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What is wrong with this game??


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My Internet is good.The problem is in the servers of SWTOR.


Personally I don't have that issue anymore. Now, there have been times when it occurred and it was on the game's side, but from what I can tell things are steady as of lately. I guess you needed to rant a bit and that's fine too.

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Personally I don't have that issue anymore. Now, there have been times when it occurred and it was on the game's side, but from what I can tell things are steady as of lately. I guess you needed to rant a bit and that's fine too.



Oh no I'm not upset.Not at all. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Oh no I'm not upset.Not at all. :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Sorry I know how it feels it sucks when your connection is bad. Like i said, awhile back i had this problem it was really bad. I was able to fix my internet issues by upgrading my internet and also getting a better wifi connection.

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Sorry I know how it feels it sucks when your connection is bad. Like i said, awhile back i had this problem it was really bad. I was able to fix my internet issues by upgrading my internet and also getting a better wifi connection.


Just tried to log in.The game doesn't even load!!!

I'm stuck on load screen!!

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My Internet is good.The problem is in the servers of SWTOR.


Here's the thing...... the internet is not simply your connection at your home. It also includes every hop point between you and the servers... and for most players that is a minimum of 8 hop points. If any of those is experiencing any technical issues, or having maintenance done to it, etc. etc... you could see your ability to move across the internet to be fine in most cases, but not in all cases.


The only way you can actually state that your internet is fine is to download a free copy of PingPlottter and actually use it to measure and report your route and hop points between you and the server.


Here's a clue: generally... when only one or a few players are complaining about connection issues... it is NOT the game servers. When it IS the game servers.. it affects many players and causes much posting of issues all at once on the forum.


I have had a few cases where PingPlotter indicated it was the actual server gateway at the studios end of things.. and I could see others reporting the issue as well.


I have had more cases where it was actually a single hop point between me and the server.. and until that issue was resolved.. connections continued to be poor. The difficulty with a hop point is different ISPs contract with different backbones on the internet to route traffic... so it is not uncommon to see more reports from players using one particular ISP to report issues until they are cleared.


I have had a few cases where I had connection issues, and yet PingPlotter indicated everything was fine. Turned out that my TCP stack got corrupted on my PC and a simple restart of my computer cleared the issue completely.


My point here ---> you need to do some actual troubleshooting between your PC in your home and the game server at the other end of the hop points in the route between you and the game.

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Here's the thing...... the internet is not simply your connection at your home. It also includes every hop point between you and the servers... and for most players that is a minimum of 8 hop points. If any of those is experiencing any technical issues, or having maintenance done to it, etc. etc... you could see your ability to move across the internet to be fine in most cases, but not in all cases.


The only way you can actually state that your internet is fine is to download a free copy of PingPlottter and actually use it to measure and report your route and hop points between you and the server.


Here's a clue: generally... when only one or a few players are complaining about connection issues... it is NOT the game servers. When it IS the game servers.. it affects many players and causes much posting of issues all at once on the forum.


I have had a few cases where PingPlotter indicated it was the actual server gateway at the studios end of things.. and I could see others reporting the issue as well.


I have had more cases where it was actually a single hop point between me and the server.. and until that issue was resolved.. connections continued to be poor. The difficulty with a hop point is different ISPs contract with different backbones on the internet to route traffic... so it is not uncommon to see more reports from players using one particular ISP to report issues until they are cleared.


I have had a few cases where I had connection issues, and yet PingPlotter indicated everything was fine. Turned out that my TCP stack got corrupted on my PC and a simple restart of my computer cleared the issue completely.


My point here ---> you need to do some actual troubleshooting between your PC in your home and the game server at the other end of the hop points in the route between you and the game.


I'm humbled by your patience. If I had responded to OP, it would be to say "L2internet n00b"

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