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Guild Leader Appreciation Thread


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Preface: I haven't done one of these "appreciation" posts before, so please bear with me, but I figured this one was long overdue.




To all my fellow guild leaders out there - in particular the ones who have kept your guild alive and well through the turbulent years of this game - this thread is for you.


You keep your guilds a fun and safe environment from which your members can enjoy the game and each other's company.


You place the needs of your guild before your own, contributing countless hours performing thankless duties that often take priority over your own play time.


You provide a welcoming place where players can focus on what they enjoy doing most, be it PvE, PvP, or RP.


You set the example for your guild mates, as you lead them into countless adventures, and help keep them invested in the game.


You enrich this game for everyone you group with, and in most cases, for everyone you've invited to your guild.


I salute you all.




If you're a guild leader, whether it's an established, long-standing guild with a flagship or a brand new one you and your buddies recently formed, feel free to comment. If you're a member of a guild and want to show your gratitude for your own guild leader, I invite you to post here as well. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you don't post, be sure to thank your guild leader. He/she will appreciate it.

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I joined a guild recently, and the GL is by far the most helpful, communicative person in the guild. Shout out to Kyn for all their insight when I ask noob pve questions about conquest and other things!


That being said, I can't help but digress.


What is up with the typical guildies nowadays? I realize it's been a couple years since I guilded, but what a difference in the players. Either that or this guild just has the least communicative guildies of all time!


I find the only thing people type is, "hi all" and "good night" etc. There is absolutely ZERO chat! EVER!!!!


Actually I have thought on it, and think it's because everyone uses voice comms now, particularly in this guild, or discord. Surely 25-30 people all are not mutes who despise humanity and simply ignore texted chat, right?


I feel like I am a dying breed, a MMO player that hates voice comms and feels that chatting about RL things constantly destroys my personal immersion in the game. :(

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As a guild leader, thank you, and it does involve teamwork, and it's never a one-person show.


Dear guildies:

Thanks to all the generous and hard-working people who have stuck by me through these years, following me to a different server and starting over, through the server merges, and through changes to the game which have caused many to quit.


You are all the best.


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Unfortunately, a good Guild Leader is a rare thing. I have yet to actually be in an active guild in GW, GW2, WoW or SWTOR. And that's including the fact that I'm Guildmaster of the (Rep) Guild I'm in now - because the original GM quit. :)


I'd love to be in an active guild, but I couldn't be arsed to try to find one any more. :(


P.s. I used to be a "Clan Leader" way back in the days of Team Fortress Classic, so I can appreciate the work required. Especially the number of personality clashes, etc, that happen in the background that most Clan/Guild members are never aware of.

Edited by JediQuaker
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That being said, I can't help but digress.


What is up with the typical guildies nowadays? I realize it's been a couple years since I guilded, but what a difference in the players. Either that or this guild just has the least communicative guildies of all time!


I find the only thing people type is, "hi all" and "good night" etc. There is absolutely ZERO chat! EVER!!!!


Actually I have thought on it, and think it's because everyone uses voice comms now, particularly in this guild, or discord. Surely 25-30 people all are not mutes who despise humanity and simply ignore texted chat, right?


I feel like I am a dying breed, a MMO player that hates voice comms and feels that chatting about RL things constantly destroys my personal immersion in the game. :(


I think a lot of what drives this is players tend to look at a guild in terms of what the player can get out of the guild and not what they can do to promote guild community. This tends to be more of an issue when you have very loose recruiting guidelines... but it persists even in well established and well recruited guilds.


Our guild is actually largely a grouping of like minded players who have persisted across multiple MMOs.. and as such.. we have played together for years. We do still recruit.. but are extremely selective about it.. and do so only by referral/introduction from a veteran member of the guild. Sine we don't have a lot of actual attrition, this works for us.. but for newer and less established guilds.. it would not work so well. The number one thing we try to weed out in recruiting ---> drama. We have no tolerance for drama as it is our collective view that drama kills more guild than any other single factor.


I would also add that a good guild does not revolve around a good guild leader, but rather a good leadership team. The mark of a superb guild leader in my experience is not how good they are at guild leadership, but rather how good they are at creating a core team of leaders that co-manage the guild with them.


Bottom line.. the social nature of guilds in MMOs over the years has been mimicking the broader player base:


More transient in nature.

Less actual loyalty to anyone but ones self.

more selfish, less selfless.


It takes more effort by guild leadership to deal with this general shift in the nature of the broader player base.

Edited by Andryah
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I joined a guild recently, and the GL is by far the most helpful, communicative person in the guild. Shout out to Kyn for all their insight when I ask noob pve questions about conquest and other things!


That being said, I can't help but digress.


What is up with the typical guildies nowadays? I realize it's been a couple years since I guilded, but what a difference in the players. Either that or this guild just has the least communicative guildies of all time!


I find the only thing people type is, "hi all" and "good night" etc. There is absolutely ZERO chat! EVER!!!!


Actually I have thought on it, and think it's because everyone uses voice comms now, particularly in this guild, or discord. Surely 25-30 people all are not mutes who despise humanity and simply ignore texted chat, right?


I feel like I am a dying breed, a MMO player that hates voice comms and feels that chatting about RL things constantly destroys my personal immersion in the game. :(


My Imp side guild chat is always active. So active in fact that I put it into it's own chat tab so I can ignore it and avoid distractions while in PVP. :D

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Thank's to the OP for starting this Guild Leader Appreciation thread. This is a good idea that was a long time in coming.


I too am blessed with a superb set of most excellent Guild Leaders. They step aside in Ops to let someone else run. They post up many Ops and deal with all the drama that comes along with that. They organize Flash Point runs, Commander runs, datacron runs, and even get the Ship and Strong Hold doors unlocked. They sit in private chat and listen to anyone that is having a hard time, both in game and in real life. And all of this before they even start to take care of their own needs in game.


One of these days I am going to find out how to send them both a box of cookies, for a job well done. But in the mean time, Thanks a Bunch for your service and your time. :)

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As a guild leader, thank you, and it does involve teamwork, and it's never a one-person show.


This too. I'm constantly thanking my guild officers because there is absolutely no way I could do it without them, but it's also the members who are active and engaged, which is really what a guild should be about - it's members. So this is an excellent reminder that good guilds are in fact all about teamwork.

Edited by Mournblood
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Great post!


I would like to give a huge shout out to my GL, Icarus, for working his butt off to keep our guild afloat during the lean years. Hopefully more people will start coming back to this game and we can grow, once again, with one of the best GLs in the game.

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