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Does every planet have a bonus series?


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I have done bonus series on Taris, Tattooine, and Nar Shaddaa. I like doing these series because it really wraps up the whole planet story and gives it some closure.


Furthermore, these quest normally sends you to parts of the planet that the the class and general planet quest did not send you. Often, these areas not only have quest that pertains to the bonus series, but also a scattered amount of other side quest that deal with that area of the planet, as well as 1 or 2 new heroics!


By the time I finish these bonus series I really feel like I did some good to the planet and that I can feel comfortable moving on.


However, is this something that ALL planets have? Or only some of them? Also, I noticed that Tatooine and Taris bonus quest [Republic] were given to me as I was leaving the planet, in the spaceport to be exact so I couldn't miss them. But the Nar Shaddaa bonus quest was sort of hidden, it was given to me by some lady on the Republic fleet. By the time I saw her and recieved the quest, I was like 7 levels over leveled for the quest. I did them anyways, but I didn't recieve any XP from them because I was so out leveled.


Now I am on Balmorra for the Republic and I just want to know if there are bonus quest for all planets going forward [same for Empire] and if so, how do I normally find them? Are they normally like Taris and Tattooine where you find them in the spaceport? Or are they in weird locations like the lady on the Republic fleet telling me to go back to Nar Shaddaa? I just do not want to run into another situation like Nar Shaddaa in that by the time I receive the quest, I am probably way too out leveled for it and will not receive any XP.

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Where is this lady? I just finished Nar Shadda and want to do the planet Bonus series. I ran all over the fleet with my map open. The only mission givers I saw were for flashpoints, etc.


Some bonus missions begin on the Fleet. Others begin when you reach that specific planet's spaceport. I'm not sure if all planets have a bonus series, though.

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Some bonus missions begin on the Fleet. Others begin when you reach that specific planet's spaceport. I'm not sure if all planets have a bonus series, though.


Some Bonus series are given at later levels aswell, Nar Shaddaa is 31 i believe.

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So nobody can confirm/deny that all planets [except for origin/capital worlds] have a bonus series?




Where is this lady? I just finished Nar Shadda and want to do the planet Bonus series. I ran all over the fleet with my map open. The only mission givers I saw were for flashpoints, etc.


If I remember correctly, I got an mail from someone telling me that things are getting nasty on Nar Shaddaa and that I should go back there and speak with someone to aid them.

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I know balmorra does since I got it as I was leaving the planet but didn't start on it.


I assume alderaan does since I ran into an area that had level 40 mobs instead of low 30s or whatever the main quest line has.


Not sure if Quesh does since the planet is pretty small.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I got them as well. I think it was a Twi' lek female gave me them.


There's others on Alderaan at level 40, picked up on carrick station also, a republiv trooper gives them to you. the otherplanets I got while still on the planet, in the spaceport.


I was begining to think I just imagined them!

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You can actually pick up the Nar Shaddaa bonus series as you are leavin the planet, but you yhave to be heavily overleveled when you finish it as it requires a fairly high level for the planet to pick it up.


I think the planets that I have not seen a bonus series for are starter worlds, capitol worlds, Quesh, Corelia, and Ilum. I'm fairly certain Ilum, the starter planets, and capitol planets doesn't have one, but for the others it could either be me missing them or them not existing.


Note: You have to finish your entire class story before you can do the Belsavis bonus series.

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According to torhead (which admittedly may not be completely accurate), only the following planets have a bonus series:





Nar Shaddaa





This matches up with what I have seen in the game.

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