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Do you give your characters more than one outfit?


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SWtOR dolls? I always thought it was more like paper dolls, LOL.


Yes, on most characters, I choose an outfit for practically every occasion, and will spend enormous amount of time going through all the dyes to find the perfect match for each individual character. Even troopers need weather appropriate gear for Tatooine. Sometimes, my characters can be seen swapping into/out of piloting gear while around the spaceport.


Now if only the companions could have a variety of outfit slots to set up, that would be awesome, LOL

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I'd say my toons have an average of 4 outfits, as some might only have 2-3 and some have more. My main, heh, she's an IA and has like seven. But my toon that was most important for me to dress accordingly is Her Highnessness. Yes, I made her in honor of Carrie, two years ago. I transferred the credits over to her to unlock enough slots early on to make sure she had her classic ANH outfit with the hood up (Last Handmaiden & Atris' armor I think), and another version with no hood so the hair buns would be visible (Atris' and can't remember). I've been playing awhile so I've got the blue May 4th astromech to go with those outfits. I also have her Leia the Huttslayer outfit (dancer outfit), and a Kowakian monkeylizard to go with it. (Yes I like to coordinate pets with outfits sometimes, too.) My most satisfying outfit to piece together was a Hoth outfit, using an Outlander jacket I think and various armor pieces. What I'd love is to create an Endor-looking outfit, so I can go out and about in that with Treek, but I don't think the right chestpiece exists.


Since my main IA and my DvL sniper, every subsequent IA I've made has had the Red Blade armor to start out with on Hutta. Then they get an Imperial-looking uniform at Fleet. Have to be all official for their arrival at Dromund Kaas, after all. I do have one toon that basically has just one outfit: Angus MacGyver. Brown jacket, blue pants...and, uhm, whatever colored boots. It's all in the hair, after all. :D

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I used three different outfits on my main’s playthrough. I had a hoodless robe he wore from being a Lord all through being Darth Imperius. When he was released from carobonite, I changed it to wear the black colors had become white due to the carbon freezing. Once the Alliance became strong enough, he used the Eternal Commander set.
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I'm quite similar to you in that if I am a force user I will always spend the Tython/Korriban missions up until being named Apprentice/Jedi/Knight in the basic clothes sets you get for doing starter planet quests, then I will switch to what I like to think of as my "Novice" outfit, something customised but not TOO ostentatious for a mere Apprentice/etc/etc to be wearing.


For example my latest female JC is Togruta so I spent her first chapter modelling her look on Ahsoka Tano, I used Satele's tunic, pants, belt and boots and Xoxaan's bracers and gloves with the tunic dyed deep red/black, boots, bracers and gloves colour matched but leaving the pants standard as they are already black, ended up looking pretty good.


Once I become a Lord/Master I will always upgrade my character's look a little to reflect their new standing, I usually like to make what they wear stand out a little more at this point, and I also like to start wearing any face covering headgear I might want my character to wear as the climax of any force users chapter 1 usually includes a boss fight and I usually headcanon that my character got some injuries and started requiring their mask xD (Especially on Inquisitors as NPCs in story conversations DO comment on "your new finery" after becoming a Lord and Harkun talks about how you "scrub up well" so I like those comments to make sense by dressing up a little more)


I will also sometimes change a little bit at the conclusion of chapter 3 on Inqs/JCs after becoming a Council member, but sometimes the change is as little as a more unique lightsaber colour or a different dye colour variant of my previous outfit.


And my final change is usually once I become Alliance commander, I usually like to switch to predominately white clothing then to signify the alliance's neutral status (In the Imp/Rep war I mean) along with whatever outfit being something that significantly stands out to mark me as the Commander and not just another force user. If my toon is committed enough to the Alliance (Usually meaning they are a hard lightsider and not just in it to become the next Emperor) I'll also use a white saber crystal.


Non-force users are much less work for me xD I usually put together 2 outfits for them from the very beginning and they will alternate between them throughout the story.


Hunters usually get a Duster coat outfit with a bounty tracker hat and some Imperial coloured armored leggings/boots, and a Mandalorian full armored outfit with helmet.


Smugglers will get whatever I think looks cool in the moment, never have much set outfits for them


Agents will get a "Uniform" outfit for reporting back to DK or official business etc, and an undercover outfit for missions.


And Troopers will usually just have the Havoc Squad outfit, although I like to switch them to dyed white/gray Security Soldier (I think thats the name) torso on it once we come to the Alliance stuff then have them wear it when inside the base planning missions etc. because it looks like an officers lighter kind of uniform to me.


So yeah, I think an unreasonable amount about how my toons look throughout my class story playthroughs and beyond haha :p

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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I wish more Force user robes had it so that the headpiece was the hood, so you could hide it/wear it at will. It would really help with a lot of griefing over hoods. The Omniscient Master set that drops from the Tier IV Command Crates has a hood that can be equipped/unequipped/hidden, but the robes are very ornate and Sith in nature. I can't think of any Jedi looking robes that function similarly. (If you know of one, feel free to share. I do know about the light side armor that has a robe with a hood and a robe without, but that's different.)


Tangent somewhat, but an earlier comment mentioned equipping robes with a hood once becoming a Lord. Or I think that's how it went.

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I wish more Force user robes had it so that the headpiece was the hood, so you could hide it/wear it at will. It would really help with a lot of griefing over hoods. The Omniscient Master set that drops from the Tier IV Command Crates has a hood that can be equipped/unequipped/hidden, but the robes are very ornate and Sith in nature. I can't think of any Jedi looking robes that function similarly. (If you know of one, feel free to share. I do know about the light side armor that has a robe with a hood and a robe without, but that's different.)


Tangent somewhat, but an earlier comment mentioned equipping robes with a hood once becoming a Lord. Or I think that's how it went.


Well, Temple Guardian robes would be something I'd consider a Jedi variant of Omniscient Master, in that if you are Alien and cant wear the hood or wear a small headpiece to force the hood down, the general look of the back of the torso piece kind of looks like the hood is down, because of the way the robes naturally flow at the back of the neck area anyways. But it's not something you can manually equip. You need to actually force the hood down first. They definitely look a lot more natural with the hood down than most other robes imo

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Well, Temple Guardian robes would be something I'd consider a Jedi variant of Omniscient Master, in that if you are Alien and cant wear the hood or wear a small headpiece to force the hood down, the general look of the back of the torso piece kind of looks like the hood is down, because of the way the robes naturally flow at the back of the neck area anyways. But it's not something you can manually equip. You need to actually force the hood down first. They definitely look a lot more natural with the hood down than most other robes imo


Hmm. I do have the Temple Guardian armor set. I don't think I have it unlocked, but I have it. Thanks for the tip.

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I only use two outfits for my Cathar JC: Able Hunter and Skilled Hunter. Unfortunately, they’re set up differently as far as textures and dye patches so I can’t match them properly to essentially have just one outfit with hood up/down variants (that’s the only difference in the meshes)...
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Oh definitely. I always have one or two main outfits, and a Hoth outfit for sure. Usually a Tatooine outfit too. My agent has an Imperial uniform for returning to DK. A couple outfits for blending in. And when he started KOTFE/KOTET and after, he had a casual outfit for when he was at the Odessan base and a more armored outfit for battle or certain missions.
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I give my characters outfits that fit whatever occasion they're in. So for example my sith inquisitors start off wearing scrappy looking slave rags and get fancier and fancier outfits as they increase in rank, my agents have disguises for each of their undercover or discreet missions but imperial uniforms for the DK and non-undercover stuff, my consulars have sith outfits for that part in the story where they impersonate a sith on Nar Shaddaa, characters that don't have full coverage outfits already, get warm alternate outfits for Hoth, etc...I record all of my playthrough cutscenes though otherwise even I would find this too frivolous lol. Edited by Nefla
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