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Experienced old time Casual player in need of an Imp Guild. (PvP, Ops, Conquest.)


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Been playing off and on for years, though I was away for almost a year. Experienced in PvP and was once part of a HM Progression team. We even had a few conquests, but my guild withered and died. I recently came back to the game and would like to actually see green text again.


I mainly play as a DPS Jug (item level 245ish) but I am sick of grinding out PuG Ops. I used to Tank with him as well but it was never my preference and I don't quite have the gear for Progression as a Tank just yet. I also have a Mara, PT and Merc though I have not played any of them in quite a while. I actually have 2 Jug's and PT's that I can rotate for Ops with Legacy gear.


I'd like to find an active guild that does Raiding during the week. I can't commit to weekends due to scheduled weekends with my kids but sometimes can be available if I'm online.

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