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Team ranked DIED.


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Negative feedback and constructive criticism are 2 seperate things and most of the "feedback" I see on these forums is anything but constructive or useful to the devs.


I am sorry you consider the content given to us as crap... but I for one absolutely do not believe the same. In my opinion we have received (most of the time) wonderful things that really made me enjoy the game. I may not have been here as long as you, but I'd like to think my 6 years of loyally playing this game counts for something.


Yes, they made bad decisions now and then, Galactic Command and the 5.10 gearing changes are 2 examples of that. But do people realise that this is not the final state that will stay forever? Galactic Command got criticised and subsequently changed. The same will be with the 5.10 gearing changes, I am convinced of that.


The game is not crap and has not given us crap. People forget all the times the devs DID listen to the players and only focus on the few times they didn't listen to player feedback. Sure, not having listened to the PTS feedback for 5.10 with gearing was a huge mistake, but that doesn't make the rest of that patch crap. We received a wonderful and amazing story where the devs listened to a majority of the playerbase asking for a return to Empire vs Republic. We got an amazing dailies area with fun quests and a beautiful environment. Sure, it's a pity the patch was so buggy, but even the devs are humans and deserve to enjoy their holidays in peace. They work tirelessly the rest of the year for us or have we forgotten all the times they worked on emergency patches in the weekends or their free days?


What you write is really crap. And no, devs here did really a small job: tonnes of buggs, gearing parts are locked to gear pieces, garbage rng, small content which i finished in twenty minutes. But whats more important with their increase in number of games needed for daily and weekly, lack of quests which could incentives queueing ranked just killed team ranked in the game lol. It just returned to pre-mats era where no one was playing it

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Are you blind or something? I quoted in my original post a few messages from pvp forum where people also complaining that tr became much dead since 5.10 + i wrote my personal experience on both sf and dm servers where my team queued for weeks and we only had a few fights. Maybe collect a team and try to queue yourself to see how bad is it. You will be lucky if at least one team will be in queue. You forum warriors know nothing about what is happening in the game because all you do is typing on forum. Gladly i came here to inform devs not you. If team ranked will fully die (and it is almost dead) i can only imagine how many pvp players will quit the game


Oh yes, you know everything about me and how I play the game just because I don't post as negatively as you. I am sorry that you have had a negative experience and the people whose messages you posted, but your experience or the few messages you quoted are anything but representative for the wider playerbase. It's the experiences of a handful of people, nothing more. So no, I am not blind, but I am not as selective in cherry picking opinions that suit my narrative.

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No, Bladech, you can stuff your thread. If you think you have any right to tell me what I can do or can't do, say or can't say, you are severely mistaken. I am not going to listen or react to your negativity. Edited by Ylliarus
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No, Bladech, you can stuff your thread. If you think you have any right to tell me what I can do or can't do, say or can't say, you are severely mistaken. I am not going to listen or react to your negativity.


I have suspicious you are not a ranked player. So iam asking - do you play team ranked? If yes you can either confirm that it became dead or that me and other pvp players who state that tr became pretty dead are wrong if not then you really cant say anything about it. Iam not a pve player so you will never see me writing in any threads about pve complaints which is fair since i know nothing about pve.

Edited by bladech
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I have suspicious you are not a ranked player. So iam asking - do you play team ranked? If yes you can either confirm that it became dead or that me and other pvp players who state that tr became pretty dead are wrong if not then you really cant say anything about it. Iam not a pve player so you will never see me writing in any threads about pve complaints which is fair since i know nothing about pve.


As I said, I am done responding to you and your negativity so I am not going to continue this. Surely you're going to think you're right atm, but I couldn't care less what you think or believe. Because I know you're far from the truth, but whatever I say will never reach or convince you anyway, so why should I bother trying to reason with you?

Edited by Ylliarus
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Players really dont care about whether tr was competetive or no with mat farmers BUT WE JUST WANT TO PLAY THIS CONTENT.


Well, it seems to me as if all you have now are all competitive players which are still there.


From this point of view, you'll just have to be happy what you have.


And to put it more cynically, the situation now is in my eyes merely the result of Ranked players' behaviour towards the plebs.

It's as if you bully someone and then wonder why no-one wants to play with you.

So, to me, it's just whining.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Remove ELO from ranked, it has never worked. Make it so rating is gained via wins. People have found every which way to cheat to gain ELO it has proven to be useless. At least this way, even an average player with some dedication and time invested will win rating in ranked which will appeal to the "plebs" to participate. If they want to add mats as rewards for ranked or TR, fine. Make them rely on wins though. I don't see the problem with this system if they did it.




50 wins = Bronze

100 wins = Silver

200 wins = Gold


To give the ranked players something to continue playing for after they reached 200 wins, they could grant comm medals for wins, and then set up vendors that sell new and past ranked rewards that the comms could be spent on. This would keep people engaed to play ranked/TR even after they achieved 200 wins.

Edited by Lhancelot
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So if someone doesn't play THAT specific piece of content then he has no right to say anything about the state of that feature. Kind of dumb doncha think.


People here have every right to do/say/play what they want and you being such a douche just makes most people just ignore ya'.

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Remove ELO from ranked, it has never worked. Make it so rating is gained via wins. People have found every which way to cheat to gain ELO it has proven to be useless. At least this way, even an average player with some dedication and time invested will win rating in ranked which will appeal to the "plebs" to participate. If they want to add mats as rewards for ranked or TR, fine. Make them rely on wins though. I don't see the problem with this system if they did it.




50 wins = Bronze

100 wins = Silver

200 wins = Gold


To give the ranked players something to continue playing for after they reached 200 wins, they could grant comm medals for wins, and then set up vendors that sell new and past ranked rewards that the comms could be spent on. This would keep people engaed to play ranked/TR even after they achieved 200 wins.


Seems a vast improvement over current system

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Oh I believe you without a second thought! It's just that I personally have been seeing the doomsayers for 6 years already, hence why I used that specific number :) but I am convinced that even the moment SWTOR was announced that there were people saying "the game is dead/dying".[/Quote]


Well, according to James Ohlen, the game pretty much did die right after launch. That's why it went F2P and added a cash shop so quickly. It was that or EA was going to shut it down. The sad thing is, they made major mistakes at launch and then repeated them on 4.x and 5.x. Not learning from past mistakes is an EA trait.


Do I think the game is still in its glory days? Nope, those days are long gone. Do I know that the playerbase has shrunk? Yes, I am very well aware of that. Do I think the game is dying? Absolutely kriffin' not. The playerbase may not have been what it used to be, we may have had server merges, but the game is nowhere near being dead. Did the dev team make bad decisions? Heck yeah they did, but what's done is done and saying that those decisions killed the game comes across as rather melodramatic.


Maybe, maybe not. SWTOR is still around because EA needs a Star Wars game that works. The day they don't want a SW MMO, SWTOR is done. It doesn't make enough money to be mentioned in reports anymore which isn't a good sign and hasn't been. So, are they shutting down tomorrow, no. The game will last as long as they want it and are willing to put up with lackluster performance to be able to say they have a SW MMO.


What people need to understand is that 5.10 wasn't the final patch, that the things they did with gearing for example isn't here to stay. The public outcry has been significant, just as big if not bigger than with Galactic Command. I bet you that after the Christmas holidays (yes, the devs are humans as well and need holidays too) they're going to work on fixing things to appease players again.


I doubt there will be a real fix. They will announce tweak after tweak to drag the grind out until 6, but just like GC< it will still be here and still be total garbage.


The server population after the merges is MORE than healthy from my experience. Warzones are popping within a minute, the same goes for groupfinder. GTN sales go just as fast as always and both Fleets are pleasantly busy and crowded. Both Charles Boyd and Eric Musco confirmed that what they see from their data, and they have far more data than any of us has, they can say the player population is currently healthy. And I believe them, because I'd rather trust those who have the hard data than the doomsayers with tinfoil hats repeating the same old arguments for the Force knows how long.


I'm not sure where you play, but I haven't experiences 1 minute queues in this game, ever and 5 minute queues are thing of the past. I don't even bother anymore, it isn't worth the time sitting around waiting.


I don't trust the dev comments on population at all. They have a vested interest in not admitting to any sort of problem (same for every game that's ever had or has population issues, it isn't just SWTOR.) Flat out observing population numbers is an accurate method of seeing trends in participation. You can see if population goes up or down and how it's trending. I'll leave the analysis to you, it isn't difficult.

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This thread highlights a couple of things I've found frustrating over the years in the forums. Namely, here, the OP gives some pretty objective feedback about sudden changes to the game that have affected an area the OP cares about (team ranked). In short order, the OP becomes branded a doomsayer and the entire thread is derailed. What's worse, on the fundamental issues -- as in the 99.96% of the most important part of the feedback -- EVERYONE is in agreement.


I won't quote the OP -- hopefully, if you're reading this, you've read that. But here is a later post that offers feedback that nearly everyone (who's being rational and looking at data) agrees with:


Couple mat farming change with awful gear grind, I am pretty sure it all adds up to less players queing for activities in general.


Had they focused on gameplay and content instead of adding a NEW stupid not-fun, redundant gear grind the state of the game would be better. They made this bed now must lay in it. RIP SWTOR.


This was a broad critique, not limited to ranked PvP, and one that recites much of the criticism there has been since the PTS. But here is the 0.03% (yes, by character count - I calculated it so admittedly it's a bit tongue in cheek:p) of the quote that's then later quoted:


in the following response:


Thankfully PvP isn't 100% of what SWTOR is or I'd be agreeing with you.

This may come as a shock, but plenty of people, including paying subscribers, find plenty of other things to do.


Remember, the quote actually said "activities in general" and was in no way limited to PvP, let alone team ranked PvP. Now, I will agree that the "RIP SWTOR" portion is "doomsaying" and is the portion that many people have a right to disagree with. But, in this case, that was merely a short "fill" rather than the main drumbeat.


A few posts later, now entirely addressing the "game is dead" strawman (which wasn't he point of the OP nor the quote above), comes this response (excerpting):




The server population after the merges is MORE than healthy from my experience. Warzones are popping within a minute, the same goes for groupfinder. GTN sales go just as fast as always and both Fleets are pleasantly busy and crowded. Both Charles Boyd and Eric Musco confirmed that what they see from their data, and they have far more data than any of us has, they can say the player population is currently healthy. And I believe them, because I'd rather trust those who have the hard data than the doomsayers with tinfoil hats repeating the same old arguments for the Force knows how long.


The above may be true -- but it doesn't address the OP. There are now at least two different arguments going on in the thread. So the OP responds (but note, they are now talking past one another because each is addressing a different argument):


Are you blind or something? I quoted in my original post a few messages from pvp forum where people also complaining that tr became much dead since 5.10 + i wrote my personal experience on both sf and dm servers where my team queued for weeks and we only had a few fights. Maybe collect a team and try to queue yourself to see how bad is it. You will be lucky if at least one team will be in queue. You forum warriors know nothing about what is happening in the game because all you do is typing on forum. Gladly i came here to inform devs not you. If team ranked will fully die (and it is almost dead) i can only imagine how many pvp players will quit the game


At this point, the conversation has devolved into personal stuff and the original, valid points are long buried. Any hope of the devs looking to this thread of useful feedback is gone because we can't really tell what the issue is anymore.


What's worse, there is general agreement, as I said above, on the sh**showness (it's a word;)) of many of the changes in 5.10 made by the devs. That is, the MOST IMPORTANT issue is that the "bad decisions" made by the devs (again) are causing needlessly negative consequences on the game. They need this feedback, and they've asked for it. OP provided some up front (before getting sidetracked and then off into personal stuff).


But look again at some of the other comments from Ylliarus and then back again at Lhancelot:



...Did the dev team make bad decisions? Heck yeah they did, but what's done is done and saying that those decisions killed the game comes across as rather melodramatic.



Yes, they made bad decisions now and then, Galactic Command and the 5.10 gearing changes are 2 examples of that. But do people realise that this is not the final state that will stay forever? Galactic Command got criticised and subsequently changed. The same will be with the 5.10 gearing changes, I am convinced of that.



Couple mat farming change with awful gear grind, I am pretty sure it all adds up to less players queing for activities in general.


Had they focused on gameplay and content instead of adding a NEW stupid not-fun, redundant gear grind the state of the game would be better. They made this bed now must lay in it. [sCRUBBED].


Bad decisions? Both agreed. Lhancelot lays some of them out. Others have too. Most of the playerbase agrees that there were bad (IMO inexplicably bad, but that's another topic) decisions made here. OP laid out some of the consequences. There is really no reason why this thread should have tanked into a doomsayer thread where there is this much agreement on the fundamentals and the only real dispute is over irrelevant, side issues that barely should have made their way into the thread...

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This thread highlights a couple of things I've found frustrating over the years in the forums. Namely, here, the OP gives some pretty objective feedback about sudden changes to the game that have affected an area the OP cares about (team ranked). In short order, the OP becomes branded a doomsayer and the entire thread is derailed. What's worse, on the fundamental issues -- as in the 99.96% of the most important part of the feedback -- EVERYONE is in agreement.


I won't quote the OP -- hopefully, if you're reading this, you've read that. But here is a later post that offers feedback that nearly everyone (who's being rational and looking at data) agrees with:




This was a broad critique, not limited to ranked PvP, and one that recites much of the criticism there has been since the PTS. But here is the 0.03% (yes, by character count - I calculated it so admittedly it's a bit tongue in cheek:p) of the quote that's then later quoted:


in the following response:




Remember, the quote actually said "activities in general" and was in no way limited to PvP, let alone team ranked PvP. Now, I will agree that the "RIP SWTOR" portion is "doomsaying" and is the portion that many people have a right to disagree with. But, in this case, that was merely a short "fill" rather than the main drumbeat.


A few posts later, now entirely addressing the "game is dead" strawman (which wasn't he point of the OP nor the quote above), comes this response (excerpting):




The above may be true -- but it doesn't address the OP. There are now at least two different arguments going on in the thread. So the OP responds (but note, they are now talking past one another because each is addressing a different argument):




At this point, the conversation has devolved into personal stuff and the original, valid points are long buried. Any hope of the devs looking to this thread of useful feedback is gone because we can't really tell what the issue is anymore.


What's worse, there is general agreement, as I said above, on the sh**showness (it's a word;)) of many of the changes in 5.10 made by the devs. That is, the MOST IMPORTANT issue is that the "bad decisions" made by the devs (again) are causing needlessly negative consequences on the game. They need this feedback, and they've asked for it. OP provided some up front (before getting sidetracked and then off into personal stuff).


But look again at some of the other comments from Ylliarus and then back again at Lhancelot:








Bad decisions? Both agreed. Lhancelot lays some of them out. Others have too. Most of the playerbase agrees that there were bad (IMO inexplicably bad, but that's another topic) decisions made here. OP laid out some of the consequences. There is really no reason why this thread should have tanked into a doomsayer thread where there is this much agreement on the fundamentals and the only real dispute is over irrelevant, side issues that barely should have made their way into the thread...


I only add that line in my sig to trigger the knights tbh. It's purely hyperbolic and you probably get that. ;)


Obviously the game can go on for years to come, but that doesn't mark it as a glowing success.


I'd say more people are unhappy with the direction the game has gone since launch than are happy. If true, that's not a success, that's just existing in spite.


I mean let's be honest, the numbers do not lie. Population takes hit after hit after they add "exciting" new changes like, changes to conquest, or changes to gearing, etc. They constantly break things that are not broken, then add broken things that make the game less enjoyable.


Almost all of it met with feedback, a constant stream of well-written and well-thought out posts on their changes that never seem to reach the devs. The changes are pointed out as bad, and SWTOR only doubles down on said bad choices for the game.


Whether it's incompetence, lack of funds, apathy, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the affect these bad choices have had on the game.

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As I said, I am done responding to you and your negativity so I am not going to continue this. Surely you're going to think you're right atm, but I couldn't care less what you think or believe. Because I know you're far from the truth, but whatever I say will never reach or convince you anyway, so why should I bother trying to reason with you?


I consider this as you DIDNT play team ranked which means you actually CANT state anything about the issue. If you dont know what is happening in team ranked atm why do you write about its state? Pls keep your comments for issues you actually know about

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Well, it seems to me as if all you have now are all competitive players which are still there.


From this point of view, you'll just have to be happy what you have.


And to put it more cynically, the situation now is in my eyes merely the result of Ranked players' behaviour towards the plebs.

It's as if you bully someone and then wonder why no-one wants to play with you.

So, to me, it's just whining.


Wrong. Competitive players also getting no pops because after mat farmers disappeared, mediocre players also stopped queueing and there are not enough "competetive players" to keep tr alive so it just became a dead field. Sure sometimes competitive teams are still queueing but they do 1-2 games and then a team which looses stops queueing because they don't want to loose elo. All this results into dead tr.

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Wrong. Competitive players also getting no pops because after mat farmers disappeared, mediocre players also stopped queueing and there are not enough "competetive players" to keep tr alive so it just became a dead field. Sure sometimes competitive teams are still queueing but they do 1-2 games and then a team which looses stops queueing because they don't want to loose elo. All this results into dead tr.


Honestly Bladech, I wouldn't be surprised if many of the past TR players quit or are taking breaks atm. I do not see any of the past TR players showing any activity on these forums now.


I know offhand a couple personally who actually are on WOW atm. Not sure if that indicates what the others are doing but it wouldn't surprise me that others simply are taking a break and playing other games atm.


The state of PVP on this game is stale, old, worn out thanks to no change in the meta of the power structure of the classes AND the gear grind hasn't made the game more appealing to play.


What's really needed is a change in class gameplay and a change in the power paradigm, the same classes have been wet noodles for far too long and the OP classes have been OP'd for far too long.

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Honestly Bladech, I wouldn't be surprised if many of the past TR players quit or are taking breaks atm. I do not see any of the past TR players showing any activity on these forums now.


I know offhand a couple personally who actually are on WOW atm. Not sure if that indicates what the others are doing but it wouldn't surprise me that others simply are taking a break and playing other games atm.


The state of PVP on this game is stale, old, worn out thanks to no change in the meta of the power structure of the classes AND the gear grind hasn't made the game more appealing to play.


What's really needed is a change in class gameplay and a change in the power paradigm, the same classes have been wet noodles for far too long and the OP classes have been OP'd for far too long.


You highlight overall problem with old tr players quitting the game but even with former players quitting swtor until 5.10 appeared tr was alive. Mat farmers allowed decent, mediocre players to queue and get some skill and coordination while high rated teams were getting pops against those decent teams who managed to get up to 1500-1700 thanks to mat farmers. WITHOUT mat farmers decent/mediocre teams getting no pops unless a few decent teams queueing at the same time which is happening rare because they mostly queue at different time. This leads to death of middle-rated teams which, therefore causes no pops for top rated teams.


Overall, death of mat farming caused a chain of consequences which in the end killed tr overall... Tr in swtor was like an animal food chain: Top teams (2k + elo) > skilled teams (1700-1900 elo) > decent/mediocre teams (1400-1700 elo) > mat farmers. Removing top teams from this chain wouldn't cause any problems for tr (it is like removing roof from the house but this house will still stand and wont disappear). but removing the first two groups (mat farmers and decent/mediocre teams) is crucial for the whole system and it is like removing base (foundation, groundwork) which destroys the whole structure.


With new update devs only proved that they HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MANAGE AND REGULATE DIFFERENT CONTENT IN THEIR OWN GAME . iam scared to think what next they will destroy in swtor..flash points? Operations? We can only guess.

Edited by bladech
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With new update devs only proved that they HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MANAGE AND REGULATE DIFFERENT CONTENT IN THEIR OWN GAME . iam scared to think what next they will destroy in swtor..flash points? Operations? We can only guess.


It's something to wonder. I actually wrote something similar to this awhile back, basically pointing out they ruined gearing, they then ruined conquest, exactly what would be next? PVE? Storymode?


It's almost as if they take the worst possible ideas to use for game design and push them into the game. Zero thought as to what reaction will occur from the cause they implement.

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Problem is, with the new win/lose ratio EA apply on the new update, discourage a large amount of players to grab a team and do trs.Now only high ranked voice bla bla players que ..and there no teams! Who want to do 50 loses ? No one. Reason I know few folks left already , even if sub still running.They just gone disappointed and they are right . There no rewards for doing tr anymore , and for casual pvp players , this is bad, because there people who have max 2-3 or maybe 4 hours per day to play and no time to do the s**t contest on Ossus.

How many times someone will farm Ossus ? 1 month ? two? I doubt will be more, then they will stop play as well and servers will taste the 4rth mass exodus of remaining loyal players.

And after that happens, all pve farmers will cry on the fleets ' game is dead why people stop' ...

The answer is this :

NO MMO game can survive with only PvP or only PvE...both communities needed and devs must balance things because is already late ...there is no tomorrow or fix in 2-3 months ..servers will have half population.

Can't be anymore server merge ..already the game suffered 2 merges ..that say everything how game fade out .

There is no comparison between 7 years ago with now ..if someone play all these years will understand what I am saying.

You can't compare 32 servers with 4 per region ..and Asia had its own if I remember correct.

I'll say only this stats

2011 same day ...TOFN server : Waiting 1 hour and 43 min to log to the server when log, imp fleet 6 instances rep fleet 4

2018 same day....DM server : Imp fleet 4 instances, rep fleet 3

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Problem is, with the new win/lose ratio EA apply on the new update, discourage a large amount of players to grab a team and do trs.Now only high ranked voice bla bla players que ..and there no teams! Who want to do 50 loses ? No one. Reason I know few folks left already , even if sub still running.They just gone disappointed and they are right . There no rewards for doing tr anymore , and for casual pvp players , this is bad, because there people who have max 2-3 or maybe 4 hours per day to play and no time to do the s**t contest on Ossus.

How many times someone will farm Ossus ? 1 month ? two? I doubt will be more, then they will stop play as well and servers will taste the 4rth mass exodus of remaining loyal players.

And after that happens, all pve farmers will cry on the fleets ' game is dead why people stop' ...

The answer is this :

NO MMO game can survive with only PvP or only PvE...both communities needed and devs must balance things because is already late ...there is no tomorrow or fix in 2-3 months ..servers will have half population.

Can't be anymore server merge ..already the game suffered 2 merges ..that say everything how game fade out .

There is no comparison between 7 years ago with now ..if someone play all these years will understand what I am saying.

You can't compare 32 servers with 4 per region ..and Asia had its own if I remember correct.

I'll say only this stats

2011 same day ...TOFN server : Waiting 1 hour and 43 min to log to the server when log, imp fleet 6 instances rep fleet 4

2018 same day....DM server : Imp fleet 4 instances, rep fleet 3


Yet they continue to provide more updates which killing content. They provided uprisings which was dead from very start, they changed quests for weekly tr and didnt provide any new quests on ossus which could incentives players queuing tr. Each of their updates causes terrible consequences which results in death pf certain contents

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what did you expect with the rewards being so Scrooge-ly miserly for the amount of work needed?


If you had one ounce of PvE in you, it's easier to do the two Ossus WB for similar payout - - which only takes 20 mins or so. - You'd hardly get 2-3 matches completed on a busy night for that- which on a good night might get you 10-15 of the 50 required for the weekly. - And you're still only a tiny fraction of the way toward BiS gear - which you can't min/max at the end.


BioWare at its finest.

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Then let it die, Oh sorry no need, it's already dead in which case it be pointless for BW to spend any more time or money on it.


I was on at 3am last night on Ossus and there were enough players even at that time for players to do the flesh and steel quest. So there is still a player base. Clearly not enough interested in PvP if its dead. It has nothing to do with rewards either. I play story and get zero rewards as any equipment I get is already many levels below my characters level. I do story because that's what I enjoy. If the player base enjoyed PvP so much, they would do it because that's what they enjoy. If not then clearly not enough enjoy it. In which case time for BW to cut it from the game. However after a few more weeks I do expect some players on Ossus to return to what they were doing before 5.10 and yes some will return to PvP. Since these thread predate 5.10 though clearly PvP's days are numbered. I for one won't be sorry to see that day come.


I also agree with what a few others have said, I have been hearing this "the game is dead" solely because some don't get pops for PvP. yet game is still here after 7 years. Many other games are not and did not last this long. Any game year on year will have a shrinkage in player numbers. This game is no different, yes one day this game will end. "All good things" as they say.

Edited by TalleraLane
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Then let it die, Oh sorry no need, it's already dead in which case it be pointless for BW to spend any more time or money on it.


I was on at 3am last night on Ossus and there were enough players even at that time for players to do the flesh and steel quest. So there is still a player base. Clearly not enough interested in PvP if its dead. It has nothing to do with rewards either. I play story and get zero rewards as any equipment I get is already many levels below my characters level. I do story because that's what I enjoy. If the player base enjoyed PvP so much, they would do it because that's what they enjoy. If not then clearly not enough enjoy it. In which case time for BW to cut it from the game. However after a few more weeks I do expect some players on Ossus to return to what they were doing before 5.10 and yes some will return to PvP. Since these thread predate 5.10 though clearly PvP's days are numbered. I for one won't be sorry to see that day come.


I also agree with what a few others have said, I have been hearing this "the game is dead" solely because some don't get pops for PvP. yet game is still here after 7 years. Many other games are not and did not last this long. Any game year on year will have a shrinkage in player numbers. This game is no different, yes one day this game will end. "All good things" as they say.


I was on at what would have been roughly the same time for the USA and there was 43 people on Taris. Guess they've just gone off to do other stuff again.

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I was on at what would have been roughly the same time for the USA and there was 43 people on Taris. Guess they've just gone off to do other stuff again.


This is true for the most part. I tend to also find (Ossus aside for now) that other planets have more players on if its part of conquest. I fully expect should BW bring out new PvP WZ maps, WZ's will again for the short term get more players as Ossus has now, being relatively new. This however is not a fix for the issue as same as last time within a week they will be back here complaining. I do find though that players like the OP coming to complain about lack of PvP says two things. 1. There is still a large player base so that tells me there's not enough interest in PvP any more. 2. This also tells BW that its now pointless spending funds on PvP. Relatively speaking there's not even that much support in this thread for it, some yes, a lot? Not really. This is not the first thread about it in the last week or two, but look who has posted in the other thread, almost the same players both for or against as this one.


BW will eventually do something about it but don't those for one second complaining about assume what they do will help them. These were the same players asking, sorry correction DEMANDING server mergers saying this would fix there issue and damn everyone else. Well in the end they got there way and the very next day who was complaining? That's right the same players. Same players are still singing the same tune now. Well that just really confirms it that PvP is not played by enough players, certainly not in my opinion.

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Thank your wise masters (plz read in Dani voice) at Bioware. I can't even participate in ranked thanks to the genius decision to remove Harbinger and replace it with the train-wreck that is satele shan. Our guild was international in nature and it just dissolved thanks to it being unplayable thanks to unbearable lag. I'm the last one left thanks to my high tolerance for bull****. Pre 5.5 we had enough numbers for two teams at once.
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