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Security Key out of sync.


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Recently I started having problems with the launcher accepting my security key code. When the key selects a new number and starts the timer over, the game won't accept the number until the timer is almost finished or right after another code is generated. It just keeps sending me to a screen telling me I entered it wrong so now I wait for the timer to almost expire before I re-enter the same code. I know people will think I am entering it wrong but I have been copying it before I hit enter and just hit ctrl-v then enter on the next screen right before the code expires and it works.

I think the game is out of sync with the Key generator.

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Also, be sure your "time remaining bar is moving. If you have the security key app on, but don't close it before turning your phone screen off, when you turn the screen back on and go to the app again, it may still be showing the security code that was active at the time your screen was turned off previously.
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