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Feedback: Can we have a solo story for Gods of machines with combat support droids.


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Can we have a solo story for Gods of machines with combat support droids. Gods of machines are OP mission so it be my character and companion and 6 combat support droids for make a total 8 in a group. Uprising Flash point mission so it be my character and my companion and 2 combat support. Could you add that option please.
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Either a solo version or let ua finally drop the op from our logs.


It's been quite awhile since I played Iokath but I just abandoned the Gods of the Machine quest in the quest log. Or was it the lead in quest? Can't remember now. Whatever the case I knew I was getting close to the op and as I'm a soloer I had no desire/interest to play it so just hit 'abandon' in the quest log and it went away :D

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It's been quite awhile since I played Iokath but I just abandoned the Gods of the Machine quest in the quest log. Or was it the lead in quest? Can't remember now. Whatever the case I knew I was getting close to the op and as I'm a soloer I had no desire/interest to play it so just hit 'abandon' in the quest log and it went away :D


All of my toons who went through the traitor story are still plagued with it and cannot abandon. :(

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Can we have a solo story for Gods of machines with combat support droids. Gods of machines are OP mission so it be my character and companion and 6 combat support droids for make a total 8 in a group. Uprising Flash point mission so it be my character and my companion and 2 combat support. Could you add that option please.


I hope not since I consider this idea absurd^1000, for any OP, and in a MMO.

Edited by Khaleg
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It isn't a bug - they made it unabandonable. If you finish all of thr story pieces of Iokath it ends up squatting in your mission log forever.


Just team up with 7 other lads and the quest will vanish from your mission log forever.

you could have fun though...:rak_01:

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Just team up with 7 other lads and the quest will vanish from your mission log forever.

you could have fun though...:rak_01:


1. I am not a lad.

2. Eating glass is more appealing to me than running an op. I will never ever run one. Period. Not open to debate. So either they will eventually let ua drop it or it will ne in my log forever.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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1. I am not a lad.

2. Eating glass is more appealing to me than running an op. I will never ever run one. Period. Not open to debate. So either they will eventually let ua drop it or it will ne in my log forever.


Stop complaining then. There's an option for you to get rid of the quest and you don't want to do it. The devs don't have to bend to your will. You don't want to do a certain type of content ? That's fine, but stop asking for the game to be made your way just because you don't want to do it in the game's way.

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Stop complaining then. There's an option for you to get rid of the quest and you don't want to do it. The devs don't have to bend to your will. You don't want to do a certain type of content ? That's fine, but stop asking for the game to be made your way just because you don't want to do it in the game's way.


Nope. You don't get to dictate what people voice their opinions about. I will complain about whatever I please and if you dont like it, tough. And asking to be able to abandon a quest like 98% of the other quests in the game is hardly unreasonable.

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No, not that. I don't care for that.

For that


Then maybe it would be helpful if you'd actually read what people are asking for before calling them names. Bet if you do, Santa will bring you lots of toys this year. I said several times that's all I wanted.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I hope not since I consider this idea absurd^1000, for any OP, and in a MMO.


We can have both Player solo group with their own companions or combat support droids and still have player group. This just only player group thing while others can't get in to play is a joke. No wonder servers die and people are not going to wait in limbo to make a group with other players. Why not have both Player solo group with their own companions or combat support droids and still have player group. This will may bring better subscribe growth.

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Sure you can abandon the quest for all I care. But here you're complaining for something you have a solution to. You don't want to do it ? Then you have no right to complain. It's like complaining that your place is dirty when you don't want to clean it.

And I'm not dictating what your voicing your opinion about. I'm just pointing out you're being an entitled brat by doing so.


He is right and you can't dictate. Wanted the game growth keep growing and you have people for both player group with companions or support droids while the game still have player group. The way to stop you asking for server merge.

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Then maybe it would be helpful if you'd actually read what people are asking for before calling them names. Bet if you do, Santa will bring you lots of toys this year. I said several times that's all I wanted.


Can't be clearer than that to me


Can we have a solo story for Gods of machines with combat support droids(...)




He is right and you can't dictate. Wanted the game growth keep growing and you have people for both player group with companions or support droids while the game still have player group. The way to stop you asking for server merge.


My question still stands though. Why do you play an MMO if you don't want to play with people ? And the game's population is far from growing, it even is shrinking because of lack of group content.

Making group content solo is being in the total opposite direction of the philosophy of an MMO.

If you want the quest to be gone or just "experience the story" as I've seen said (spoiler alert, there's no real story in ops), just group once to do it then never do it again. Nothing is stopping you from doing it except yourself.

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Stop complaining then. There's an option for you to get rid of the quest and you don't want to do it. The devs don't have to bend to your will. You don't want to do a certain type of content ? That's fine, but stop asking for the game to be made your way just because you don't want to do it in the game's way.


Exactly, there is such an extreme pitiful and ignorant attitude behind this,

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Can't be clearer than that to me








My question still stands though. Why do you play an MMO if you don't want to play with people ? And the game's population is far from growing, it even is shrinking because of lack of group content.

Making group content solo is being in the total opposite direction of the philosophy of an MMO.

If you want the quest to be gone or just "experience the story" as I've seen said (spoiler alert, there's no real story in ops), just group once to do it then never do it again. Nothing is stopping you from doing it except yourself.


I experience playing with player group before and don't ask me why. Our companions are people also and what I think is you are not in the right direction to listen. Player group is not going to happen in every minute and not going to wait next day, next week, next month. Don't expect players to join your group even you send group request all over your server under your chat for social skills. Players busy with their game experience not interested to group with you because they play player group before. Busy schedule issue also and you can't expect them log-in on time for you. Player group is custom is rare as always for events with friends not going to happen every minute. I am open for player solo group companions. I like make friends with my companions and their the greatest.

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I experience playing with player group before and don't ask me why.


I won't ask you why...I guess ?


Our companions are people


No, they are a bunch of pixels and a few hundreds line of code


also and what I think is you are not in the right direction to listen. Player group is not going to happen in every minute and not going to wait next day, next week, next month.


It indeed happens all the time. Just sit for 10' on the fleet and you'll see the amount of people looking for people to group with


Don't expect players to join your group even you send group request all over your server under your chat for social skills.


People answer to you when you look for people on the fleet. Do not randomly invite people however, that's not how it works.


Players busy with their game experience not interested to group with you because they play player group before.


And for each player not wanting to play group content there's at least one wanting to play group content. Do you ever read general chat ?


Busy schedule issue also and you can't expect them log-in on time for you.


In fact you can. I raid every tuesday, thursday and sunday a 9pm gmt+2 with the same people.


Player group is custom is rare as always for events with friends not going to happen every minute.


On top of my fixed raid days, I often pug SM ops through group finder with group I find on fleet or even group I form myself.


I am open for player solo group companions. I like make friends with my companions and their the greatest.


What you do with your companion is your business and I'm glad you have developped attachement with them, I personally love Qyzen and Xalek. But group content is group content and solo content is solo content. If you want to do group content you group with actual real people. If you don't want to do that then you don't do group content and you stop whining because nobody stops you of doing so, only yourself.

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I won't ask you why...I guess ?




No, they are a bunch of pixels and a few hundreds line of code




It indeed happens all the time. Just sit for 10' on the fleet and you'll see the amount of people looking for people to group with




People answer to you when you look for people on the fleet. Do not randomly invite people however, that's not how it works.




And for each player not wanting to play group content there's at least one wanting to play group content. Do you ever read general chat ?




In fact you can. I raid every tuesday, thursday and sunday a 9pm gmt+2 with the same people.




On top of my fixed raid days, I often pug SM ops through group finder with group I find on fleet or even group I form myself.




What you do with your companion is your business and I'm glad you have developped attachement with them, I personally love Qyzen and Xalek. But group content is group content and solo content is solo content. If you want to do group content you group with actual real people. If you don't want to do that then you don't do group content and you stop whining because nobody stops you of doing so, only yourself.


This is why we are here for make our game better or let it fallen like your sister game like SWG that went fallen. Next time at 3rd time in the future MMO like these last two and they will be in jail


Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul

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Stop complaining then. There's an option for you to get rid of the quest and you don't want to do it. The devs don't have to bend to your will. You don't want to do a certain type of content ? That's fine, but stop asking for the game to be made your way just because you don't want to do it in the game's way.


All she asked for was a way to disable the quest or solo it but all she really wanted was a way to disable the quest. That is not a big deal to have this quest removed.

Edited by casirabit
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The point of the game is to enjoy it. Were the Knights expansion multi player?


I play since release and there was heroics, flash points and world boss that you have to travel to those planets for setup the mission and bring you some friends to play a group 1 through 16 or play it solo with your companion had modify status plus max level is 50. When you enter warzone at outlaws den by foot and you auto be set PVP. This is before level drop feature and see why game use drop level on those planets now because you go make credit reward. There where Guild in those days and stronghold not in the game. Only cantina for you can log or log off any where on the map as you wish. This is before group finder and the group PVP finder got in the game. New contents game got now are original roles like Old empire vs republic with old contents, rise of the huts, revenite story, eternal empire vs eternal alliance, iokath, umbra copra and nathema conspiracy, jedi under siege is current for the game and there not KOTFE/KOTET as those said on other thread but its not. I don't know where they came up with KOTFE/KOTET is just on their state of mind.

Edited by Wagerbane
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