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Oh God, I remember thinking exactly that, on my second character, the Cyborg commandogirl Kylath. It was the source of her undying emnity towards a certain big-butted general, because I interpreted it (incorrectly in retrospect) as Garza saying that *cyborgs* were bad, rather than that those *potential* cyborgs were a major risk. (Not that "they might have been encyborgified for bad purposes, so murder them out of hand" is any less bad a thing to say, mind you.)


And I still wonder why we didn't have the "take them into custody until we can work out whether they are really cyborgs" option.


Speaking of cyborgs and Garza, let's contrast this choice with the mission Garza gives you on Rishi. It would have been clever foreshadowing if there'd be an option to recruit them on the spot into specforce. At least with the Rishi mission, the trooper isn't under Garza's chain of command anymore and doesn't have to cover up war crimes. Apart from the SW killing the Emperor's Hands, the Trooper mission [LS] was surprisingly the most satisfying of all of the Rishi mini-missions, imo.

Edited by Ardrossan
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