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I have a light and a dark JC. Being evil helps but not enough to get me to slog that class again. I swear both male and female JC's sound like they're on space valium.


Far as I'm concerned they are definitely supposed to sound that way though, because honestly if the male VA wanted to do a better, more interesting voiceover, he is well capable of it. Isn't he the guy who voiced Starkiller in Force Unleashed and Maul/other voices in the Clone Wars? He's got some talent.

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Far as I'm concerned they are definitely supposed to sound that way though, because honestly if the male VA wanted to do a better, more interesting voiceover, he is well capable of it. Isn't he the guy who voiced Starkiller in Force Unleashed and Maul/other voices in the Clone Wars? He's got some talent.


I don't know what all he's done, but I am aware that Nolan North has talent. It just escapes me why they sound so bland in this. The Jedi Knights sound more lively and interesting. Just because one is a Jedi doesn't make them monotone and devoid of any personality or humor. I get that the JC is calm, but come on, they should at least get a pulse lol.

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I don't know what all he's done, but I am aware that Nolan North has talent. It just escapes me why they sound so bland in this. The Jedi Knights sound more lively and interesting. Just because one is a Jedi doesn't make them monotone and devoid of any personality or humor. I get that the JC is calm, but come on, they should at least get a pulse lol.

Well i can't speak for the english VA, but it seems to be pretty much the same in french.

Both JK sound like they really believe in what they're doing and saying , JC sound like they're kinda bored and not really convinced most of the time.

JK have some sassy and snarky lines, did not found that with the JC, which is partially why i like the JK much more than the JC. I also like the JK's crew and story much more than the JC's

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I don't know what all he's done, but I am aware that Nolan North has talent. It just escapes me why they sound so bland in this. The Jedi Knights sound more lively and interesting. Just because one is a Jedi doesn't make them monotone and devoid of any personality or humor. I get that the JC is calm, but come on, they should at least get a pulse lol.


The way I see it Knights are portrayed as more lively simply because of the archetypes they are based on. Knights are supposed to be Anakin/Luke imo. Flashy, brave, cocky (bordering on arrogant). Consulars are supposed to be Ben Kenobi, wise, understated and almost emotionless. No breaking news there, obviously.

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Well i can't speak for the english VA, but it seems to be pretty much the same in french.

Both JK sound like they really believe in what they're doing and saying , JC sound like they're kinda bored and not really convinced most of the time.

JK have some sassy and snarky lines, did not found that with the JC, which is partially why i like the JK much more than the JC. I also like the JK's crew and story much more than the JC's


Sounds at least, like they're consistent across the board then in terms of language. I agree with you completely and that's why I play a ton of JK's as well. They're more fun. JC and crew are like walking boredom.



The way I see it Knights are portrayed as more lively simply because of the archetypes they are based on. Knights are supposed to be Anakin/Luke imo. Flashy, brave, cocky (bordering on arrogant). Consulars are supposed to be Ben Kenobi, wise, understated and almost emotionless. No breaking news there, obviously.


I dunno about that. I found young Obi-Wan to be quite snarky when he wanted to. He had some good lines. Like after flying, which he seemed to hate, he'd say, 'another happy landing.' There are others, but they're escaping me at the moment. Old Ben though, I agree, he seemed more bland, like you say.



The JK for both genders can sound pretty blah at times too. 'It's my duty to help'. But those are generally the canned lines that sound blase for everyone.


I guess it's just a matter of preference. But the canned lines do sound a bit dull for everyone. SW's, 'I didn't even break a sweat' gets old after awhile.

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Sounds at least, like they're consistent across the board then in terms of language. I agree with you completely and that's why I play a ton of JK's as well. They're more fun. JC and crew are like walking boredom.

Seems so.

And yeah i find the whole JC's story quite boring, which is kinda sad, as i quite like my little Zabrak JC, he's probably the nicest dude in the galaxy, and he's a well of knowledge, but he'd probably be quite boring.


I dunno about that. I found young Obi-Wan to be quite snarky when he wanted to. He had some good lines. Like after flying, which he seemed to hate, he'd say, 'another happy landing.' There are others, but they're escaping me at the moment. Old Ben though, I agree, he seemed more bland, like you say.

Same young Obi-Wan is quite similar to how we can play our JK with the snarky comments. (Well at least that's how i play mine, and not the arrogant Anakin-like we can play as well)

Old ben would be closer to the JC though, i agree on that.

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I dunno about that. I found young Obi-Wan to be quite snarky when he wanted to. He had some good lines. Like after flying, which he seemed to hate, he'd say, 'another happy landing.' There are others, but they're escaping me at the moment. Old Ben though, I agree, he seemed more bland, like you say.





Same young Obi-Wan is quite similar to how we can play our JK with the snarky comments. (Well at least that's how i play mine, and not the arrogant Anakin-like we can play as well)

Old ben would be closer to the JC though, i agree on that.



Yeah, that is mainly why I specified the JC as being a "Ben Kenobi" archetype rather than Obi-Wan, as he has quite a different personality as "Ben" than he does as Obi-Wan.

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"So uncivilised" :D I love Obi-Wan, would pay ridiculous amounts to see an Obi-Wan solo movie with Ewan in the role. It would be amazing to see the transition from Obi-Wan to Ben.

I agree, that could be a really fun movie to watch.

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"So uncivilised" :D I love Obi-Wan, would pay ridiculous amounts to see an Obi-Wan solo movie with Ewan in the role. It would be amazing to see the transition from Obi-Wan to Ben.

"You were right about one thing master... The negotiations were short."


I'd love to see that movie too. He was by far the best character of the prelogy

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"So uncivilised" :D I love Obi-Wan, would pay ridiculous amounts to see an Obi-Wan solo movie with Ewan in the role. It would be amazing to see the transition from Obi-Wan to Ben.


Yeah, I'd totally watch an Obi-Wan movie with Ewan MacGregor. It has to be him though, no one else will do. Just because one stand alone didn't fly, doesn't mean they all won't. My biggest problem with Solo was the casting for Han, but I'm getting off topic a bit here.


I wish JC as a class had a more exciting crew of companions.

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Yeah, I'd totally watch an Obi-Wan movie with Ewan MacGregor. It has to be him though, no one else will do. Just because one stand alone didn't fly, doesn't mean they all won't. My biggest problem with Solo was the casting for Han, but I'm getting off topic a bit here.


I wish JC as a class had a more exciting crew of companions.


I enjoyed Solo, honestly didn't have a huge problem with the actor playing Han. My huge gripe with it was the whole Maul appearance at the end. It seemed needless. And confusing for anyone who hasn't watched the Clone Wars/Rebels TV series (Which are made for children, after all, and could easily be missed by older SW fans.) I mean, to those people, he's been dead for decades at this point, being sliced at the waist isnt something you'd consider to be recoverable from lol. Vader only lost the legs at the knee after all, Maul was cut completely in half, looked like Deadpool after Juggernaut finished with him lol :rolleyes:


Any Obi-Wan movie would definitely be Ewan McGregor though, I don't see why it wouldn't be, he's said tons of times he'd love to do it if he was asked. DO IT DISNEY!!!

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Yeah, I'd totally watch an Obi-Wan movie with Ewan MacGregor. It has to be him though, no one else will do. Just because one stand alone didn't fly, doesn't mean they all won't. My biggest problem with Solo was the casting for Han, but I'm getting off topic a bit here.


I wish JC as a class had a more exciting crew of companions.

Well i did not think i'd actually like Solo and i was not convinced by their choice for Han, but in the end i did find the movie enjoyable and the actor did not bother me that much.

It was not as good as Rogue One, but i liked it more than episode 7 and 8.


An Obi-Wan movie, it can only be with Ewan MacGregor and no one else though.


About the JC, yeah a more engaging crew could've been nice.

I don't actually hate any of them, but i don't really care for any of them either, i'm rather indiferent. Nadia is not that bad as a character and as a Padawan and i liked how she's grown while her master was away, but the romance... And Iresso, poor guy is nice and all, but pretty bland and boring. In both cases it's pretty sad when they're the only romance options, which is why my JC sticks to the Code, and he'd never ever touch his Padawan...

Nadia's SSR seems better though, but i can't really tell as i've not played it.

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....Maul appearance at the end. It seemed needless. And confusing for anyone who hasn't watched the Clone Wars/Rebels TV series (Which are made for children, after all, and could easily be missed by older SW fans.) I mean, to those people, he's been dead for decades at this point, being sliced at the waist isnt something you'd consider to be recoverable from lol.


Agreed, I definitely don't think what happened to him was something anyone could ever recover from. Bringing him back was stupid. I knew he supposedly survived before that because I read the lore, but still, I always thought it was dumb, and made death cheap. While I've caught the odd episode of Clone Wars, I haven't seen it all, so yeah, I can see it'd be confusing to some.



Well i did not think i'd actually like Solo and i was not convinced by their choice for Han, but in the end i did find the movie enjoyable and the actor did not bother me that much.

It was not as good as Rogue One, but i liked it more than episode 7 and 8.


An Obi-Wan movie, it can only be with Ewan MacGregor and no one else though.


About the JC, yeah a more engaging crew could've been nice.

I don't actually hate any of them, but i don't really care for any of them either, i'm rather indiferent. Nadia is not that bad as a character and as a Padawan and i liked how she's grown while her master was away, but the romance... And Iresso, poor guy is nice and all, but pretty bland and boring. In both cases it's pretty sad when they're the only romance options, which is why my JC sticks to the Code, and he'd never ever touch his Padawan...

Nadia's SSR seems better though, but i can't really tell as i've not played it.


I liked Rogue One better too. The only things I liked about Solo, were practically everyone else. I really liked Dryden Vos. He was my favorite.


As romances, I just couldn't get into Iresso at all, so mine ended up just being friends with Nadia and Iresso, like the rest of the crew. Zenith was where it was at for my girl, but, no romance there. :/ Nadia does seem to have grown over the years, I didn't find her so annoying in JUS as I did before.

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I loved Rogue One. Outside the OT, it's my favorite of the Star Wars movies, and parts of it are better than parts of the OT.


I didn't mind Solo. I'd put it a bit below RotS, but well above the other two prequels. The maul cameo was nice. I think the major problem is that the Daley Han Solo books were significantly better in charting out Solo's life then the movie was, from meeting Lando and Chewie to getting entangled with the Rebels.


As far as an obi-wan movie...did anyone read Kenobi? They were evidently going for a western movie feel to that book. It sucked. However, I think it would suck regardless. Can we just say Obi-wan was hiding in a cave getting taught by his dead masters [though obviously not practicing with a lightsaber], while he waited for Luke to grow up? According to Rebels he did spend at least part of his time chasing away crazy sith and half-trained Jedi, but the question of a Kenobi movie is a lot like asking if there should be a movie about what Luke was up to on the fish monk planet during his exile - he was sitting on a rock on an outer rim nothing contemplating his failures, that's what he was doing. Let's not make a movie about it.

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I loved Rogue One. Outside the OT, it's my favorite of the Star Wars movies, and parts of it are better than parts of the OT.


I didn't mind Solo. I'd put it a bit below RotS, but well above the other two prequels. The maul cameo was nice. I think the major problem is that the Daley Han Solo books were significantly better in charting out Solo's life then the movie was, from meeting Lando and Chewie to getting entangled with the Rebels.


As far as an obi-wan movie...did anyone read Kenobi? They were evidently going for a western movie feel to that book. It sucked. However, I think it would suck regardless. Can we just say Obi-wan was hiding in a cave getting taught by his dead masters [though obviously not practicing with a lightsaber], while he waited for Luke to grow up? According to Rebels he did spend at least part of his time chasing away crazy sith and half-trained Jedi, but the question of a Kenobi movie is a lot like asking if there should be a movie about what Luke was up to on the fish monk planet during his exile - he was sitting on a rock on an outer rim nothing contemplating his failures, that's what he was doing. Let's not make a movie about it.


You are entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine. I think an Obi-Wan movie would be at least as interesting as Rogue One was. I'd rate it my least favourite out of all the SW movies. I'm pretty confident they could come up with a decent story outside of "Sitting on a rock". Even if the entire movie WAS him sitting around exploring the mysteries of the force, I'm game. I would love seeing him follow Yoda's advice on communing with Qui-Gon. Bet that'd be a great scene, gotta think Obi-Wan has mixed feelings on his former master given that he forced Obi-Wan to train Anakin, who would of course become Vader. Would also be interested to see how he reacts to news of Vaders survival of the Mustafar duel.


Also, gotta say, just because you may not be interested in it doesn't mean they shouldn't make it. Not every movie should appeal directly to you. I mean, like I said, I'm not a Rogue One fan, but it doesn't bother me that they made it. Nobody forced me to watch it. I wish theyd make as many SW movies as they do Marvel movies. Why the heck not. They've got a universe of stories to work with here.

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I wish theyd make as many SW movies as they do Marvel movies. Why the heck not. They've got a universe of stories to work with here.


But don't you think that Marvel has oversaturated their audience base with these movies? As far as I understand it, their next project is to revamp the original movies they did - the ones that only aired ten years ago - and make new ones. Not continuations, but brand new ones. This baffles me. I think DC, and SW, are doing something similar, and it will, if it hasn't already, spectacularly backfired.


These IPs have a good thing, so they make more of it, and more of it, but they aren't new things, they're the same old. They don't want to risk their audience becoming disengaged so they crank out as much as possible, and in general, it's not very good, and the not very good stuff tires fans and makes them jaded, so they miss what could be the gems among the dross. Yes, in my opinion. But I think it's a fairly accurate opinion - look at how much story this game cranked out with kotfe/kotet. Lots! But is it enjoyable? Maybe once or twice, but not over and over again. I liked Rogue One, but I don't want to see a prequel [i read the prequels. It was two books long and it was all unnecessary filler]. Would you like them to make another trilogy of Star Wars movie for 10, 11 and 12? After they did such a 'good job' with 7 and 8?


If they must make sci-fi / fantasy stuff [and imo they don't 'need' to], let it be something that's never been adapted, like Iain Bank's Culture novels, Alistair Reynold's Revelation Space series, John Scalzi's Old Man's War, Steven Brust's Dragaeran novels...something that lets them take risks on little known properties. Not just the same thing over and over. In my opinion.

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But don't you think that Marvel has oversaturated their audience base with these movies? As far as I understand it, their next project is to revamp the original movies they did - the ones that only aired ten years ago - and make new ones. Not continuations, but brand new ones. This baffles me. I think DC, and SW, are doing something similar, and it will, if it hasn't already, spectacularly backfired.


These IPs have a good thing, so they make more of it, and more of it, but they aren't new things, they're the same old. They don't want to risk their audience becoming disengaged so they crank out as much as possible, and in general, it's not very good, and the not very good stuff tires fans and makes them jaded, so they miss what could be the gems among the dross. Yes, in my opinion. But I think it's a fairly accurate opinion - look at how much story this game cranked out with kotfe/kotet. Lots! But is it enjoyable? Maybe once or twice, but not over and over again. I liked Rogue One, but I don't want to see a prequel [i read the prequels. It was two books long and it was all unnecessary filler]. Would you like them to make another trilogy of Star Wars movie for 10, 11 and 12? After they did such a 'good job' with 7 and 8?


If they must make sci-fi / fantasy stuff [and imo they don't 'need' to], let it be something that's never been adapted, like Iain Bank's Culture novels, Alistair Reynold's Revelation Space series, John Scalzi's Old Man's War, Steven Brust's Dragaeran novels...something that lets them take risks on little known properties. Not just the same thing over and over. In my opinion.


Uh, no, there are no plans to reboot any Marvel characters. So far as I am aware. Unless you are referring to the X-Men, but if that happened, it would only be because they are not contained within the continuity of the rest of the Marvel movies due to licensing issues (Fox had the rights, now Disney does) so logically they need to reboot a lot of the X-Men side of the franchise to make it work inside the current continuity. The main Marvel movies will be continuing on as normal.


And yup, I want 10, 11 and 12 if they make them. I'll watch. Betting more than a few million other people will too. You seem to be assuming that just because I am advocating for more movies they would all be the same, why? I'm not saying they should all follow the same people in the same time periods. Thats like saying all the Marvel movies are the same thing all the time just because they exist within the same world when their storytelling and settings vary widely across the movies, I mean Guardians of the Galaxy is also Star Wars-ish, a complete change in the usual settings of the franchise up to that point.


Why not show us some movies set thousands of years before/after the OT, before the rule of two, times like the one in the setting of this game, entirely new characters and stories, just set inside the same universe. Honestly doesn't even need to be Force related, as Rogue One/Solo (depending on your preference) showed, these movies can work fine with little to no force users.


And if your general point is that people get tired of franchises like this and want something fresh, I have to point out, not to labour on the Marvel movies comparison, but the box office sales for those recently don't seem to show any audience fatigue. And they have tons more films than SW does. Infinity War was MASSIVE this summer, one of their most successful, and what is it? Like the 15th-ish or something by now? Black Panther was even huger than that and it was just a movie or two previous. They churn 3 of these out a year at minimum and they all make very good money at the box office. And to me, that's the only real gauge of how popular a franchise is. How much money and interest can it continue to draw. Critic reviews and online opinions mean very little to me in comparison. People know what it is by now and they still go drop their money on it.

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