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Changes/ Addons wishes :)


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This is just changes or addons friends and I would like to see.


-Show total bonus experience for space flights; and after shooting something down have the exp pop up in the corner not on top of the ship.

-Arena (One life team death matchs; or single/ or fight like hordes of enemies for cash or like boss fights and these could yield experience and have daily challenges on them as well).

-When you go to the character tab to look at your companion for equipping items, show the difference in equipment for your companion and not your character.

-Fix the requeue in warzone; also allow Ops of # to enter PVP; and pick game type or selected random; And have you party stay together after the match.

-Ship could use a mail box and maybe have a sidequest that would allow you to get a shop on your ship.

-add auto attack but be able to click it on and off in preferences (I only need it for PvP; do not fight me on this)

-Have it so datacron you have collected are shared throughout a player’s Legacy. Not sure if this happens but if they want to encourage me to make multiple characters this would help.

-Dual Class Change specs. Maybe something where you could buy the extra class slot; This would allow you to change it up during pvp and story and you wouldn’t be respecing all the time wasting money.

-Allow you to add a # or a person’s account name to your friends list to see all their characters and this would have to be accepted by the user. Heard you do something like this is WOW. I don’t play MMOs really so I wouldn’t know myself.

-More defined search for the galactic trade; One of my friends was saying he was searching for armor but he saw every piece of armor when all he wanted was like boots

-Not sure if it is like this for crew skills but if you drop ones to pick up new ones and go back I would like to level to be retained. Haven’t tested this as I don’t want to lose my skills.


More to come soon and updates if I find answers to these ideas. Sorry If anyone has already posted something similar. Please post your thoughts here as well. Thanks. :)


Asatryu - Lord Adraas Server - Shadow Runner Guild

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I was going thru the forum didnt really see anything going with my post. Just solo forums about one issue or another. Did want to add chat bubbles as I play on a Role Player Server and I now everyone says that they need the bubbles. Too much is going on to read everything in large roleplay areas.


I am a big tabletop gamer :)

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This is just changes or addons friends and I would like to see.


-Show total bonus experience for space flights; and after shooting something down have the exp pop up in the corner not on top of the ship.

-Arena (One life team death matchs; or single/ or fight like hordes of enemies for cash or like boss fights and these could yield experience and have daily challenges on them as well).

-When you go to the character tab to look at your companion for equipping items, show the difference in equipment for your companion and not your character.

-Fix the requeue in warzone; also allow Ops of # to enter PVP; and pick game type or selected random; And have you party stay together after the match.

-Ship could use a mail box and maybe have a sidequest that would allow you to get a shop on your ship.

-add auto attack but be able to click it on and off in preferences (I only need it for PvP; do not fight me on this)

-Have it so datacron you have collected are shared throughout a player’s Legacy. Not sure if this happens but if they want to encourage me to make multiple characters this would help.

-Dual Class Change specs. Maybe something where you could buy the extra class slot; This would allow you to change it up during pvp and story and you wouldn’t be respecing all the time wasting money.

-Allow you to add a # or a person’s account name to your friends list to see all their characters and this would have to be accepted by the user. Heard you do something like this is WOW. I don’t play MMOs really so I wouldn’t know myself.

-More defined search for the galactic trade; One of my friends was saying he was searching for armor but he saw every piece of armor when all he wanted was like boots

-Not sure if it is like this for crew skills but if you drop ones to pick up new ones and go back I would like to level to be retained. Haven’t tested this as I don’t want to lose my skills.


More to come soon and updates if I find answers to these ideas. Sorry If anyone has already posted something similar. Please post your thoughts here as well. Thanks. :)


Asatryu - Lord Adraas Server - Shadow Runner Guild



^^^ All these changes would be GREAT. I would love these changes in SWTOR.

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Yeah, advanced starships with no email terminal - erm, missed one there I think.



I'm enjoying space combat for what it is ( a very cinemtaic arcade mini game). In the future I would like to see starships expanded somehow. Make them bigger inside, add some more active components and maybe add crew roles like engineer, pilot etc. Some quests specifically revolving around the ship and/or maybe crew skills giving bonuses in space combat. Basically the starships in star wars are iconic, characters in their right and I would like to see this reflected in the game.


Im enjoying the game very much at the moment - keep up the good work bioware!

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I agree with your suggestions and would add the following:


  • Cockpit view in space combat
  • Group space combat
  • More music. I really think the game needs way more music playing in the background as well as more ambient sounds. Also, battle music for every fight.
  • An item for direct transport to your ship
  • The ability to pull up your quest log while in the galaxy map


These are just a few I can think of at this time but I think the main one for me is the music. I think it would would add so much more enjoyment to the game to have more music added to the game.

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Again with the auto attack:


They have already stated they will not add this. It's not that hard to right click and press hotkeys at the same time. Look up Bioware's statement because I'm not going to reiterate something that has been said 100's of times.


When you drop a crew skill for another one the one you drop will be reset. Your choices come at a cost or have a consequence so you better be sure you want that other skill.


A few of your other requests are a bit unnecessary? V

Highlight the text blue or red when the decision is either light or dark.


For comparing equipment for your companion and not just your character. There is already an option present for this in the Preferences menu.

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1.) Would not mind seeing an option to lock xp gain. (example would be I am leaving a toon with a friend but its easier to gain mats for crafting in the wild but to do so will eventually need to kill things, discoveries etc. If xp could be locked would not have to worry about out leveling this friend while gathering materials)


2.) Would like to be able to scroll out farther while in world and be able to free rotate to see my characters front side (wth this would like to see the light or darkside changes to character at the character select screen) * cosmetic I know, but this is wishes :)

3.) Would like to see companions gain light or darkside points based on their opinion of your story choices which could make is easier OR harder to gain loyalty for each companion.


4.) The ability to "buy" a shared cargo hold (even if its just a row (10 Slots) to change items between characters without the need to mail and wait.. (again just a wish)


There is more but hey...

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2.) Would like to be able to scroll out farther while in world and be able to free rotate to see my characters front side


Hold down the left mouse button and rotate to be able to see your character. :)


Edit: Also just saw in the preferences you can set the maximum distance you can scroll out from your character

Edited by Anasthy
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Out of TalkingDinosaur's post most was negative but thanks for the note in preferences. A small update is all I needed and i can still ask for it. And if I can get that maybe a auto turn to face your target when attacking. (It does it in PVE but not PVP).
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