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Is Kaliyo talking about romanced Agent in KotFE chapter 10?


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I haven't played KotFE with Imperial Agent yet, but regardless the class she talks about how much Zakuul took from her and they must suffer too, etc.


Can we understand as she was talking about a romanced IA and how he disappeard when Zakuul came?

We *can*, but we are probably *wrong* if we do so. She just says "partner" and "we shot people" and "owned a club", and somehow I doubt even she would describe the IA story events in those terms.


My suspicion is that she's talking, at least in part, about stuff she was doing after the agent was captured and before she went to Zakuul. And possibly just the whole "tooling around the galaxy bothering people and being paid by a government for doing it" thing that makes up much of her interaction with the IA story. (That may be coloured by the fact that my first Agent was female...)


EDIT: oh, and extracting the actual truth from anything that Kaliyo says is likely to be hard.


EDIT: and she also says much the same thing to a male Agent that did romance her.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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What Zakuul took from her was her anarchy, her freedom, and her self-image. She sold out, basically, and though it was a smart decision at the time, it doesn't sit well with her. Any partners who may or may not have been taken away are just added insults. (As her companion missions will show you, she's perfectly capable of driving partners away all on her own.)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't played KotFE with Imperial Agent yet, but regardless the class she talks about how much Zakuul took from her and they must suffer too, etc.


Can we understand as she was talking about a romanced IA and how he disappeard when Zakuul came?


If you romanced her there is a romance line (right before the decision to blow up the droid factory thing) where you can bring it up, and it confirmed that she wanted revenge for the agent/her spouse. The letter she sends you after the ship explosion also implies that she was in denial over the agent's supposed death. The way Bioware wrote these characters (it was probably the most cost efficient way) was to have standard lines for every class, but extra exposition for the romances, but you actually have to pick the romance line to get said exposition. IMO Kaliyo is one of (if not) the most well written and interesting companions in SWTOR.

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I should add that unlike her flings, the Agent (as per the story of all the PCs) is a special person, and Kaliyo recognizes that, it intrigues her that the Agent isn't just someone she can toss aside on a whim. As proven by her reaction in the main arch when her old terrorist cell wanted to kill the Agent, and use his/her parts to get past Imperial security measures. She wasn't let in on that detail, and it infuriates her that they would do that to someone she respected. So she turns on them. Knowing her she probably thought she could sell the agent for credits, then he'd bust out, she'd explain it as a money making scheme, and they'd go back to doing what they were doing. lol
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