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why nerf a 3dps class


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NO WAY ...complaints about nerfs on warriors..SRSLY...ok how about trying out the NERF on MERCS and SNIPERS and SORCS ....When you are at the bottom of the trash bin THEN Snivel and WHINE until then ..be happy you can destroy everyone and everything oh...and get into every raid available..because hey someone somewhere thought that only Warriors, and Jugs should be able to do OPS forget HEALS ...you don't need any because THEY NERFED those to the hades and beyond as well!
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Snipers and Mercs are perfectly fine, some would even argue they are even better than Warriors, Sorcs are bad but that has at least been quite consistent since launch so I don't really mind. I think you might need to do some more research on classes and their DPS potential Iceslasher. Edited by RikuvonDrake
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I'm rolling in HERE... To say...



Please NEVER call a Dmg dealer only class a "Three Dmg class."

Just CALL IT a Dmg only class.


Otherwise, add more information...

3 dmg spec class... (NEVER A "3 DMG CLASS)

Edited by Phelnis
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ok, i see the problem now.

you are following these dulfy/vulkk guides and their rotation.


ever thought about adjusting the rotation just a lil bit, so you always got "ranged" attacks after obliterate? thought so...

you can swap skills within the rotation so theres always a force scream or raging burst after obliterate to use as gap closer, without breaking the ressoource management. only problem is, you gotta start and keep this "new" sequence for the whole fight. first problem solved.


second problem isnt realy a problem. if there is no priority system, you dont have to follow it. in contrast to DoT specs you dont have to reapply your DoTs to hold them on cooldown. you can use any ability at any time, as long as you use them once (twiche for raging burst etc.) in a sequence. and theres no such fight that has a tiny window where it would only allow you to get 2 or 3 GCDs in.


futher more, obliterate gives you an additional gap closer without losing dps, no other melee class can do that (since shadow step got suffered from the GCD nerf recently). so there are atleast the same amount of pros as cons for obliterate. theres exactly one fight where fury is realy bad, thats revan, cuz you get punished for cahrging at the core. you can compensate the relocation of obliterate in every other fight, if played correctly.


if we are talking about fights like brontes where you suffer from multiple knockbacks reducing your uptime, thats a problem for EVERY class, not just fury. so no valid point here.




HM Ops:

Mono- Anni


Malaphar - Anni

Walkers - Fury

Underluker - Anni

Rev Commanders - Anni

Revan - Anni


Sparky - Anni

Bulo - Anni

Torch - Anni

Master & Blaster - Anni

Cora - Fury


Nim Ops



Both can be better at to bosses i think



Horror - Anni

Dread Guards - Anni

Operator - if you wanna risk relocation in color phase fury

kephess - tie of all three

Terror - tie



dahsroode - anni

titan 6 - anni

thrasher - tie

operation chief- carnage

olok - irrelevant boring fight

cartel warlords - anni

styrak - carnage/anni

hateful - anni



nefra - fury

draxus - anni

grobthok - anni

corrupter - anni

brontes - anni



bestia - anno

tyrans - anni

calphy - anni

raptus - fury

council - anni


gods mm

tyth - anni

a&e - anni

nahut - anni

scyva - anni

izax - (not seen yet on pts but asuming hardmode) - anni

Edited by ultimarb
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First every Spec works for everything imo, but Fury in Tyrans and Revan and maybe a couple more can be painfull to say the least, every other boss fury works ok but with the obvious problems associated with obliterate.


Pvp fury its great for dealing damage due to some class abilities coupled with some spec abilities. Like root breaker on a very short cooldown that is also a 10m leap thats its also a 1s root, an ability thats slows targets until a 5% slow and that fits perfectly with your burst and ofc a short cd recurrent 6s cc imunity that its very hard to check for oponents. That coupled with very high sustained damage a braindead short rotation, since apart from 1 ability, all of other rotational abilities can potentialy do 15k or more hits. But all mara specs are strong, carnage have more burst and anni ofc have better aoe damage.


Pve and only checking current last Nim bosses and current gear.


Council, Fury works fine depending what you are doing but reaches phase might be better with with other classes also anni will do better parse in burn.


Brontes, Fury will do better in Burn imo.


TfB, Fury will do better imo..


Kephess, its a bit irrelevant but from challenges imo fury will do better imo.


Styrak, Fury its better.


For the new Operation for obvious reasons Anni seems better in every boss tbh.


With that said, all 3 specs work for every boss and they do just fine..like if you want to play only 1 spec you can make it work for every boss in Nim without much effort.


Note, Fury doesnt do so well when you dont have armor debuff class in your group...lets say you have to choose from having armor debuff or playing fury..in that case its better to play carnage just for that, if in that case you choose to play fury, fury will do same sustained single target damage as carnage or even less and anni will do more, so seems optimal in that case to play carnage since you will also benefit more your group members.


As for fury rotational problems, ofc theres an optimal rotation but fury doesnt really have one tbh..thats also what makes Fury a good sustained damage class in pvp. You can do your rotation optimal as you should but if it breaks you can just hit whatever and as long as the procs are there basically keeping to reduce cooldown of major abilities and make sure you use raging burst before furious and built stacks a same rate class does always the same sustained damage or very close to optimal sustained damage. Its basically what the experts say......a brainded class.


As for fluff or aoe bosses anni will do better..but heh in current Nim operation every other melle dot spec potentially can do more than anni in that case.


Also just for parsing warriors, carnage before the rework BW made to the spec did basicaly the same damage in dummys that fury does now...tho Carnage for many reasons that i will not explain was an OP spec, current Fury as many said before, its not an OP spec for pve, but its good overall.


But eh current Pve balance is pretty much irrelevant imo, maybe will be relevant when the Gods MM will be live, after that from the current knowlodge i have, and its not much tbh, seems clear which classes and specs will be more Optimal.


Maybe that would be a good Thread to make, ask people that are good players and that are playing on PTS. Instead of this idiotic and recurrent threads.

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They should100% shouldn't nerf Sentinel/Marauder.

Good work Bioware. I like to bite my toenails

No one plays Watchman or Combat because they aren't very good after being over nerfed because kiddos couldn't handle a class with 3 viable specs for PVP.

Please explain what you mean by... "No one"?

You saying Watchman and Combat are no longer popular... I know from the very start of the game(release of SW:TOR)... Combat was never popular. Watchman was a favourite to MOST people.

Both Watchman and Focus(Concentration) were equally chosen/popular.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i been here since 1.0. maybe 1 class deserve a damage nerf that was operatives. the problem isn't fury or any other spec. it's like this bioware can fix a class. but they can't fix a bad player. in the end it comes down to the player skill. especially warzone's are bolstered to 252. right now pvp is about even as it will get. of course nothing is perfect.


until people get there full 258 gear then pvp is about balance with all classes. somebody said earlier fix the problems now. then look at other classes if there is a issue. messing with fury is just stupid. 99% of this game nerfs came from bad players who didn't know how to counter the spec or learn to beat it.


that isn't anybody else fault except the player getting beat. everybody can't win. no matter what the garbage people say on T.V. even if they magically fix fury. then the same bad players will find another spec to cry about. this is a vicious cycle with all games almost.


lastly, i blame Bioware for listening to people who didn't want to put the effort in to get better. since they lost to fury mara well the class need to be nerf. as that gonna solve the problem of them sucking at the game.

Edited by Xertasian
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  • 1 month later...
Sentinel, Marauder, Gunslinger, and Sniper definitely do deserve to consistently outperform all other classes in terms of damage because they are DPS-only classes, and they don't exactly have very good means to heal themselves in the midst of battle, with the exception of Annihilation/Watchman. Sentinels and Marauders even have the means to cleanse themselves with Force Camouflage, but they also have to activate the Expunging Camouflage Utility Point in order to utilize it. To be honest, that shouldn't be a utility, it should just be given to Sentinels/Marauders as a normal passive ability, or modify the ability itself to contain the said mechanic, because it is that good of a perk. Even with Expunging Camouflage, it isn't perfect. I'll get into that in a different thread, though, which will be under Bug Report.
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