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Rishi Stronghold: "Always Hungry" - Dev clarification?


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So, you guys did a fantastic job with the hidden achievements in the new Rishi stronghold! All in all, it's a great stronghold, and currently my favorite next to Yavin.


Now, we all know that poor "Speedy" had a sudden demise today (rest his little feet). My question is about the locked up Shaclaw monster in the sewer grate. If it was just decoration ambiance, then I totally get it. However, the interactive note warning to not open the grate cause he is always hungry leads me to believe that there is something more going on that just hasn't been discovered yet. Wouldn't it be wild if we were to free him so he could gobble up a little "Speedy" murderer!


Can you please verify if there is indeed something more to investigate, or is this just a neat little background decoration?



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I could be way off here, but I think on the PTS "in beta" as it were, the creature in the cave was the original way you were able to have Speedy eaten. I think they changed it for the final release.


I remember him also roaming the stream on PTS and not locked behind the back grate. Why move him at all, unless there is something more.

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