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Update the "RANDOM" name generator


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First off all its not random at all. After going through the list once it repeats. So clearly not random.


And second and more importantly not one of the name it provides is actually usable. All of them are unavailable.


So time fore a new list of names for the character creation system.

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Here's a suggestion, I know it's intelligent and logical so outside the realm of the devs but how about check and see if the name is available when you hit the random button instead of when you hit the play button. Then only an available name will be put out when you hit random. The way it is right now is just plain stupid there is no other way to describe it.


It is utterly incredible to me that when you hit the random name button not only does it spit out unavailable names but also invalid names as well. If the name is invalid what is it doing in the random name database in the first place?


With having merged 75+ servers into 2 over the years finding a usable name has become almost impossible having the random name generator be completely useless only makes player frustration even higher. How about spending 10 minutes and helping out the player base.



Just finished creating 3 new characters took me almost an hour.


The first one amazingly 2 hits on the random generator and was good.


The second one is what got me to post what I did above over 200 attempts on the random generator then about 30 attempts using old German names to find one that was available.


The third character I decided to try using old Irish names I found one while still in the A's but to be fair I accidentaly miss spelled the name and the misspelling was available bet the correct spelling isn't.


Needless to say the random generator need a database update badly. It also needs to make the availability check when you hit the random button it would absolve a whole lot of frustration if it checked availability before spitting the name out.

Edited by griffenberg
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After every single name it showed was unavailable. I even tried inserting extra vowels and it didn't work. So I tried picking English words describing the characters appearance or class and then looked those words up in online dictionaries in several different languages. Those names were not available either. I finally got a name by taking an English word and inserting extra letters. Took 3 variations to get in.


Merging the servers forced me to rename two of my existing characters. They were already misspelled words. So In one case I added an extra vowel in the other i put ' in the middle of the name.


BTW In making new characters I've noticed there are more new characters than the last time i made new characters.. . And based on chat It seems to be a mixture of new players and altaholics like me. :Seems like the new year has brought in new people. Which is good news right?

Edited by RameiArashi
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Here's a suggestion, I know it's intelligent and logical so outside the realm of the devs but how about check and see if the name is available when you hit the random button instead of when you hit the play button. Then only an available name will be put out when you hit random. The way it is right now is just plain stupid there is no other way to describe it.

OK, but what if I push the button at the same time as you, and the Mistress of Pain gives us both the same name. One of us is still going to get "Name in use"...

It is utterly incredible to me that when you hit the random name button not only does it spit out unavailable names but also invalid names as well. If the name is invalid what is it doing in the random name database in the first place?

That's a good point. It's probably worth pruning the random database every time the "invalid" list is updated.

With having merged 75+ servers into 2 over the years finding a usable name has become almost impossible having the random name generator be completely useless only makes player frustration even higher. How about spending 10 minutes and helping out the player base.

They *also* added tools (two-word names are now allowed) to vastly expand the range of names available. If you can't imagine a name that's not in use at this point, frankly there's no hope for you.

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