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Advanced Companion Tactics


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Perhaps SWTOR could be patched to allow companion abilities to be put on the player's hot bars? In addition to this some more commands for combat purposes such as:


1) Stay close (commands companion to remain within X metres of you while still engaging enemies in combat).

2) Save yourself (commands companion to give itself priority for healing purposes).

3) Need assistance (gives the companion the command to give the player priority in healing at the expense of its own health).

4) Close quarters (commands the companion to engage the enemy in close proximity).

5) Hold position (companion remains in place while still engaged in combat).


I think these sorts of commands would enable people to do more content solo using their companions instead of a group. It would also help the PVE players who are temporarily using a companion in a four person raid after losing one group member. Often the companion will stand in the wrong location and die making them redundant.


Please consider Devs.


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I'd settle for companions that don't stop fighting if you run out of range. Hell, I'd settle for companions who can keep up to the PC [which is a bug that's been online since 5.0]. BW isn't competent enough to fix existing comp bugs, let alone improve the AI.
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I'd settle for companions that don't stop fighting if you run out of range. Hell, I'd settle for companions who can keep up to the PC [which is a bug that's been online since 5.0]. BW isn't competent enough to fix existing comp bugs, let alone improve the AI.


This. They need to be fixed, not given more options that would break them even more. We've actually dealt with comps not following properly since 4.x. (It wasn't 4.0 that broke them, but a patch after that, same that broke Star Fortress Veteran modes loot tables). Yep, it was then when they started lagging behind you, and you have to stop waiting for them to catch up. 5.0 just made it worse. Now they are so frieking annoying. They have to be babysat constantly to see a) if they follow b) if they actually do anything or just stand there admiring view.

Edited by tahol
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I'd settle for companions that don't stop fighting if you run out of range. Hell, I'd settle for companions who can keep up to the PC [which is a bug that's been online since 5.0]. BW isn't competent enough to fix existing comp bugs, let alone improve the AI.


Yeah, I'm with Androssan on this one. While it afflicts ranged companions more frequently, even when companions are within range they can't figure out how to move around a container, rock, etc., and attack to counteract blocking LoS.


It's been reported that they are aware of this bug from a reputable source (Owen), but I really hope this is a top priority bug fix.



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This. They need to be fixed, not given more options that would break them even more. We've actually dealt with comps not following properly since 4.x. (It wasn't 4.0 that broke them, but a patch after that, same that broke Star Fortress Veteran modes loot tables). Yep, it was then when they started lagging behind you, and you have to stop waiting for them to catch up. 5.0 just made it worse. Now they are so frieking annoying. They have to be babysat constantly to see a) if they follow b) if they actually do anything or just stand there admiring view.


4.x, really? jeez. Hard to believe it's been that long. I remember when that started people were confident it was going to get fixed. Then we all just got used to it. And we'll probably all get used to this too, which is really sad.

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Yes you rays of sunshine I am aware of existing problems. This is a concept suggestion. For a community that rabbits on about no new content you seem to be quite anti-anything new.


We deal with a ridicilous amount of bugs. I'm not even counting in that all those various minor clitches that you just learn to ignore. "New" ideas like yours are dime in a dozen and we get them every day, one more delusional than other. I have nothing against new content, I have everything against people being delusional. Also people asking for things without thinking longer than their nose. Your suggestion isn't even "new content". If you people would use even half of the energy you use in coming up with these "ideas" that will never be implemented, into asking for actual fixes in this broken mess of a game that I, just like many others, still happen to love, we might've got them sorted out, or at least 10% of them.

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We deal with a ridicilous amount of bugs. I'm not even counting in that all those various minor clitches that you just learn to ignore. "New" ideas like yours are dime in a dozen and we get them every day, one more delusional than other. I have nothing against new content, I have everything against people being delusional. Also people asking for things without thinking longer than their nose. Your suggestion isn't even "new content". If you people would use even half of the energy you use in coming up with these "ideas" that will never be implemented, into asking for actual fixes in this broken mess of a game that I, just like many others, still happen to love, we might've got them sorted out, or at least 10% of them.


LOL do you actually think that there is a direct correlation between the number of complaints and how quickly something is as you say "fixed." And you call me delusional; the gall. If 100% of people who post here agree with something do you think that will make it happen any faster? Things get fixed when BioWare wants them fixed you fool; not when the player-base unites and cries in unison! This is not a democracy, it's a Bioware dictatorship.

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I like this idea, more stances for companions could be an interesting quality of life improvement for many people in game. Yes there are some issues with companions at the moment but one would hope that when they do finally get round to fixing the issues they could also explore ways to improve functionality.
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