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Reasons NOT to allow dual specs


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Really how can you oppose being able to have a solo and a group content specc at the same time?


Do you want healers to suffer? Why should they have to pay for respeccs every time they want to do something different when DPS don't have to? :)


It's just plain dumb to not have dual specc, it's completely impossible to find tanks etc atm

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O.K. so, Dual speccing is having the ability to switch between 2 different "ways" you have spent your skill points?


So as a trooper I have all points in damage tree so far. But dual spec, I'd be able to switch to say, having all my points in the healing tree?


I had thought dual spec was allowing AC switching =P silly me. :D:D

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Really how can you oppose being able to have a solo and a group content specc at the same time?


Do you want healers to suffer? Why should they have to pay for respeccs every time they want to do something different when DPS don't have to? :)


It's just plain dumb to not have dual specc, it's completely impossible to find tanks etc atm


To be fair


Leveling as a healer really isnt that hard. Im 41 and been a combat medic since 10. That being said, I'm noticing a significant slow down in my killing speed, but thats probably because I tried using M1-4X and he just has low dmg. Just finished Quesh and im switching back to Jorgen, and looking forward to getting Yuun!

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I'm a little on the fence with this issue. I think some people have made compelling arguments on both sides of it.


Generally back in my oldschool gaming days I played healers and I always found ways to level them. And yes, I'm talking about grind games too.


In these sorts of games people play healers because they like playing healers, not because their guild needs one more for their second string raid lineup. In that way our class defined us and we were special. In games like wow we are not even a dime a dozen - we are everyone!


However... because people are use to this type of play in new games like swtor, players are expected by their groups to respec over and over at a massive personal cost to themself. What a money sink!


Because of that, I feel like they might as well just add dual spec because people are playing as if it was in the game anyway, just at a major cost to the respective healers and tanks.


I think ultimately what I wish is for an attitude change in the general player base but I know that isn't going to happen so I won't hold my breath. :p


Oops and I wanted to mention... I'm looking forward to GW2's innovative approach to the group system. They have completely done away with the holy trinity of group mechanics and have given enough utility to each individual class that anyone can party anyone for any of the content. I wouldn't mind seeing this become the new standard in the MMO world.

Edited by Saporah
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Apologies if this has been pointed out before, but here's an additional reason, beyond simple quality-of-life stuff: it allows the developers more freedom to be creative with Operation boss mechanics. This is a good thing.


I hate to drag it up, but here's an example: I currently raid two nights per week in WoW with a 10-man group. In the current content, we have fights where we use one tank, two heals, seven DPS. Some we use a more traditional 2-3-5 setup. On Morchok Heroic, we use two tanks, four healers and four DPS.


Heaven knows it's no fun to have to wait for your buddies to head back to town to respec after every single fight so without dual spec, developers wouldn't be able to put this level of variety into the fights. They'd all need two tanks, sometimes completely arbitrarily (anyone who tanked Blood Queen in ICC will know what I mean here) and three heals and that would be that because the alternative is having people wait around for 10 minutes after every 6 minute encounter.


SW:TOR is new enough right now that standard Ops comps will still feel fresh regardless (2-2-4 for 8-man, I assume). But after a while I've no doubt the playerbase will begin to demand something a little more varied.


It's not essential by any means - the game won't fail or be broken without dual spec, nor will it flourish just through its inclusion. But variety is the spice of life and all that so the more tools you can give to players to vary their setup, the more options you give encounter designers to make interesting fights.

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Rubbish arguments put forward by someone who isn't being objective at all.


If I want to do both PvE and PvP endgame, that should be completely doable without numerous time-wasting and expensive respecs. It's not selfish. Selfish is telling people "oh no, you have to play MY way with no freedom to change your spec."


And before you say it, no, specs are not equally viable for a given part of the game and NEVER WILL BE.


It's good that BioWare saw sense on this issue and confirmed they'll be in.

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Really how can you oppose being able to have a solo and a group content specc at the same time?


Do you want healers to suffer? Why should they have to pay for respeccs every time they want to do something different when DPS don't have to? :)


It's just plain dumb to not have dual specc, it's completely impossible to find tanks etc atm


Actually let me guess you never even tried lvling as a healer/tank in this game , and instead use the in WoW it was like this so then it must be true in this game aswell?


But Healers and Tanks do solo really well so Dual Specc in Pve is really not needed.


It would be another story if they couldnt do it ...........................


But they can so :)

Edited by Varghjerta
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OP: your argument didn't sell me. I like the fact that I can freely switch between specs because each spec has a unique play style. Dual spec simply allows for a more diverse game experience, and there is nothing wrong with that from a gameplay standpoint.
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Argument against dual-spec: "Back in my day, we didn't have modern conveniences like dual-speccing or flight points or these new-fangled tee-vees. I assume I've been playing MMOs longer than anyone on Earth, which makes me the undisputed 'expert' on this entire subject. I am incapable of any sort of flexibility or open-minded thought, as I am terrified of new ideas and being viewed as 'incorrect' about anything due to my abysmally low self-esteem, which cripples any ability I may have had to adapt to these new ideas. I will fight these advancements tooth-and-nail, as I an incapable of viewing them as anything other than a direct threat to my personal values and way of life and will exalt myself as a savior of the 'old ways'.


And that's why I'm superior to all you lazy whiners and you should be just like me. "



Edited by naardejood
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Argument against dual-spec: "Back in my day, we didn't have modern conveniences like dual-speccing or flight points or these new-fangled tee-vees. I assume I've been playing MMOs longer than anyone on Earth, which makes me the undisputed 'expert' on this entire subject. I am incapable of any sort of flexibility or open-minded thought, as I am terrified of new ideas and being viewed as 'incorrect' about anything due to my abysmally low self-esteem, which cripples any ability I may have had to adapt to these new ideas.


And that's why I'm superior to all you lazy whiners and you should be just like me. "




Moaaaaaaah not fair Respecc cost money /post

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How does chaning specs make a game easier?


Do the mobs suddenly lose health?


Do the mobs suddenly stop hitting when you change specs?


Do all gold mobs turn silver?


Does the game press my buttons for me?


Changing specs has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game.


Personally I think they should get rid of hotkey's because they make the game to easy. For me unless I'm stretching to hit the 0 key I'm not really playing.


I think all skill should have to be tied to 1-0 and you can only use a ALT modifier. Now that would be a challenge.



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I'm curious if Nintendo made their money back on the development cost of the Wii. For quite a while it was the 'it' thing to have. Now, it's a good bookend and dust collector in most homes.


Since they were making a profit on the console sales right from the start, and sold far more of them(90 million worldwide) than Sony did PS3s(55.5 million, LOSING money on them at least initially) or Microsoft did XBOX 360s(57.6 million, Probably losing money too, at least at first!), I'd guess probably so, yeah.


Also: Dual specs don't destroy community. You still know who the good tanks, healers, etc are. Simply changing specs doesn't make people good at a new role. They still have to have the skill and the gear. It simply means that you have more people available to FILL that role: no more spending 30 minutes thrashing about looking for a healer or an off-tank. It also means that people are able to play different roles for different types of gameplay: I've yet to see a game where all roles functioned equally well in all areas simultaneously.

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