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Color crystal with changing colors

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Why don't you just swap over the crystals? :confused:

He wants one that wanders through the rainbow with no effort on a fairly short scale (one cycle every 10 seconds or so, I'd guess). I'm not remotely convinced it's a good idea. I can imagine some issues related to flashing lights, and others to do with what happens when you use it in a gun. Or what happens when you use it in an Imperial E-1 weapon, where there's a coloured stripe on the weapon that matches the colour of your crystal. Or, e.g. the EL-34 Rotary Plasma Cannon, where there's a glowing bit that matches the crystal.

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I think it would be fantastic to have the spinning crystals and plasma flares inside lightsabers and firearms change colors slowly. However, if people start running around with disco Lightsaber blades, that would get annoying very fast.
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