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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Questions to the Devs – Consequences of faction change after Nathema.


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I understand that after the Nathema flashpoint your character is prompted to either 'Contact the Republic' or 'Make a deal with the Empire'.


If you decide to alter your character’s faction, will it be limited only to the story line or a single world (such as Iokath), or will it be game wide?


If game wide, there may be possible repercussions....


Will your character be flagged as an enemy and killed on sight by NPC guards (and other players) the moment you step into territory controlled by your old faction?


Will your old Alliance/Imperial companions abandon your character?


How will your character access class trainers and class quests?


Will your character only be able to access your original faction’s fortress at a cost?


What will be your character’s personal star ship – one from your character’s new faction or does your character keep their original star ship?


How will x-faction characters affect grouping and guilds?




One way to address some of the above concerns is to keep the Alliance base as territory for characters who have decided upon self-imposed exile from their original starting factions. The Alliance base would need to be enlarged and expanded to include exile player housing, exile class trainers, and possibly a unique Alliance star ship for exiles. In short, the Alliance base would act as a (smaller) third faction for exiled characters. From the Alliance base there would be a door leading to shuttles that would take your character to their new faction (both Fleet and Planet) for tasks/quests/flashpoints etc. Also, companions that moved with you to the Alliance would reasonably remain with the Alliance or follow you to your new faction – case in point, in the existing game, Major Malavai Quinn changes faction from Imperial to Alliance to rejoin his Warrior, as in his own words - “I’m finished with the Empire.”


Also, if players have already chosen to change faction, will there be a way to undo this choice if the consequences end up being too problematic?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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I understand that after the Nathema flashpoint your character is prompted to either 'Contact the Republic' or 'Make a deal with the Empire'.


If you decide to alter your character’s faction, will it be limited only to the story line or a single world (such as Iokath), or will it be game wide?


If game wide, there may be possible repercussions....


From what Charles told us the Nathema choice won't be the final one, we'll get another one which will be the definitive choice of who we ally with during the expansion. And if I had to guess it wouldn't mean us fully switching to the Republic/Empire, merely from a lore perspective in a gameplay POV we'd likely remain within our character's faction.


At best they can do what they did with Iokath and have that specific world have different mechanics, what I mean is in Iokath if you choose to support the Republic you can do the Republic dailies, earn Republic reputation, even if you're a character from the Sith Empire and vice-versa. So while everywhere else you're still an Imp, at Iokath you can "switch" at least for the dailies, Operation grouping still requires to be from the same faction I believe but someone correct me on that if I'm mistaken.


As for your other questions I can do nothing but speculate


Will your character be flagged as an enemy and killed on sight by NPC guards (and other players) the moment you step into territory controlled by your old faction?

If I had to guess, yes. That's what happens at Iokath so I'd assume if they were to implement such a mechanic across the board then it would likely be the case.


Will your old Alliance/Imperial companions abandon your character?

Likely not. Considering our choice at Iokath has no effect on any of the companions we could've acquired up until that point. At best it'll affect the story and maybe any new companions Bioware might introduce, I would love though if some Members left the Alliance based on your choices but I don't see it happening unfortunately.



How will your character access class trainers and class quests?


Will your character only be able to access your original faction’s fortress at a cost?


What will be your character’s personal star ship – one from your character’s new faction or does your character keep their original star ship?


These are very good questions. Provided someone hasn't completed their class stories that does create a problem as expansions can usually be started just by being on the proper level range.


What do you mean faction's fortress, the Fleet? If so I would imagine if they did a full switch, no. You'll likely still be able to visit your strongholds on the opposite faction but now you're going to have to pay that 1K tax to dodge the law and get there.


Also a good question, I'd imagine you would keep your ship.


How will x-faction characters affect grouping and guilds?


Also another good one. And this would be problematic, let's say I'm an Republic player who just got the point where I can switch factions, I have a guild in which I am very active in and especially in that specific character, if I switch factions and the faction-switching is across the board and not merely in a single daily area or from a lore perspective then do I lose my spot in the guild or do I remain there? This is likely one of the reasons of why I think they won't do it across the board as it would be too problematic, but if they find a work-around for it I'd be great.


One way to address some of the above concerns is to keep the Alliance base as territory for characters who have decided upon self-imposed exile from their original starting factions. The Alliance base would need to be enlarged and expanded to include exile player housing, exile class trainers, and possibly a unique Alliance star ship for exiles. In short, the Alliance base would act as a (smaller) third faction for exiled characters. From the Alliance base there would be a door leading to shuttles that would take your character to their new faction (both Fleet and Planet) for tasks/quests/flashpoints etc. Also, companions that moved with you to the Alliance would reasonably remain with the Alliance or follow you to your new faction – case in point, in the existing game, Major Malavai Quinn changes faction from Imperial to Alliance to rejoin his Warrior, as in his own words - “I’m finished with the Empire.”


I'm actually all for expanding Odessen, the Alliance is now a faction of it's own, not merely a rag tag band of Rebels trying to take down the Empire. It deserves a proper Alliance Base with all the amenities that come with it. I don't believe the player housing is necessary, although I'd love an Odessen stronghold especially if it is affected by your choices at KOTET (What I mean is if you finished KOTET DS Odessen's sky actually gets stormy and dark, where as in LS that is not the case). Class trainers could just be the normal class trainers with both options (Imperial and Republic) there. And I don't think we would need a Star Ship, I think they missed the chance with the gravestone being our new Flagship. It would be nice to have that mechanic, I don't think it will happen but it would be nice to be able to switch then experience the planets through the eyes of the Republic, even if it makes no sense lore-wise as those events would've have already happened years ago. Indeed I don't think companions will be affected by that choice, I certainly would like to, but I think that by this point we can all headcanon the companions are loyal to the Commander and will stay there regardless of faction choices.

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Since a Sith Warrior loyal to the Republic is called a Jedi Knight, maybe they'll allow us to flip to our mirror class if we're shifting factions. Given how low their development budget is, that would probably be the cheapest and easiest way to go.


But I hope I'm wrong. :(

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Didn't they say that we're going to be able to do PvP cross-faction? That would suggest the game will be able to tell which "side" you're on based on something other than your class. If that's possible, the mobs might be able to do it, too.


Now here's another question -- if we really could switch factions, keeping our class and skill names, what would our clothes look like? A lot of armor pieces look different depending on who is wearing them. Personally, I'd like to see the clothes match your pledged faction, not your original one. I think that would look a lot better from an RP perspective.

Edited by Xina_LA
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