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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Outrageous Respec Cost


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And you are another guy saying something else. Why should I trust you? How do I know you were in a top guild. Or in a guild at all for that matter?


I don't trust that other dude, nor do I trust you. My friend did do some world firsts on wow though, and I trust him pretty well when he says he doesn't want these things in this game, because he's had enough of it there already.


But hey, all power to random strangers on a forum, right?


You don't have to trust me. Look at what I said and how his claim doesn't make sense in the context of a PvE success. Or is thinking too difficult for you?

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Tri-Spec is a bit too much. What exactly is a pvp spec, it's basically a dps spec with a couple talent tree modifications... not really worth it.


I would be happy with a dual spec of the talent trees.


I am opposed to Advance Class Respec. If they do allow Advance Respec, it should cost 5 Million Credits so people think before making the change.


^ This. Absolutely pay to change AC. And a lot. Around what you'd earn between 10-50. So, you can keep playing your 50, but will basically reset to 10 credits wise.

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Then I want every single talent in available to my class at all times as well as free max speeder training, no costs to remove mods from existing gear, unlimited rested XP, and unlimited bag space.


Because. It. Doesn't. Affect. Your. Gameplay.


Thank you.

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For your first twenty levels, the first three respecs are like chump change. Im level 30 right now and just from questing I have 100k. And besides, the cost to respec goes back to 1k after each week. If you really can't wait for dual spec and need to be a DPS and healer, just make an alt.
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To throw in my 2p worth on the dual-speccing topic...


This game desperatley needs a dual spec option!


I have 2 characters currently at level 25 to 30, one is an operative healer, and the other was my bounty hunter dps solo char.


I play along side 2 other people, ive been trying to stay specced as healer on my operative since i know it is my role within my little group. The problem comes from when i need to solo quest my class quest, or indeed just to get in range of the next FP.


It isnt fun at all to level in healing spec!


It is slow and really difficult. Perhaps made worse by my only avaliable companion so far being a tank - things die very very slow! I level very much slower than my other 2 friends, i loose the will to be bothered to solo quest "grind" in healing spec, my operative ends up semi shelved sadly.


However if i had the option to switch from a "solo questing and loving my dmg" spec, to my "sheesh i love healing FPs but it takes an hour to kill a mob solo" spec, the operative i love would not be languishing on tatooine semi shelved! I would be keeping pace with my friends and enjoying the story of my class quest!


My bounty hunter dps would also love the option to swap to a heal spec for pvp - sometimes i feel like im the only person who can be bothered to spec a healer in pvp, and now after trying it a few times, another pvp healer bites the dust because i cant afford it anymore!


All of these joy killing issues can be solved by letting me dual spec, it dosnt kill your fun, or your place in a group, it just makes me and probably other people like me happier.


Perhaps more people will be inclined to try out tank or healer spec and find out they like it. Then maybe there wouldnt be the same people spamming for a tank or healer hour after hour and getting bored waiting.


"Sorry mate i would have tanked/healed for your group but i cant afford it anymore!"


But i think its safe to say no one enjoys solo questing in tank or healer spec!


If nothing else, give us dual spec for leveling and take it away from us at 50!

Edited by Ravastin
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To throw in my 2p worth on the dual-speccing topic...


This game desperatley needs a dual spec option!


I have 2 characters currently at level 25 to 30, one is an operative healer, and the other was my bounty hunter dps solo char.


I play along side 2 other people, ive been trying to stay specced as healer on my operative since i know it is my role within my little group. The problem comes from when i need to solo quest my class quest, or indeed just to get in range of the next FP.


It isnt fun at all to level in healing spec!


It is slow and really difficult. Perhaps made worse by my only avaliable companion so far being a tank - things die very very slow! I level very much slower than my other 2 friends, i loose the will to be bothered to solo quest "grind" in healing spec, my operative ends up semi shelved sadly.


However if i had the option to switch from a "solo questing and loving my dmg" spec, to my "sheesh i love healing FPs but it takes an hour to kill a mob solo" spec, the operative i love would not be languishing on tatooine semi shelved! I would be keeping pace with my friends and enjoying the story of my class quest!


My bounty hunter dps would also love the option to swap to a heal spec for pvp - sometimes i feel like im the only person who can be bothered to spec a healer in pvp, and now after trying it a few times, another pvp healer bites the dust because i cant afford it anymore!


All of these joy killing issues can be solved by letting me dual spec, it dosnt kill your fun, or your place in a group, it just makes me and probably other people like me happier.


Perhaps more people will be inclined to try out tank or healer spec and find out they like it. Then maybe there wouldnt be the same people spamming for a tank or healer hour after hour and getting bored waiting.


"Sorry mate i would have tanked/healed for your group but i cant afford it anymore!"


But i think its safe to say no one enjoys solo questing in tank or dps spec!


Playing a sage lv 24 and a commanod 34 healer now and have no problem killing mobs at all it is actually that i have great solobility and killing elites have never been easier.


People should really stop wanting to be best on everything

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Playing a sage lv 24 and a commanod 34 healer now and have no problem killing mobs at all it is actually that i have great solobility and killing elites have never been easier.


People should really stop wanting to be best on everything



Sure thing you can do it, but dont try and tell me it isnt slow. Perhaps you dont see it in the same way as i do, like i said i play level for level with 2 other firends who are specced dps. There is no way i can keep their pace unless i respecc dmg.


Slow and dull but possible dosnt = contentment for the masses

Edited by Ravastin
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At some point, players need to accept what game and developer they have chosen. Look up and down this game, previous BioWare games and BioWare releases and you will see evidence of and comments touting "meaningful choices". They talk about easily acquiring the best of all worlds or having you cake and eat eating it too. The games present hard choices where you pick one or the the other and deal with the consequences of that choice or make a compromise and work hard to make up the difference.


Alot of other games have been more permissive and players have grown accustomed to having easy non-choices to make. Dual speccing, cheap respecs, appearance tabs and many other features are all examples of how other games have removed the need for hard choices and working/sacrificing to maintain an optimized edge. Happily, SWTOR is not those games but, feel free to play those if you want your best specs easy.

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Sure thing you can do it, but dont try and tell me it isnt slow. Perhaps you dont see it in the same way as i do, like i said i play level for level with 2 other firends who are specced dps. There is no way i can keep their pace unless i respecc dmg.


Slow and dull but possible dosnt = contentment for the masses


Sometimes i actually do wish that Biwoare would have done like this


Here we have 2 server types

One have skill tress and points where you can put them changing them will cost money as it is now MMORPG.



One will have no skilltree at all and instead it will let people choose playing

Tank/Healer/DPS within a press of a button for no cost at all from level one with automated LFD .


basicly i would be happy playing on server one and the dual specc tri specc and AC respeccs could cheerfully play on the other server MMOFPS

Edited by Varghjerta
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Sure thing you can do it, but dont try and tell me it isnt slow. Perhaps you dont see it in the same way as i do, like i said i play level for level with 2 other firends who are specced dps. There is no way i can keep their pace unless i respecc dmg.


Slow and dull but possible dosnt = contentment for the masses


So go DPS for levelling and let them occasionally take the hit for the team and respec to do the healing or comp you for your expenses to respec to heal them. If they aren't willling to make the same accomodations you do for them, you need to consider if it is really worth it.

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then you need to learn to pvp within your current spec. Simple as that. It's perfectly viable.


But if you want to play on the fringe and min/max your character, yes, you should absolutely have to pay the price for doing that.

Viability does not = competitive


Unless you want any type of competition removed from the game entirely, this is not an argument.

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Sometimes i actually do wish that Biwoare would have done like this


Here we have 2 server types

One have skill tress and points where you can put them changing them will cost money as it is now MMORPG.



One will have no skilltree at all and instead it will let people choose playing

Tank/Healer/DPS within a press of a button for no cost at all from level one with automated LFD .


basicly i would be happy playing on server one and the dual specc tri specc and AC respeccs could cheerfully play on the other server MMOFPS


Why can't the dual spec servers have talent trees as well? I think its a great idea, you and the dozen or so folks who are really adamantly opposed to dual specs can all congregate in one place.

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So go DPS for levelling and let them occasionally take the hit for the team and respec to do the healing or comp you for your expenses to respec to heal them. If they aren't willling to make the same accomodations you do for them, you need to consider if it is really worth it.


I really really enjoy healing and most of all i really enjoy healing with my group of friends.


This is an MMO, supposed to be a place where there is no penalty for grouping, infact it should be encouraged and your answer to the issue is either dont group play with my friends before i get to 50 or pay up/expect them to pay up?


Why does the ability for me to respec offend you? where do you loose out? I really do not see any negativity what so ever, it isnt as if i can change my advanced class.


You are happy spamming for a healer/tank for pre level 50 content? Or infact just skipping it since no one can afford or be arsed? You sound like a solo player to me really.

Edited by Ravastin
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Viability does not = competitive


Unless you want any type of competition removed from the game entirely, this is not an argument.


Then spec for PvP. If you are good enough at PvP where the build and truly being competitive really matters, PvEing in a PvP build should be totally feasable. If not, work on your skills first and and worry about competition and being elite once you get better.

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Why can't the dual spec servers have talent trees as well? I think its a great idea, you and the dozen or so folks who are really adamantly opposed to dual specs can all congregate in one place.


Why should you have it in a PvE enviroment where actually tanks and healers have solobility?.


What you are complaining about now is that you dont do as much damage as a DPS specced player and therefor should have Dual Specc.


Which in my opinion is abit ludicrous

Edited by Varghjerta
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So you think you should be entitled to be competitive on both things without a cost attached to it ?


Yup. If I want to do competitive PvE and competitive PvP, there should be no problem.


It's not unreasonable.


I've done competitive PvE at top tier, and there is never enough to do, especially once content is on farm.


There is no reason to make a player pick between the two, and BW knows it.

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Why should you have it in a PvE enviroment where actually tanks and healers have solobility.


What you are complaining about is that you dont do as much damage as a DPS specced player and therfor should have Dual Specc.


Which in my opinion is abit ludicrous


Stick to the subject of my post. You posited a hypothetical server ruleset whereby people playing on normal servers could have the setup we have now (respecs for a fee after visiting a trainer) and an alternate ruleset where you could only pick tank/healer/dps with no talent trees. In that scenario it doesn't affect you in the slightest - you wouldn't even be on the same server! - but you still wouldn't give people the freedom their looking for


Why not?

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Why does the ability for me to respec offend you? where do you loose out? I really do not see any negativity what so ever, it isnt as if i can change my advanced class.


Dual speccing, which cheap respeccing generally devolves into, encourages extreme builds which are bad for the game as a whole. I went itno more in depth in an earlier post. I am fine with you repseccing but, there should be a cost attached to switiching between optimized builds and roles.

Edited by Matte_Black
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The games present hard choices where you pick one or the the other and deal with the consequences of that choice or make a compromise and work hard to make up the difference.

Wait what? pls point me toward my hard choice which has a consequences that leads me to work hard to make up the difference in this linear visual book called SWTOR.


I see no exploitation in dual spec when 4 players are the only one around to do a certain falshpoint/instance and theyre all dps/tanks

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Dual speccing encourages extreme builds which are bad for the game as a whole. I went itno more in depth in an earlier post. I am fine with you repseccing but, there should be a cost attached to switiching between optimized builds and roles.


Talent trees that are so designed encourage extreme builds which can be good, bad or neutral for the game. Dual spec offers options on how to play, and thats it.

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