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Copy Ability Layout


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This will probably not even be noticed by devs.


Even so...i would love to see an option to copy the ability layout from 1 character to another.


For example...copy Guardian Abilities Layout to a Juggernaut character.


A lot of us have not only multiples of the same class now but across both factions and its a pain to copy the way you have your skills laid out from 1 toon to the next especially when its cross faction.

Edited by worsin
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While this could work if you are only copying from one character to another character of the same class, it wouldn't work very well for different classes or cross-faction.

(Key bindings are different in that they can be the same for every character.)


An obvious work around is to take a screenshot of the layout you want, and use that for reference when laying out another character.


It would also be best if BW used it's resources to fix bugs and make new content rather than doing something that only affects the few people who have multiples of the same class (and want identical layouts).

Edited by JediQuaker
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I'd love the ability to save the ability layout, it would also help when you'd have to swap roles for a raid or FP. We have a Keybind layout save option so it makes me wonder why they haven't done it that yet.


God yes.. This would be one of the best QoL changes they could make to this game.

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Take picture of screen with phone, then set up other character accordingly. Or a screenshot works as well. I like using the phone so I don't have to tab back and forth. If you have two monitors screenshot would work just as well.
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