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Swtor performance tips please


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I was searching on the web for performance tips for swtor, but all I got is an outdated material, which didn't help much. My swtor runs good on the fleet, usually 50-60 fps, with some occasional stutter there and there. But PvP is freaking unbelievable in heat of the battle it's around 20 fps, under which I can't really enjoy the game. Sith deal in absolutes as they say, and for me it's, find a solution or go play another game. So any tips? Thanks in advance.:rak_03:



GPU: Nvidia 550 ti

CPU: AMD FX 8350 Eight-Core

8gb RAM

Edited by Xargas
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It's simple really... start turning down video settings until you get the performance you seek. ;) Different players prefer different trade-offs between performance and video quality and detail.


I would suggest you start by turning down shadows and go from there. During game install, the launcher/client will auto-set video settings to what it believes is optimal for your CPU/GPU... but that is a generalized approach and does not account for a wide range of variables that can be present on your system in terms of hardware and drivers. So... dial down the settings until you get what you seek.


ALSO.. when you are asking for performance advice.. it is always good to actually give your main PC specs as well so that players have some context for offering advice. This includes your internet connection and router model.

Edited by Andryah
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Hah I got a supposedly epic PC (granted by the standards for few years ago) and every time I attempt 16m raid it feels like some 10y old potato. The engine is just terrible , there is no way around it :D


The biggest performance impact (for me anyway) seems to come from shadow renders and bloom. I'd go turn those off first if you are planning on going into a hectic fight with lots of people and special effects all around.

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GPU: Nvidia 550 ti

CPU: AMD FX 8350 Eight-Core

8gb RAM


That is a pretty old CPU and GPU (2012 era)... so it will run the game fine, but not at highest settings by any means... so again.... TURN DOWN SETTINGS until you see the frame rate you feel you need in game.


This game has always had FPS fluctuations depending on where you are in game and what you are doing. I'm running on 5 year old gear right now (I'll be upgrading to a Lenovo Legion C530 as soon as they come out in August) .. and it still plays very stable for me as long as I keep shadows set to middle range and lock the frame rate to 60 (ie: not allow it to run faster than 60) and I see stable play in the 40-60 FPS range anywhere in game.

Edited by Andryah
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CPU: AMD FX 8350 Eight-Core

You could try overclocking the CPU, but that would just give 22-23 fps (in PvP) rather than 20.


Unfortunately SWTOR is a very CPU intensive game and it woks best with CPUs with fast single core performance. The optimal CPU at this time would be an Intel i7-8700, but bang for the buck would be an AMD Ryzen 2xxx.

This, or course, would also mean a new motherboard and DDR4 RAM (8gig is enough but 16Gig is better).

You might be thinking that that's too big an investment just to play SWTOR, but seriously, it's time to upgrade that old POS anyway. And you'd be very pleased with the overall increase in performance in all your games.

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The setting I'd target first is Shadow Map Resolution. It really seems to eat a lot.


Crank it down to the minimum and see if it helps. If not, keep dropping different settings.


Other than that, as others have said, your computer is old and not well suited to this game even if it wasn't (low single core performance)

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Yes, as already said by others. With this old rig I would start with setting EVERYTHING to the absolute minimum and then step by step increasing it to the point where it it still acceptable. And leave shadows and bloom totally out of the equation. If at all shadows on minimum, or even off. Edited by Khaleg
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I recommend trying to improve the graphics through the driver settings, either as replacement for ingame settings or on top of them.

As mentioned before, reducing shadows to minimum will have the largest impact.

It also helps to put the game on a SSD if you can, this reduces load times in all areas of the game.


Aside from that you could also check your computer for any unneeded background processes that are running.


It also makes a difference if you run SW:TOR in fullscreen or windowed mode.

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