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KOTFE experience from the old player


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I would be short: just crap.


If at start it was interesting and exciting (and this is true)... right at the middle it has converted to teh extreme crap!


What a deal with:

1. Alliance? I want to kill that jedi/sith not cooperate with them!

2. Base? You stole this from the Division, where I need to build up my base. What for? In the Division it has some meaning, here seems it would has zero.

3. Bad testing? In the most of cinematics, companions are not following the appearances I gave to them!

4. Hard scripting? Gosh, most of battles are so hard scripted, that it's not even funny! Damn, even usual monsters are ignoring my stealth or shooting from the 2 km away! Seriously?

5. Blah-bahing? So many dialogues! Why? Right at the middle of KOTFE I started to mindlessly press 'space' and 'pressing 1' again - because of dull and boring dialogues! >< And because of missions becomes repetitive or even cloned!

6. (most important) Immersion? Fk this! In the any time I can travel to the Fleet and found that: Fleet is still exists and no one not only has no care about the invasion but not even heard about this! Here is still the Empire and Republic, they are foes and everything is fine! :eek:


Why even implement this so game changing story lines? Old universe was good, the new one is meh. I started to play as Imperial, now I am against my will in the sorta of Republic rebellion forces ><

This is MMO, the World changing stuff is not welcomed here! You can improve, add, expand etc, but for current World meta, not completely change it!

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1. Alliance? I want to kill that jedi/sith not cooperate with them!

Well the situation isn't allowing that. The story properly explains that IMO, the Alliance is needed at the time. The last thing you need is to kill each other, uniting against a common enemy is needed for the sake of the plot. It would've been ideal to have separate Imperial/Republic storylines but it might've been hard to deal with the overarching arc of KOTFE/KOTET. You'll be glad to hear we're going back to Imperial VS Republic however.


2. Base? You stole this from the Division, where I need to build up my base. What for? In the Division it has some meaning, here seems it would has zero.

I don't even understand your point here. Why wouldn't the Alliance build a base? In KOTFE it at least had some meaning with some gear vendors being located there, as well as your faction Fleet. As well as mission terminals and the like. Currently there's the Umbara reputation vendor and the latest FPs' entrance.


3. Bad testing? In the most of cinematics, companions are not following the appearances I gave to them!

I was pretty sure that got fixed. But if it isn't that's a bummer.


4. Hard scripting? Gosh, most of battles are so hard scripted, that it's not even funny! Damn, even usual monsters are ignoring my stealth or shooting from the 2 km away! Seriously?

Yeah KOTFE is rather poorly designed in that manner, I really hate playing as a Sith Assassin only to get detected. They fixed that for KOTET though.



5. Blah-bahing? So many dialogues! Why? Right at the middle of KOTFE I started to mindlessly press 'space' and 'pressing 1' again - because of dull and boring dialogues! >< And because of missions becomes repetitive or even cloned!

Meh... complaining about the quality of the dialogue is one thing but I for one liked a lot of dialogues. Story is this game's strongest point and I for one am glad for a lot of dialogues.


6. (most important) Immersion? Fk this! In the any time I can travel to the Fleet and found that: Fleet is still exists and no one not only has no care about the invasion but not even heard about this! Here is still the Empire and Republic, they are foes and everything is fine! :eek:

Ideally they would've made Odessen the new main hub... and for a while it kind of was, not in terms of player count but as I've previously mentioned it had nearly everything. For whatever reason however the Crew Skill trainers were located on Zakuul and not Odessen which was a bad game design IMO. Either way the main hub is still the Fleet so it's not that much of a stretch to see why they didn't locked you out of the Fleet.


Why even implement this so game changing story lines? Old universe was good, the new one is meh. I started to play as Imperial, now I am against my will in the sorta of Republic rebellion forces ><

This is MMO, the World changing stuff is not welcomed here! You can improve, add, expand etc, but for current World meta, not completely change it!

Both universes are good IMO... but to each his own I guess. You're not with a Republic rebellion forces, you have Imperial forces as well... it's an Alliance of both Jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire. Yes it can suck to have to ally with your enemy but its better than being extinguished by an even bigger enemy.

Not welcome to you, some people like the idea of a third faction.

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Dunno, the more I playing KOTFE - then more I getting upset

That one who designed KOTFE did it extremely bad and I hope he is already fired.


They stole all my comps and gave frkn ton of useless crap instead, meaning now I need to level reputation with all of them again? Hell no, wouldn't even bother.


They gave me frkn ton of repetitive missions like Alerts, Start fortresses, some kind of PVE arena etc

What is Alert? An attempt to add that "Eternal Empire" mess into the existing world. Bad attempt tho.

Star Fortresses? Just a cloned stuff, with their own rules, like ignoring stealth or constantly disappearing comp (why, btw?)

Arena? Dunno why it even exist. Go fight against OP monster, who would ignore your damage with very short vulnerable windows or would have freakn damage output, or even both. What for? No idea, just to level rep with that ugly wookie? What for? And here I really dunno. Are you happy? Me - not.


I even has a feeling that I lost my character: all comps are gone and character by himself is trapped inside of tons, dumb and pointless repetitive missions in the new, not pleasant universe.


And this new dialogue menu - are they kidding? :mad:


That content is not exciting and just bad.

Edited by SilverWF
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Dunno, the more I playing KOTFE - then more I getting upset

That one who designed KOTFE did it extremely bad and I hope he is already fired.

Well he's not working on the game anymore, he's now over at Anthem.



They stole all my comps and gave frkn ton of useless crap instead, meaning now I need to level reputation with all of them again? Hell no, wouldn't even bother.

You don't lose the influence you already had with your companions, heck rank 10 is mostly decent enough for most kind of content. You don't need them at 50 unless you're a crafter or running Master Mode chapters.


They gave me frkn ton of repetitive missions like Alerts, Start fortresses, some kind of PVE arena etc

I liked all of those to be honest. My biggest complaint with KOTFE and KOTET is that there aren't enough side-quests, although with the budget I doubted we would get vanilla treatment again... alas a man can dream.


What is Alert? An attempt to add that "Eternal Empire" mess into the existing world. Bad attempt tho.

I don't agree, I thought some Alliance Alerts were actually pretty cool. My biggest complain about it is that after recruiting the companion he never talks again, then again this had been a problem since vanilla game with little to no companion interaction. For better or for worse KOTFE had the most of it.


Star Fortresses? Just a cloned stuff, with their own rules, like ignoring stealth or constantly disappearing comp (why, btw?)

I liked Star Fortresses, still wished they had been a flashpoint though. If not a raid to take down the Exarch.


Arena? Dunno why it even exist. Go fight against OP monster, who would ignore your damage with very short vulnerable windows or would have freakn damage output, or even both. What for? No idea, just to level rep with that ugly wookie? What for? And here I really dunno. Are you happy? Me - not.

The arena is one of the greatest things Ben has ever done in this game. The Alliance Alert requiring you to do it so you can recruit Bowdaar is just the tip of the iceberg, it servers as a training ground for players looking to get into endgame. A lot of basic mechanics are present in those arena fights and they teach the player how to deal with them.


I even has a feeling that I lost my character: all comps are gone and character by himself is trapped inside of tons, dumb and pointless repetitive missions in the new, not pleasant universe.

I suppose if you don't like it that's all right, just speed through it so you can finish it. I honestly loved those expansions, but to each their own.


And this new dialogue menu - are they kidding? :mad:

It's the classic KOTOR dialogue tree, they clearly did it as a way to save budget by not having to voice the player-character who has multiple VAs. Honestly if you ask me that system was better than the current companion returns which last 2 minutes, if KOTOR dialogue tree would allow us to go have an adventure with our companions before finally recruiting them while also having sometimes a good amount of choices (Rusk's recruitment mission being one of my favorites) I'd be all for it.


That content is not exciting and just bad.

To you that may be the case. And if it is then I'm sorry you feel that way, maybe speed through it as fast as you can? Nathema was the end of KOTFE/KOTET content so now we're going back to Republic VS Imperial.

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Finally! I've completed this mess, named KOTFE/KOTET :mad:


Warning! If you are like the default universe, if you are happy with your companions then DO NOT EVEN touch this crap! It would give you NOTHING, but only ruin everything! :mad:


What a pros:

more comps. But you can't order more than 8 on missions anyway, so it's nothing.

Updated: Ability to hire Blizz as comp for non BH characters. I can't beat this, honestly, coz Blizz is the BEST comp in the entire game.



All (!!!!) old comps are gone. Most of them can be returned, but not all. I.e. my operative lost Dr. Lokin completely.


Sht ton of new faces in the Contacts menu. Calling comps now became extremely harder.


Tons of annoying everyday stuff. Even old Boarding Party FP is better then all new stuff combined.


Annoying universe. I just didn't understand this crap: now we still have Empire, Republic, but also Alliance and Eternal empire. Lol.


Broken even more roleplay and immersion.

If in the original story there was a mess with full fleet of grand cancelers, ministers and other top-managers, now guess what? A full fleet of EMPERORS!

Do they understand, that this kind of stories is good for single-player, not for MMOs? A grand ruler of the galaxy can be only ONE, not an army of them!

Also, why do I need to do any FPs, uprisings etc? I AM THE EMPEROR! Bring me my best gear, NOW!

And why do I need to that by myself? Eternal Fleet! Bomb this filth and bring me my loot!

Also, who the hell can order me? You are talking with the Eternal Emperor, on your knee, worm! ><


Just imagine: an usual SW movie, where only Emperors fighting High councils! No more troopers, smugglers, pilots etc - THE ONLY Emperors vs High councils! Dumb, right? But they brought it to the MMO!


In the MMO, all players are just a screws, maybe a bit more, but not the top persons! And all stories must be about that. Getting a TOP can be good for single-payer games, because you just can't meet there another TOP and all surrounding World would know, that you are TOP and act relevant to this.


How I can undone the all damage KOTFE/KOTET done to my character? I am extremely upset and has a wish to just delete this character! I wish I'd never touch it :mad:

Edited by SilverWF
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