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The messy Consular story bugs me (SPOILERS)


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It was bad enough that Yuon Par was alive and well, standing with the rest of the Council after she had died. Now I finish chapter 2 and the Noetikon Masters ask me how she's doing, and I say "She's alive and well". And this is after you get the letter saying she's good and dead. It already felt like 2 completely different stories pasted together, going from the plagued Jedis to the Children of the Emperor stuff. But those little mess-ups in writing should have been fixed a long time ago. They just make an already seemingly incoherent story that much more irritating. Edited by Sinhammer
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It was bad enough that Yuon Par was alive and well, standing with the rest of the Counsel after she had died. Now I finish chapter 2 and the Noetikon Masters ask me how she's doing, and I say "She's alive and well". And this is after you get the letter saying she's good and dead. It already felt like 2 completely different stories pasted together, going from the plagued Jedis to the Children of the Emperor stuff. But those little mess-ups in writing should have been fixed a long time ago. They just make an already seemingly incoherent story that much more irritating.

Let me guess, you're playing it Dark Side? If you play Light Side, none of those incoherencies are present.

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Let me guess, you're playing it Dark Side? If you play Light Side, none of those incoherencies are present.


That still doesn't make it un-messy, lol. It should have been fixed for anyone playing it DS. I have a fully LS Consular, female, that I stopped playing a long while back because the female VA's monotone droning was so annoying. When I rolled a male to see if it was any better I decided to go DS since the other was LS. Beiing DS or LS shouldn't make a difference on the story being coherent, and it obviously hasn't been since game start years ago.

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That still doesn't make it un-messy, lol. It should have been fixed for anyone playing it DS. I have a fully LS Consular, female, that I stopped playing a long while back because the female VA's monotone droning was so annoying. When I rolled a male to see if it was any better I decided to go DS since the other was LS. Beiing DS or LS shouldn't make a difference on the story being coherent, and it obviously hasn't been since game start years ago.


Bad writing, unfortunately. You can headcanon that she's a force ghost in that scene, and with the noetikons you don't need to pick that option. Or maybe [since you're DS anyway], you pick it because you feel like lying to Vandar.


The DS JC has more problems than this though. Headcanon it as you like, but it doesn't make much sense for a DS character to accept a mission to go all over the galaxy to heal the jedi masters, nor does it make sense [after you kill them instead] for the Council to keep sending you out, or to have Syo repeat the same 'I'm sure you did what you could' line after you've killed everyone they send you to look for. At the very least there should be some pointed questions after Taris if you decide to kill the padawan too. I don't know how he's justifying this to the rest of the council...


Syo: *shrugs* "maybe they won't kill them THIS time."


The act 1 finale is also a bit senseless.

First, it doesn't make a lot of sense that Yuon doesn't disarm herself before doing that ritual, or why the lightsaber changes color iirc. Your decision to kill her is pretty irrational, she says 'kill me' so you say 'I am obedient master!' Again, could the council not have asked at least one or two questions about how that went down? Then you get to the bad guy's ship and your decision is to potentially kill over a hundred masters during wartime, or get rid of one pesky ghost forever. The game doesn't give you an option to explain why you'd take the DS choice here [i'd settle for something along the lines of Bengal Morr's 'I am the only true jedi left!' speech]



What they should have done was right before the prologue ended, after you get your mission to save the masters, have Kaedan come up to you for a private chat. Kaedan is the obligatory ***** on the council, and it makes sense he'd have this role. He'd say something about how the Jedi can't exist without the support of the Republic, and that having crazy masters running around causing trouble is bad enough, but sending Jedi to do arcane force rituals that fixes them without punishing them in any way will make people hate the jedi. So Kaedan effectively gives the JC a license to kill via secondary orders: if the masters do anything to damage the Jedi Order's relationship with the republic, the JC is authorized to kill them instead of healing them. That would also be appropriate for JS's in particular. In this vein, the finale might be rationalized as making a little more sense.


Luckily, even though Act 1 sucks, there's lots of great opportunity in Acts 2 and 3 for DS JC's to shine, particularly act 2 where depending on your choices, you can end up with a very bad reputation among your allies, who are evidently much less oblivious than the Council.

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The council may not say much if you are dS in act 1 or 2 but in the end it does matter (unless they have changed it)



If you are dark sided you are not given a place on the council. That position only goes to a light sided Consular.


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Bad writing, unfortunately. You can headcanon that she's a force ghost in that scene, and with the noetikons you don't need to pick that option. Or maybe [since you're DS anyway], you pick it because you feel like lying to Vandar.


The DS JC has more problems than this though. Headcanon it as you like, but it doesn't make much sense for a DS character to accept a mission to go all over the galaxy to heal the jedi masters, nor does it make sense [after you kill them instead] for the Council to keep sending you out, or to have Syo repeat the same 'I'm sure you did what you could' line after you've killed everyone they send you to look for. At the very least there should be some pointed questions after Taris if you decide to kill the padawan too. I don't know how he's justifying this to the rest of the council...


Syo: *shrugs* "maybe they won't kill them THIS time."


The act 1 finale is also a bit senseless.

First, it doesn't make a lot of sense that Yuon doesn't disarm herself before doing that ritual, or why the lightsaber changes color iirc. Your decision to kill her is pretty irrational, she says 'kill me' so you say 'I am obedient master!' Again, could the council not have asked at least one or two questions about how that went down? Then you get to the bad guy's ship and your decision is to potentially kill over a hundred masters during wartime, or get rid of one pesky ghost forever. The game doesn't give you an option to explain why you'd take the DS choice here [i'd settle for something along the lines of Bengal Morr's 'I am the only true jedi left!' speech]



What they should have done was right before the prologue ended, after you get your mission to save the masters, have Kaedan come up to you for a private chat. Kaedan is the obligatory ***** on the council, and it makes sense he'd have this role. He'd say something about how the Jedi can't exist without the support of the Republic, and that having crazy masters running around causing trouble is bad enough, but sending Jedi to do arcane force rituals that fixes them without punishing them in any way will make people hate the jedi. So Kaedan effectively gives the JC a license to kill via secondary orders: if the masters do anything to damage the Jedi Order's relationship with the republic, the JC is authorized to kill them instead of healing them. That would also be appropriate for JS's in particular. In this vein, the finale might be rationalized as making a little more sense.


Luckily, even though Act 1 sucks, there's lots of great opportunity in Acts 2 and 3 for DS JC's to shine, particularly act 2 where depending on your choices, you can end up with a very bad reputation among your allies, who are evidently much less oblivious than the Council.


I actually make some LS decisions, like healing the Masters. They died because I made the DS decision to kill what's-his-name. I rolled the toon as a Cathar and so (in my head canon) I play him as though he's a Klingon-style warrior with honor (like I figure a race of cat-warrior people would be). He kills because to him it's the right thing to do, he saves if he feels it's the right thing to do. He has anger issues because he's basically an anthropomorphic cat, lol.

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The council may not say much if you are dS in act 1 or 2 but in the end it does matter (unless they have changed it)



If you are dark sided you are not given a place on the council. That position only goes to a light sided Consular.


Yes, though I prefer the JK ending where if you're DS Satele will actually scold you for it. for JCs when they screw you over, they're very...diplomatic about it. Which I guess fits, but still.


Neutral jedi also end up on the council but their dialogue changes. Does any know if neutral JKs get different dialogue?


I actually make some LS decisions, like healing the Masters. They died because I made the DS decision to kill what's-his-name. I rolled the toon as a Cathar and so (in my head canon) I play him as though he's a Klingon-style warrior with honor (like I figure a race of cat-warrior people would be). He kills because to him it's the right thing to do, he saves if he feels it's the right thing to do. He has anger issues because he's basically an anthropomorphic cat, lol.


I also made a Cathar JC, a shadow, and headcanoned him the same way. He's basically Qyzen in a catsuit. There's a good scene on Hoth where you

can torture the imperial scientist with what looks like the animation for Affliction

that I think fits that playstyle.

Edited by Ardrossan
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The council may not say much if you are dS in act 1 or 2 but in the end it does matter (unless they have changed it)



If you are dark sided you are not given a place on the council. That position only goes to a light sided Consular.





In all this time I've never played a ds JC (and JC was my first character back in early access).


::rushes off to roll a mean, nasty JC:::

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There's a good scene on Hoth where you

can torture the imperial scientist with what looks like the animation for Affliction

that I think fits that playstyle.


I totally did that when I got to that point on Hoth, lol. Zenith or whoever I had out at the time didn't care for it, but, it fit my character imo. Again I stick to that 'honorable fierce warrior' discipline. A Klingon (or viking or Spartan etc.) would have done that, and to me so would a big warrior cat-dude.

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I had Iresso out for that. He initially thinks it's just an intimidation tactic and it's all a big bluff, then freaks out when you make good on the threat. Sorry, Iresso but lives are at stake, TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS etc. Oddly enough he thinks this is really bad but has no issue with leaving that guy to freeze to death in a cave once you 'extract' all the info from him. Edited by Ardrossan
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I had Iresso out for that. He initially thinks it's just an intimidation tactic and it's all a big bluff, then freaks out when you make good on the threat. Sorry, Iresso but lives are at stake, TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS etc. Oddly enough he thinks this is really bad but has no issue with leaving that guy to freeze to death in a cave once you 'extract' all the info from him.


That's right, it was Iresso. I think that quest you HAVE to have Iresso. I didn't have Qyzen out for that quest, which is odd, and that was why. Iresso is part of that story.

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