to lowest settings, deleted cache. Should be noted that I can play other toons and have not problems at all with story line. It just this spot on Nar Shada "The Big Show."

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Some of the videos are bugged and freeze. If logging in/out or leaving the instance / resetting it don't fix it...have you tried just spacebarring through?


This happened to me yesterday on the last chapter of kotet. Had never happened before, and none of the workarounds above worked except pounding spacebar.

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Just to provide some clarification


Tech Support forum is at https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en


Also ticket response time can be found in the sticky in that forum https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-18-Feb-19/td-p/4886775/jump-to/first-unread-message


If you have tried everything then make a post in the technical support forum and provide a dxdiag per https://answers.ea.com/t5/Troubleshooting-Guides-Info/GUIDE-Client-Repair-Scan/td-p/6454174/jump-to/first-unread-message


Those that persistently get freezes in swtor conversations and find that lowering gfx settings help is usually due to playing on a system that does not meet the minimum game requirements.

This is usually systems using just an intel video card with less then 512 MB dedicated Vram (not shared) , the requirements are now also minimum 1GB Vram as seen at https://www.swtor.com/info/faq

Edited by OwenBrooks
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