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Time to merge the US servers... again. Primetime window getting smaller and smaller.


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Well, I'm 'people' and my hubby and son are 'people' and we didn't like dying to jerks camping quest zones.

I guess this was your first MMO on a PVP server? Because this sort of behavior certainly isn't exclusive to SWTOR :D

Even most PvPers frown on that behavior, so saying it exists isn't slamming every PvPer. It's slamming those who felt the need to do things like camping at nodes, ganging up on people way below their level, waiting until they respawn and hitting them again, etc

But it has nothing to do with instanced pvp pops that the entire thread was made about.

There are some few jerk players in every form of play, nobody is disagreeing with this.

So why are we still yelling about it.

Edited by Kiesu
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Well, I'm 'people' and my hubby and son are 'people' and we didn't like dying to jerks camping quest zones. Our two family friends that played didn't like it. Both quit, and my hubby decided to move to pve server to try that first, and me and the boy followed. It was pretty toxic and unpleasant, so it's not false at all. Pvp community was very toxic in the early days and continued to be until the populace start fading. Then it was like, be human, or have no one to play with.


Do you feel people like you, who were not that interested in the pvp aspect of things and had not played in pvp server before, were the majority in pvp servers? Do you think people like you were still the majority when the second server merges came? Because I don't.


I originally started in a PVE server and didn't use the forums back then, so I can only go with what people have said about that era. I had characters on ToFN and Pot5 for a long time before the second merges, though, and I know why I transferred my Pot5 characters to Harbinger and ToFN characters to TRE and Progenitor. I also read the pvp forums and saw the reasons pvp players gave to why they were transferring to TRE and Harbinger.


I think your claim is false, not because I don't believe people like you exist, but because I don't think there were enough people like you in ToFN and Pot5 to empty those servers.

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I guess this was your first MMO on a PVP server? Because this sort of behavior certainly isn't exclusive to SWTOR :D


But it has nothing to do with instanced pvp pops that the entire thread was made about.

There are some few jerk players in every form of play, nobody is disagreeing with this.

So why are we still yelling about it.


Actually no. I played RF Online, it was a pure pvp game. All you do is level to fight. Believe it or not, the server I played wasn't filled with jerks. We had our fun at Chip War, which was the where the whole server got together, 3 races of aliens fighting it out for the control of a mine. Great game, but I played it for like 7 years and had my fill.


There was the odd jerk, but nothing like I encountered here.

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Actually no. I played RF Online, it was a pure pvp game. All you do is level to fight. Believe it or not, the server I played wasn't filled with jerks. We had our fun at Chip War, which was the where the whole server got together, 3 races of aliens fighting it out for the control of a mine. Great game, but I played it for like 7 years and had my fill.


There was the odd jerk, but nothing like I encountered here.

Well there you go! You answered you own question. When the entire game is about PVP you don't see players camping other players as griefing, you see this as playing the game as it was intended. I played RF too, and a lot of things that would be considered normal there are considered abnormal here :D


AA is another such example which is probably closer to SWTOR. It starts out as PVE game while lvling but turns into a PVP game the further you level. You gather resources for crafting quite literally on a boat or cart and deliver the resources across the world- while other players are free to try and raid your cargo. Murdering other players might get you in ingame jail quite literally. There was a lot of places and hobbies for world PVPers to do.


This was not the case in SWTOR and after they removed the ilum pvp War scenario there was almost nothing. Bored people will think up their own entertainment if not given incentives to pursue it elsewhere. If we would have had a massive open-space-cargo-delivery sidequests I can guarantee you majority of the people infiltrating PVE bases for no other reason than humoring themselves would have gone after this PVP incentive in space for the possibility to get some actual loots out of their world PVP.

Edited by Kiesu
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Do you feel people like you, who were not that interested in the pvp aspect of things and had not played in pvp server before, were the majority in pvp servers? Do you think people like you were still the majority when the second server merges came? Because I don't.


I originally started in a PVE server and didn't use the forums back then, so I can only go with what people have said about that era. I had characters on ToFN and Pot5 for a long time before the second merges, though, and I know why I transferred my Pot5 characters to Harbinger and ToFN characters to TRE and Progenitor. I also read the pvp forums and saw the reasons pvp players gave to why they were transferring to TRE and Harbinger.


I think your claim is false, not because I don't believe people like you exist, but because I don't think there were enough people like you in ToFN and Pot5 to empty those servers.


Actually, you're mistaken. I played pvp game servers before I came here. I played pvp on RF Online and on Age of Conan too. I started here on an rp-pvp server, thinking it would be like the other games I played at before. I only became uninterested in it, because of the sheer amount of jerks, and rudeness we encountered. People were nasty. I was level 21 when I packed it in on Lord Calypho. After we left Lord Calypho, we went to Krayt dragon--east coast NA pve server and I played the pvp there too, got to about lvl 20 and quit, why? Because of mean people. So, I didn't bother with it at all while the server was Shadowlands. After the merge, I tried again, got a few points shy of Battlemaster before packing it in. Why? Nasty people. They weren't nasty to me, because I wouldn't talk to anyone, but I couldn't abide how they treated others. Got sick of it and quit. I have no intention of ever going back to it. I still haven't gotten Pierce or Forex, I don't want them badly enough to go back to that hell.


So to answer your first question, I thought I was in the majority, because I was looking to rp and pvp. I thought others were there to do the same. I saw barely any rp and nothing but griefers, so once I realized that they're not playing according to the server tag, I followed my husband to the pve server to try it. At least there I could level in peace and pvp when I felt like it.


To answer your second question, yeah, I feel like I'm among the majority now on my server. There are rpers and pvers that I see around most, and their style suits my style and given the size of Red Eclipse? most were rpers and Shadowlands was mostly pvers.


I had characters on Tomb of Freedon Nadd too, because that's what came out of the merge with Lord Calypho (where I started) and others. It died pretty quick and I was mostly playing on Shadowlands at that point anyway, because Shadowlands came about when they merged Krayt Dragon with others.


I didn't play Harbinger, I had a couple of toons there, hated it and never played there after the initial time. I never played Progenitor or Prophecy of the Five. I heard from a friend that Pot5 was dead as a doornail, at the time she was playing if she saw 5 other people that was a lot. I heard Harbinger was a cesspit. I tried it and concurred.


You're relying on 'hearsay' and calling me a liar . I'm not lying I played first hand at these servers and I was also on the forums. I have no reason to lie. I've laid out my experiences in the various servers I played on, believe it, don't believe it, I don't care. I told you my experience and if you believe it or not makes no never mind to me.

Edited by Lunafox
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Well there you go! You answered you own question. When the entire game is about PVP you don't see players camping other players as griefing, you see this as playing the game as it was intended. I played RF too, and a lot of things that would be considered normal there are considered abnormal here :D


AA is another such example which is probably closer to SWTOR. It starts out as PVE game while lvling but turns into a PVP game the further you level. You gather resources for crafting quite literally on a boat or cart and deliver the resources across the world- while other players are free to try and raid your cargo. Murdering other players might get you in ingame jail quite literally. There was a lot of places and hobbies for world PVPers to do.


This was not the case in SWTOR and after they removed the ilum pvp War scenario there was almost nothing. Bored people will think up their own entertainment if not given incentives to pursue it elsewhere. If we would have had a massive open-space-cargo-delivery sidequests I can guarantee you majority of the people infiltrating PVE bases for no other reason than humoring themselves would have gone after this PVP incentive in space for the possibility to get some actual loots out of their world PVP.


You assume behaviors in a game you never played. We fought an open map battle 3 times a day for the mine control. Me and my guild didn't bother anyone. We actually had a pretty good thing going. We never attacked the other aliens and because of that they never attacked us during leveling times or quest times. We never griefed respawns and we didn't kill lowbies. That was actually ban worthy, so we didn't do it, and if someone tried they'd get punished. But that game had i/g GMs and I was one for about 2 years.


I don't know the game your're talking about? I dont' know what AA is, so I can't comment, I know nothing about that one.

Edited by Lunafox
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Actually, you're mistaken. I played pvp game servers before I came here. I played pvp on RF Online and on Age of Conan too. I started here on an rp-pvp server, thinking it would be like the other games I played at before. I only became uninterested in it, because of the sheer amount of jerks, and rudeness we encountered. People were nasty. I was level 21 when I packed it in on Lord Calypho. After we left Lord Calypho, we went to Krayt dragon--east coast NA pve server and I played the pvp there too, got to about lvl 20 and quit, why? Because of mean people. So, I didn't bother with it at all while the server was Shadowlands. After the merge, I tried again, got a few points shy of Battlemaster before packing it in. Why? Nasty people. They weren't nasty to me, because I wouldn't talk to anyone, but I couldn't abide how they treated others. Got sick of it and quit. I have no intention of ever going back to it. I still haven't gotten Pierce or Forex, I don't want them badly enough to go back to that hell.


So to answer your first question, I thought I was in the majority, because I was looking to rp and pvp. I thought others were there to do the same. I saw barely any rp and nothing but griefers, so once I realized that they're not playing according to the server tag, I followed my husband to the pve server to try it. At least there I could level in peace and pvp when I felt like it.


To answer your second question, yeah, I feel like I'm among the majority now on my server. There are rpers and pvers that I see around most, and their style suits my style and given the size of Red Eclipse most were rpers and Shadowlands was mostly pvers.


I had characters on Tomb of Freedon Nadd too, because that's what came out of the merge with Lord Calypho (where I started) and others. It died pretty quick and I was mostly playing on Shadowlands at that point anyway, because Shadowlands came about when they merged Krayt Dragon with others.


I didn't play Harbinger, I had a couple of toons there, hated it and never played there after the initial time. I never played Progenitor or Prophecy of the Five. I heard from a friend that Pot5 was dead as a doornail, at the time she was playing if she saw 5 other people that was a lot. I heard Harbinger was a cesspit. I tried it and concurred.


You're relying on 'hearsay' and calling me a liar . I'm not lying I played first hand at these servers and I was also on the forums. I have no reason to lie. I've laid out my experiences in the various servers I played on, believe it, don't believe it, I don't care. I told you my experience and if you believe it or not makes no never mind to me.


I have no interest in calling you a liar. I think you realize not everyone is like you, and that quite a lot of pvp players transferred to Harbinger or TRE because the game engine can't handle large scale OWPvP so pvp players just flee to wherever the warzone and ranked pops are fastest. However, your post comes off as you choosing to feign ignorance to this so you can score some cheap shots against pvpers.

Edited by Seireeni
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You assume behaviors in a game you never played. We fought an open map battle 3 times a day for the mine control. Me and my guild didn't bother anyone. We actually had a pretty good thing going. We never attacked the other aliens and because of that they never attacked us during leveling times or quest times. We never griefed respawns and we didn't kill lowbies. That was actually ban worthy, so we didn't do it, and if someone tried they'd get punished. But that game had i/g GMs and I was one for about 2 years.


I don't know the game your're talking about? I dont' know what AA is, so I can't comment, I know nothing about that one.

AA is Arche Age.

And it is different from RF because it was still majorly PVE, but different from SWTOR because it actually gave incentives, objectives and consequences for world PVP. You could kill lowbies all you wanted for no reason- but this would increase your infamy and if another PVPer would kill you with high infamy you would be delivered to ingame court room (also ran by players) from which you could be pardoned or sent to ingame jail. It was a great system and swtor should have totally copied it.


SWTOR world pvp failed because:

1. They lied/failed to deliver openworld War which was hyped prior to launch.

and 2. World PVP has no incentives, there is nothing to direct player to pvp over quests or resources, and it just rather was left in as "well you can just attack other people anywhere for no reason or consequence I guess" mentality. Which was lazyness on BWs part not to come up with literally anything to direct players to after War failed so spectacularly.


SO. Instanced warzones were the way to go. And since warzones are no different in pve or pvp servers, lots pf people transferred because warzones were just as popular on pve servers, and pve servers are universally more popular than pvp servers in majority of games that has the option.

Edited by Kiesu
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I have no interest in calling you a liar. I think you realize not everyone is like you, and that quite a lot of pvp players transferred to Harbinger or TRE because the game engine can't handle large scale OWPvP so pvp players just flee to wherever the warzone and ranked pops are fastest. However, your post comes off as you choosing to feign ignorance to this so you can score some cheap shots against pvpers.


Think what you want, nothing I can say to you will make you think differently. But I will say this, I have no interest in scoring 'cheap shots' against anyone. I had bad experiences here and it drove me from playing pvp. PVP servers were the first to die, that's the initial point I made and they were. Whether they died for the reasons that ruined pvp for me, I can't say, but I'm not the only person here that has been attacked or belittled or watched others get attacked or belittled by pvpers.


Like I said, I have minimal experience with Harbinger, it was nasty and I didn't like it (and when I say nasty for Harbinger, I mean the chats--it was a nasty atmosphere), so I didn't linger. Never played on the TRE. You believe that pvpers flee to where ever it's busiest and I believe that in part to be true, because it seems to be a pvpers nature to want constant pops. But I have no doubt, that that is not the only reason why the PVP servers died. There are many reasons, one of which could be your rationale, another mine. Others may have other reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that the PVP servers died first.


I don't 'feign' and if I did, I sure as heck wouldn't be 'feigning ignorance'.

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AA is Arche Age.

And it is different from RF because it was still majorly PVE, but different from SWTOR because it actually gave incentives, objectives and consequences for world PVP. You could kill lowbies all you wanted for no reason- but this would increase your infamy and if another PVPer would kill you with high infamy you would be delivered to ingame court room (also ran by players) from which you could be pardoned or sent to ingame jail. It was a great system and swtor should have totally copied it.


SWTOR world pvp failed because:

1. They lied/failed to deliver openworld War which was hyped prior to launch.

and 2. World PVP has no incentives, there is nothing to direct player to pvp over quests or resources, and it just rather was left in as "well you can just attack other people anywhere for no reason or consequence I guess" mentality. Which was lazyness on BWs part not to come up with literally anything to direct players to after War failed so spectacularly.


SO. Instanced warzones were the way to go. And since warzones are no different in pve or pvp servers, lots pf people transferred because warzones were just as popular on pve servers, and pve servers are universally more popular than pvp servers in majority of games that has the option.


Ok, I haven't heard of that one, I thought for a while maybe you meant Age of Anarchy, and I don't know that one either, besides having heard of it. The game you describe sounds interesting actually, but I'm not sure it would be for me, I really don't have that much interest in killing other people anymore. I suppose my opinion would depend on how I felt when I played it. :)


I'm not going to disagree with you about open world here, because clearly this game isn't designed to accommodate it. In that sense I don't think it's as advanced in that way as RF was, because we'd easily have 300-400 players running around in the busiest chip war.

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Think what you want, nothing I can say to you will make you think differently. But I will say this, I have no interest in scoring 'cheap shots' against anyone. I had bad experiences here and it drove me from playing pvp. PVP servers were the first to die, that's the initial point I made and they were. Whether they died for the reasons that ruined pvp for me, I can't say, but I'm not the only person here that has been attacked or belittled or watched others get attacked or belittled by pvpers.


Like I said, I have minimal experience with Harbinger, it was nasty and I didn't like it (and when I say nasty for Harbinger, I mean the chats--it was a nasty atmosphere), so I didn't linger. Never played on the TRE. You believe that pvpers flee to where ever it's busiest and I believe that in part to be true, because it seems to be a pvpers nature to want constant pops. But I have no doubt, that that is not the only reason why the PVP servers died. There are many reasons, one of which could be your rationale, another mine. Others may have other reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that the PVP servers died first.


I don't 'feign' and if I did, I sure as heck wouldn't be 'feigning ignorance'.


If you tryly were ignorant when it comes to the other reasons why the pvp servers started slowing down, or how big of a deal those other reasons were for many pvp players, then I'm glad I had this chance to shine a light on the complexity of the situation. ^^ Now you can make the coincious decision to continue saying pvp servers die because pvp players are jerks, or choose to stop doing it since there are many reasons and your experience is not shared by everyone else.

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If you tryly were ignorant when it comes to the other reasons why the pvp servers started slowing down, or how big of a deal those other reasons were for many pvp players, then I'm glad I had this chance to shine a light on the complexity of the situation. ^^ Now you can make the coincious decision to continue saying pvp servers die because pvp players are jerks, or choose to stop doing it since there are many reasons and your experience is not shared by everyone else.


Oh, make no mistake, if the topic of conversation rears up again, as to why they died, I will most certainly convey my reasons for why I think they died. I am entitled to my opinion and I'm entitled to share it, just as you are entitled to disagree.


I will not stay quiet about the experience I had during my time in pvp here. I encountered many mean and nasty players in that segment of the game and I have no doubt in my mind that they drove people from pvp in droves. Am I saying all pvpers are mean? Of course not, but the ones I encountered, were about as unpleasant as you could get and even had me seriously consider quitting the game, which I clearly decided against, I just quit the part that made me miserable.

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Oh, make no mistake, if the topic of conversation rears up again, as to why they died, I will most certainly convey my reasons for why I think they died. I am entitled to my opinion and I'm entitled to share it, just as you are entitled to disagree.


I will not stay quiet about the experience I had during my time in pvp here. I encountered many mean and nasty players in that segment of the game and I have no doubt in my mind that they drove people from pvp in droves. Am I saying all pvpers are mean? Of course not, but the ones I encountered, were about as unpleasant as you could get and even had me seriously consider quitting the game, which I clearly decided against, I just quit the part that made me miserable.


Yeah, I hear you. I feel the same about the forums, actually. :p Well, apart from the fact that I don't assume anyone else shares my opinion, not unless they have told me they feel that way.

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Ok, I haven't heard of that one, I thought for a while maybe you meant Age of Anarchy, and I don't know that one either, besides having heard of it. The game you describe sounds interesting actually, but I'm not sure it would be for me, I really don't have that much interest in killing other people anymore. I suppose my opinion would depend on how I felt when I played it. :)


I'm not going to disagree with you about open world here, because clearly this game isn't designed to accommodate it. In that sense I don't think it's as advanced in that way as RF was, because we'd easily have 300-400 players running around in the busiest chip war.

I very much enjoyed AA myself, playing pirates or caravan guards was a whole lot of fun :D

And losing cargo to friendlies because my friend was abysmally bad at parking ships /facepalm


Oh, make no mistake, if the topic of conversation rears up again, as to why they died, I will most certainly convey my reasons for why I think they died. I am entitled to my opinion and I'm entitled to share it, just as you are entitled to disagree.

I wouldn't be so hasty to say player behavior was the thing that made the majority to leave, since the entire world pvp format was faulty and that's all on BW. I conciser myself a pvper, yet I had no opinion on weather or not I played on a pvp server or not since the attraction I first subscribed for was not there anymore. WZ was the next best thing and they were the same everywhere, so the server type didn't really matter to me when I moved from ToFN to TRE for pops. Before that I was pretty much on PVP servers only because I'm a lazy reroller and transfers weren't a thing for a while.

Edited by Kiesu
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the server type didn't really matter to me when I moved from ToFN to TRE for pops.


This is my experience as well, both with ToFN and Pot5. As I enjoy leveling and pvp, lowbie and midbie popping is the main thing for me. When Pot5 lowbie pops became too slow, I transferred those characters to Harbinger, and when the same thing happened to ToFN, I split those characters between Progenitor and TRE.

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Yeah, I hear you. I feel the same about the forums, actually. :p Well, apart from the fact that I don't assume anyone else shares my opinion, not unless they have told me they feel that way.


Well, that's too bad. :(


But, I didn't assume anything, I had 2 family members and 2 friends who shared my opinion, and I read there were others on the forum that had bad experiences too. If we had issues, we couldn't be the only ones.


I'm done beating a dead horse, this really isn't accomplishing anything except what seems to be an exchange of barbs, and I really would rather not do that with you, or anyone. My opinion is that, my opinion, share it, don't share it, that's fine, it's not going to change my experience or feelings about it. :/

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I very much enjoyed AA myself, playing pirates or caravan guards was a whole lot of fun :D

And losing cargo to friendlies because my friend was abysmally bad at parking ships /facepalm



I wouldn't be so hasty to say player behavior was the thing that made the majority to leave, since the entire world pvp format was faulty and that's all on BW. I conciser myself a pvper, yet I had no opinion on weather or not I played on a pvp server or not since the attraction I first subscribed for was not there anymore. WZ was the next best thing and they were the same everywhere, so the server type didn't really matter to me when I moved from ToFN to TRE for pops. Before that I was pretty much on PVP servers only because I'm a lazy reroller and transfers weren't a thing for a while.


It really does sound like a neat game. I like pirates :D


I'll concede that maybe bad behaviour toward other players wasn't the majority reason why the servers died, but It was still a reason for why some people left--call it a contributing reason. I'm tired of arguing about it really, and I don't see the point of it, it's not going to change the things that happened to me, to my family, my friends. We ran into several really unpleasant people. Why subject yourself or witness others being subjected to verbal abuse? It is what it is and it was the reason we didn't stick around.

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Well, that's too bad. :(


But, I didn't assume anything, I had 2 family members and 2 friends who shared my opinion, and I read there were others on the forum that had bad experiences too. If we had issues, we couldn't be the only ones.


I'm done beating a dead horse, this really isn't accomplishing anything except what seems to be an exchange of barbs, and I really would rather not do that with you, or anyone. My opinion is that, my opinion, share it, don't share it, that's fine, it's not going to change my experience or feelings about it. :/


Maybe you didn't mean for it to sound like that, but when you said "pvp servers emptied for this reason", it really did come off to me as you claiming majority for people who think like you, when you had no proof of one.


I don't doubt you had those bad experiences, I've encountered jerks in pvp too. There are also logical reasons to why you might have had a worse experience: I've seen comments from RP-PVP folks who rolled on that kind of server because they want to RP by killing every enemy they see, even if it's a lowbie, so there might have been more people griefing. RP people rolling on a RP-PVP server might also switch to a PVE one faster than PVP players rolling on a PVP server if they encounter unpleasant behavior. Hell, I've even seen a thread where people from the US servers told me getting things like death threats via whisper after a warzone is common there, so maybe I've avoided that experience too, mostly playing on Darth Malgus.


But my experience from ToFN and Pot5 was different, as were my reasons for transferring characters I had there, and I've read comments that mirror my experience. I really have no interest to silence you nor do I disbelieve your stories, I just wish you'd acknowledge that there were other major reasons, too. Which you now have done, so thank you. :)


If your anxiety issues react to bickering like this the way mine do, I don't this think conversation is pleasant to either one of us. :p

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If your anxiety issues react to bickering like this the way mine do, I don't this conversation is pleasant to either one of us. :p


Yeah, it's not pleasant at all, nor was recalling all those times people were awful to me and those close to me. I'm an empathic person and it hurts me to experience and witness that kind of behavior. I would rather end things on a nicer note with you, so even though we disagree, no hard feelings or anything :)

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Yeah, it's not pleasant at all, nor was recalling all those times people were awful to me and those close to me. I'm an empathic person and it hurts me to experience and witness that kind of behavior. I would rather end things on a nicer note with you, so even though we disagree, no hard feelings or anything :)


Agreed. No Hard feelings. :)

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Tbh instanced server-types were made because that was the studio's solution for "better than x-server". You can look it up. Adding PvP instances to PvE servers and vice-versa had absolutely nothing to do with PvP servers dying first, which again, I'll state is completely false. Idk the exact number but 100+ servers died after launch and the vast majority of them were PvE.
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People moving from pvp servers to the harbinger happened after pvp instances were introduced to all servers, and that made pvp servers irrelevant.


Consolidating the player base might have been done for warzone pops or for open world pvp, or for both reasons.


Either way, the creation of pvp instances on all servers was the catalyst that got things started.

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Other than a conflict with names, I don't think there's much downside of a server merge and if there was no loss in fps, no gain in lag, then I can't see anything but upside for another NA server merge.


More people is a good thing, especially if you play on off hours or don't live in the US.

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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they must merge servers because of lower population, it gives only cross faction pvp because of lower population.... and why, they make the game more and more unattractive to play.


And the next step where they lose players is when you can get the tier 5 gear only by carfting ! The ressources for that you get only from operations , and what did pvp players like me ? So when they want killing game make that step, then they can merge all to 1 server maybe :D

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