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Wish list Thread


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I thought I would start a general wish list thread (or at least try) not for discussion or trolling of Ideas but Just posting


Just post your wish list no need to comment or bash other user ideas plenty of other threads for that


Additionally even if some concepts are known to be on the "drawing board / development" I think its still safe to post.


1. UI scaling

2. More toolbars and ability to move them

3. /hood feature even with helms you should still be able to put up your hood as Jedi/Sith

4. Guild banks

5. Guild base or ships

6. More body types in character creation. Although this system needs more than just that.

7. Que selection system for Warzones. Some zones I like more than others.

8. Level bracket system for Warzones. or at least option for bracket.

9. Macros!

10. Ship customization / Companions moving around the ship.


That's what I can think of now will add more later

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1. Bug fixes

- I still have 2 useless commendations in the bank because they were mailed to me.

- Still getting stuck in the graphics.

- Companion pathing still sucks. Companions get stuck in odd places and you have to unsummon them and resummon, which is impossible if they are somehow stuck in combat.

- Warzones log you out because you are not leaving the safe area, even though there is an invisible wall that won't let you leave.

2. Decent looking helms.

- Every helm I have seen so far for BH is awful looking.

3. Droid builder.

- It looks like they planned to do this, but it somehow got scrapped/delayed. There are so many useless droid parts because your companion droid cannot fight. (What's the point of aim and crit and tech stats?)

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We call wish lists "Wall of Crazy" here.


That being said, a lot of these are being worked on, or being considered at BioWare (per Stephen Reid's AMA)


As I have stated it shouldn't be a problem to list things already being worked on it shows peoples interest on things. :)


1. I did see something in the Q and A session about Light/Dark Side quests and I think that concept would be a great addition to the game depending the alignment.


2. Zone instancing depending on story outcome would be nice I understand such a thing would be a huge undertaking but I think it would make for a unique game experience if the areas changed for you based on your choices. Some limitations to that concept would need to be made obviously

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We call wish lists "Wall of Crazy" here.


That being said, a lot of these are being worked on, or being considered at BioWare (per Stephen Reid's AMA)


A lot of these questions have vague or no answer. Would be nice to get some actual info regarding what is actively being worked on. Not necesary to have an eta, but a general "This issue is a priority for us" would be nice.

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