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Wait til your guild explodes due to raid drama. Carry this,scrubs that, you're a failure in life because you're undergeared, etc. Organized PvE is far more toxic than anything I've ever experienced in PVP and I've been doing this for over a decade.

Yeah, the first guild I was in exploded from drama.


However, from the rubble, a few of us then went on to form our own guild where the primary purpose was to goof off and have a good time. We even ended up becoming an excellent raiding guild, all while still managing to have fun.


Some of my favorite memories in playing this game came from those people. Naked flashpoint runs (no armor), convincing people there was a "lore object" above the trenches in EC, starting a raid late because we were to busy playing online Card Against Humanity. :D


I don't discount that many people have bad PvE experiences, I just feel compelled to temper this by saying that one can have great PvE experiences, too.

Edited by Khevar
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