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RP backstory for a Sith


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A miraluka Trained as a Jedi and a believer in creating a better Galaxy he has always held to the belief ( although never vocalizing it) that those who posses the force(ie the strong) should lead the galaxy given their foresight and clarity, secretly enraged by the corruption and bureaucracy of the republic but still a Jedi he/she is morally conflicted. Which gives rise to the dark side, feelings of alienation from the Jedi and republic lead to isolation, despair and ultimately contempt. As he grows ever more anti social negative emotions become stronger while the positive ones sort of atrophy, bursts of rage become more prevalent as does his/her brooding demeanor, eventually his/her master takes notice and instructs his padawan to take a ship to an old long abandoned Jedi world to calm his mind and reconnect with the lightside of the force, however while in deep space he feels a calling if you will to another planet far from the explored galaxy. A desolate harsh planet with the environment of what seems to have once been home to beautiful forests diverse with life now a twisted dark nightmarish place with vile creatures and strong with the dark side still drawn to it he stays and finds an old sith holocron , being a miraluka and overcome with the darkside he experiences terrible hallucinations that drive him to the brink of madness, but just before completely losing it he stops fighting and gives in to the darkside, he stays on this planet for years, training and meditating on the darkside of the force. Now when he returns to galactic space and learns the Sith have returned he knows what he must do. He activates a distress call to his old master saying he is in danger and to send aid, when his master and several other jedi find him they discover something is vary wrong, he then kills all the jedi and his former master, proclaiming himself a sith.


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At the risk of some SJW's giving me a hard time about it, you really should format your post into paragraphs.



  1. Wall of text = bad and most won't bother trying to read it. I didn't bother.
  2. This should be over in Story and Lore.


This is correct, you would probaly get more replies and more engaging conversation if you would do what PorsaLindahl says. But it doesn't mean your post is not welcome and we can talk about it here too.


Here is OP's post which i took liberty of diving to paragraphs (didnt correct punctuations or change it otherwise):

"A miraluka Trained as a Jedi and a believer in creating a better Galaxy he has always held to the belief ( although never vocalizing it) that those who posses the force(ie the strong) should lead the galaxy given their foresight and clarity, secretly enraged by the corruption and bureaucracy of the republic but still a Jedi he/she is morally conflicted. Which gives rise to the dark side, feelings of alienation from the Jedi and republic lead to isolation, despair and ultimately contempt.


As he grows ever more anti social negative emotions become stronger while the positive ones sort of atrophy, bursts of rage become more prevalent as does his/her brooding demeanor, eventually his/her master takes notice and instructs his padawan to take a ship to an old long abandoned Jedi world to calm his mind and reconnect with the lightside of the force,


however while in deep space he feels a calling if you will to another planet far from the explored galaxy. A desolate harsh planet with the environment of what seems to have once been home to beautiful forests diverse with life now a twisted dark nightmarish place with vile creatures and strong with the dark side still drawn to it he stays and finds an old sith holocron , being a miraluka and overcome with the darkside he experiences terrible hallucinations that drive him to the brink of madness, but just before completely losing it he stops fighting and gives in to the darkside,


he stays on this planet for years, training and meditating on the darkside of the force. Now when he returns to galactic space and learns the Sith have returned he knows what he must do. He activates a distress call to his old master saying he is in danger and to send aid, when his master and several other jedi find him they discover something is vary wrong, he then kills all the jedi and his former master, proclaiming himself a sith.


thoughts? "


It is nice base story. I would maybe add there more actual events that make your jedi/sith to do those choices. For me just things he thinks are not enough to justify turns on the story, but it would need some elements that push that charadcters actions onwards. I mean in sense of "he thinks this way and then this happens which makes him think that way even harder". Small not big events are often those who turn peoples mind, personal issues, conflicts with close ones.


Those just being my opinions based on my preferences on story and characters. If you create one for your own character you should follow your heart and make it purely for yourself.

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