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Can I have some DPS please?


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I'm playing a level 15 Sorcerer at the moment and in PVP vs anyone over 20 (because of the gear) I can stand there and blast them with every spell I have and hardly even move their life bar. I damage them but as soon as I am close to actually killing them they just run off because most of my damage is done by stationary spells most of my combat ends with my target being out of range. I don't do enough damage vs the MASSIVE life pools that people have in PVP. I mean I can focus someone who is standing still killing someone else for 8 to ten seconds and not kill them just because they are a heavy armor class and have so much damage resistance.


PVP is not fun when everything you do is futility.

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Welcome to sorc. You have some of the lowest damage in the game. Your job isn't so much to kill people as it is to cause havoc and chaos while your heavy hitters do the killing.


Try electrocuting people when they try to escape your killers, and whirlwind enemy healers. Your a utility class, dps isn't your strong point(tho properly specced, a sorc can do decent, not great, damage).


Use your knockbacks to push people into the acid pools, and knock the ball carrier off the bridges.


your force lightning is a slow, remember that when you see people run.


In other words, don't go out alone, go support other people.

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Welcome to sorc. You have some of the lowest damage in the game. Your job isn't so much to kill people as it is to cause havoc and chaos while your heavy hitters do the killing.


Try electrocuting people when they try to escape your killers, and whirlwind enemy healers. Your a utility class, dps isn't your strong point(tho properly specced, a sorc can do decent, not great, damage).


Use your knockbacks to push people into the acid pools, and knock the ball carrier off the bridges.


your force lightning is a slow, remember that when you see people run.


In other words, don't go out alone, go support other people.


You're doing it wrong.


Properly specced sorcs and sages can do significant damage.

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If it was in proper brackets to begin with your issue wouldn't even be one. But it isn't so we see another thread and then a bunch of apologists trying to cover for this broken mess, because at level 15 you aren't supposed to enjoy yourself I guess.


Having fun is strictly for the higher levels.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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You're doing it wrong.


Properly specced sorcs and sages can do significant damage.


Not as much as the other dps classes, and even then its highly dependent on procs and being able to stand still...


So yeah, the only dps moves you can use while moving are affliction and shock, neither of which is all that good without procs from your channeled abilities

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Not as much as the other dps classes, and even then its highly dependent on procs and being able to stand still...


So yeah, the only dps moves you can use while moving are affliction and shock, neither of which is all that good without procs from your channeled abilities


Doing it wrong.

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Care to enlighten us on how to dps with a sorc while you have people chasing you so you can't stand still?



^ Sorc doing 600k DMG in a voidstar... Low damage LoL. You use LOS, your slows, stuns/cc, pillar humping works quite well. To the op sorc is very weak sub 20 and gets progressively stronger. The sorc in picture loses from side of pillars and devastated the clumped up enemies on doors with his body mostly hidden to plain view, you just need a sliver of Los.


If you find the need to be mobile spec madness / balance you get 4 instant casts, and force lightning+pebbles = more instant cast procs.

Edited by Rabbican
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I'm playing a level 15 Sorcerer at the moment and in PVP vs anyone over 20 (because of the gear) I can stand there and blast them with every spell I have and hardly even move their life bar. I damage them but as soon as I am close to actually killing them they just run off because most of my damage is done by stationary spells most of my combat ends with my target being out of range. I don't do enough damage vs the MASSIVE life pools that people have in PVP. I mean I can focus someone who is standing still killing someone else for 8 to ten seconds and not kill them just because they are a heavy armor class and have so much damage resistance.


PVP is not fun when everything you do is futility.


My guildy is capping damage as a level 15 shadow. I crafted him a yellow crit crystal (artefact) and an artefact damage hilt.

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My guildy is capping damage as a level 15 shadow. I crafted him a yellow crit crystal (artefact) and an artefact damage hilt.


I'm sure lots of other people are doing top damage as classes other than what the topic is actually about...??? Your point?


Sorc are too weak, period.

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If it was in proper brackets to begin with your issue wouldn't even be one. But it isn't so we see another thread and then a bunch of apologists trying to cover for this broken mess, because at level 15 you aren't supposed to enjoy yourself I guess.


Having fun is strictly for the higher levels.


Lowbies crying. tsk tsk.

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Welcome to sorc. You have some of the lowest damage in the game. Your job isn't so much to kill people as it is to cause havoc and chaos while your heavy hitters do the killing.


Try electrocuting people when they try to escape your killers, and whirlwind enemy healers. Your a utility class, dps isn't your strong point(tho properly specced, a sorc can do decent, not great, damage).


Use your knockbacks to push people into the acid pools, and knock the ball carrier off the bridges.


your force lightning is a slow, remember that when you see people run.


In other words, don't go out alone, go support other people.


Did you not read the part where he said he is 15? He does not have most of his abilities yet and is basically a free kill ;-)

Like was said above, go level, its the abilities and talents that the bolster system does not help with that makes pvp not a very gpod place for low levels to be. Until they add brackets you are doing your team a pretty big dsisservice by taking a spot a higher level would have normally...


It happens on both sides but I know its frustrating when i look and we have my team of 4 and then of the other 4 the highest level is not even 20.... I know then its pretty much a guranteed loss unless the other team is similarly screwed.

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Did you not read the part where he said he is 15? He does not have most of his abilities yet and is basically a free kill ;-)

Like was said above, go level, its the abilities and talents that the bolster system does not help with that makes pvp not a very gpod place for low levels to be. Until they add brackets you are doing your team a pretty big dsisservice by taking a spot a higher level would have normally...


It happens on both sides but I know its frustrating when i look and we have my team of 4 and then of the other 4 the highest level is not even 20.... I know then its pretty much a guranteed loss unless the other team is similarly screwed.


Problem with this is the fact that BW made pvp a viable path for leveling :p

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Other people are retarded in PVP. They fight in the middle of nowhere, they let the enemy lure them away from the objectives. No one seems to know how to pass the damn ball.


I don't support the stupid.


then you shouldnt play an MMO at all because any MMO with pvp in it is going to have the majority of the players (like 90%) not knowing how to play their class to the full potential or play the warzones for squat. so either learn to deal with it or dont play imo.

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^ Sorc doing 600k DMG in a voidstar... Low damage LoL. You use LOS, your slows, stuns/cc, pillar humping works quite well. To the op sorc is very weak sub 20 and gets progressively stronger. The sorc in picture loses from side of pillars and devastated the clumped up enemies on doors with his body mostly hidden to plain view, you just need a sliver of Los.


If you find the need to be mobile spec madness / balance you get 4 instant casts, and force lightning+pebbles = more instant cast procs.


If you have an AoE dot spell, yeah, your gonna rack up huge numbers in the total damage column... and yes, force storm is great for hitting people you can't even see, as is the insta cast chain lightning proc off of force storm. If your enemies are stupid tho, they can keep you moving to prevent that.


Mind linking me a madness/balance spec? Its a new one to me, specially since sorcs don't get a balance tree(its lightning or corruption).


But seriously, I'd like to see the spec, my 2 instant damage abilities could use company.

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