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  • 1 month later...
Zephyr appears to be reducing the cooldown of Force Sweep but is broken for all other force abilities. Sentinel only has four force abilities. Force Kick, Force Leap, and Force Camo aren't affected by Zephyr. By the description this is broken. Very dissapointing. Definitely not worth two points just to reduce Force Sweep without some other bonuses.
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So it appears that by "all Force abilities" they mean some of the abilities that do kinetic damage. That appears to be the only thing that Sweep, Stasis, Exhaust, and Storm have in common. They aren't all described as using the force and don't all have force in their title. Abilities that don't do damage, such as Force Kick, aren't affected but others such as Force Might (the hour buff) are affected.


Some kinetic damage abilities such as Opportune Strike aren't affected either. Unfortunately this appears to be a poor or vague description or a broken skill. Either way, piss poor skill for anyone that isn't a pure Focus build. No reason for it to be low in the skill tree.

As it stands Zephyr reduces the following skills:


1) Force Exhaustion 21 to 18 (worth it to pure Focus spec).

2) Force Sweep 15 to 12 (worth it for pure Focus, especially when Quick recovery is added to reduce to 9 secs).

3) Force Stasis 60 to 57 lol

4) Force Might 6 to 3 WOW! we could throw that hour long group buff more!

5) Blade Storm 12 to 9 (Worthless to the only spec that could make this useful since Combat spec needs Ataru form to work well and Zephyr requires Shii-Cho form. Inefficient ability to all others...I know most use it but it's energy spent to damage done begs the question...WHY?)


Bottom line, if it's working as intended it's solid for Focus spec, worthless to others. Anything missed here?

Edited by Tiokon
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