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By now we all know what comps we will get back this year:


BH/Smuggler : Mako & Akaavi

SW : DS Jeasa

JK: Kira/Scourge

JC: Iresso


Let's take a look at them : with one exception, all of them are strong willed and independent. Guess who's the "weak link" ? Of course, Iresso, the half mad sorry excuse for a soldier the JC will have to help. What's next? Will we be required to hold his hand while crossing the street because he's just a little boy in the body of an adult?


I'm disappointed. Please stop giving the JC table scraps and please stop turning the JC into Mother Theresa.


Thank you.

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It was my understanding Iresso's one of the more popular JC companions, so it's not a shock he'd be a returning one. Granted I could be wrong about that. But eh, he kinda is just a mere mortal compared to the others on that list. Emperor's wrath, child, Jedi prodigy... Not saying that means he has to be weak or anything, but by comparison, he pretty much is.
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It was my understanding Iresso's one of the more popular JC companions, so it's not a shock he'd be a returning one. Granted I could be wrong about that. But eh, he kinda is just a mere mortal compared to the others on that list. Emperor's wrath, child, Jedi prodigy... Not saying that means he has to be weak or anything, but by comparison, he pretty much is.


Mako is just a genetic clone created by the SiS.

Akaavi is a Mandalorian mercenary, bounty hunter and soldier.

Nothing out of the ordinary about them , yet they look strong compared to Iresso - remember Torian saying he had to leave Mako on Carratos because she can take care of herself?

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Mako is just a genetic clone created by the SiS.

Akaavi is a Mandalorian mercenary, bounty hunter and soldier.

Nothing out of the ordinary about them , yet they look strong compared to Iresso - remember Torian saying he had to leave Mako on Carratos because she can take care of herself?

I somehow glossed over the BH companions there. So yeah, you've got a good point. Don't really remember Iresso much (never could stand playing the pebble-thrower class) so I have no idea how his upcoming story fits his previous portrayal. The republic trooper squads in the story aren't exactly pushovers though usually.
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I somehow glossed over the BH companions there. So yeah, you've got a good point. Don't really remember Iresso much (never could stand playing the pebble-thrower class) so I have no idea how his upcoming story fits his previous portrayal. The republic trooper squads in the story aren't exactly pushovers though usually.


Exactly. Take a look at the first Havoc squad - they defected but at least had some balls. The Havoc you & Jorgan assemble - Tanno Vik is a helluva dude. The third Havoc, dudes & dudettes you meet in KOTFE, did any of them looked like a pushover? Nope.

Well Iresso wasn't Havoc squad, but still he is weak compared to many Rep personnel you meet in all class stories. That's my problem!

If we go back to Rep vs Imp, how in the name of the Force can a JC defend the Republic with a pushover mommy's boy toy soldier? :confused:

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I'm very happy Iresso is the next JC companion back. Next to Nadia, he's my favourite of JC comps.


Among those listed:



BH/Smuggler : Mako & Akaavi

SW : DS Jeasa

JK: Kira/Scourge

JC: Iresso



He's the best in my book.


BH/Smuggler : Mako & Akaavi -- bland & cold as stone

SW : DS Jeasa -- bat crazy psycho

JK: Kira/Scourge -- annoying liar / someone who never made any significant impression on me

JC: Iresso -- a soldier with mysterious past of unresolved issues we never got answers for.


Who a player likes and who they don't is a matter of taste, not quality. I am very happy that Iresso is back soon.

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I'm very happy Iresso is the next JC companion back. Next to Nadia, he's my favourite of JC comps.


Among those listed:




He's the best in my book.


BH/Smuggler : Mako & Akaavi -- bland & cold as stone

SW : DS Jeasa -- bat crazy psycho

JK: Kira/Scourge -- annoying liar / someone who never made any significant impression on me

JC: Iresso -- a soldier with mysterious past of unresolved issues we never got answers for.


Who a player likes and who they don't is a matter of taste, not quality. I am very happy that Iresso is back soon.


Why is Iresso more important than Zenith? What does he have to offer and the other doesn't? Yeah, Iresso is a LI, a "yes darling" & "as you say honey" type of dude, with no personality whatsoever..

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Why is Iresso more important than Zenith? What does he have to offer and the other doesn't? Yeah, Iresso is a LI, a "yes darling" & "as you say honey" type of dude, with no personality whatsoever..


Is he more important? Objectively, no. Personally I like him more but that means nothing, because my personal tastes have no value to others.


You don't like him, but it doesn't mean no one does. Every companion has someone who likes them. Every single one.

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Is he more important? Objectively, no. Personally I like him more but that means nothing, because my personal tastes have no value to others.


You don't like him, but it doesn't mean no one does. Every companion has someone who likes them. Every single one.


Fair enough. I'm not questioning the importance of X or Y, just the fact that some are being pushed back at every major update/expansion. And the mandatory LS play style aka help and spare everyone. And the lack of closure, i wanna know what happened to the others.

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Quality? quality would have been each of these characters having their own chapters for their returns, not this two minute nonsense they're being subjected to now, only for them to join the good as dead crowd.


I think the console return is a better option for some of them to return than their actual returns. They said they wanted to make the returns shorter, at this point I wouldn't expect much more than "Hey, I'm back now."

Edited by pazzakey
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Quality? quality would have been each of these characters having their own chapters for their returns, not this two minute nonsense they're being subjected to now, only for them to join the good as dead crowd.


I think the console return is a better option for some of them to return than their actual returns. They said they wanted to make the returns shorter, at this point I wouldn't expect much more than "Hey, I'm back now."


You got SAINT ARCANN as a LI

You will get Scourge as a LI.

You will get Iresso.

Why can't i have Zenith back?

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You got SAINT ARCANN as a LI

You will get Scourge as a LI.

You will get Iresso.

Why can't i have Zenith back?


I never wanted Arcann, the guy is a mass murderer, bringing him into the Alliance was a mistake.


Scourge is a LI? I have no intention of taking my JK through KOTFE and KOTET, so I don't know about this one.


Iresso is just the Republic version of Quinn to me, I don't really have any interest in him either, the one JC companion I want back is Nadia.


As for Zenith? I don't know, I would have thought he would have been the easiest to return, given how his VA also does Theron Shan.

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I never wanted Arcann, the guy is a mass murderer, bringing him into the Alliance was a mistake.


Scourge is a LI? I have no intention of taking my JK through KOTFE and KOTET, so I don't know about this one.


Iresso is just the Republic version of Quinn to me, I don't really have any interest in him either, the one JC companion I want back is Nadia.


As for Zenith? I don't know, I would have thought he would have been the easiest to return, given how his VA also does Theron Shan.


So you see why i'm so unhappy right now.. I used to enjoy this game and had hope, now all i feel is more depression and more sadness.

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BH/Smuggler : Mako & Akaavi

SW : DS Jeasa

JK: Kira/Scourge

JC: Iresso


Of these companions, I like Iresso the best. He seems like he's what all of us would be if we got tossed into the SW universe. He's just a normal guy, and companions that are just normal people are rare in this game. He has a mystery in his past he'd like to solve (and, be honest, who wouldn't be a tad curious under those circumstances), but it's not an issue that he lets consume him, either. His romance is also a sweet one. He's not a hard guy to get to know, he's not a jerk and he's not bat-crap crazy. Of the consular's companions, he's the only one I really like. Nadia is ok, but you get her so late in the story that it's hard to build any relationship with her. I find Zenith boring. All he does is complain about Balmorra. If he's that fixated on it, why'd he come with me? Each to his/her own, of course.

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So you see why i'm so unhappy right now.. I used to enjoy this game and had hope, now all i feel is more depression and more sadness.


I understand your frustration. Theron for example, Bioware really butchered this character, they've put him into a position where a kill option can be justified. :mad:

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I understand your frustration. Theron for example, Bioware really butchered this character, they've put him into a position where a kill option can be justified. :mad:


Why care about TS when you can romance Saint Arcann of Zakuul? After all he buys you with a cheap piece of armor, everything is so peachy!

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Why care about TS when you can romance Saint Arcann of Zakuul? After all he buys you with a cheap piece of armor, everything is so peachy!


I don't want Arcann, he should be in a cell or waiting for a firing squad!

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I agree with PP who stated each person has different likes.

I for one couldn't care if Zenith or Iresso returns. I dislike both. I actually like Theran Cedrax, he was always amusing. Don't care for Nadia either. Or Ashara. (She needs the kill option.)

Mako/Akaavi, don't care at all for them. Same with Scourge & Kira.

DS Jaesa will be interesting but sadly I don't even play my Mara (or Sent for that matter) to even worry about getting them back.


Also couldn't stand Havoc Squad dude you kill in first chapters... I was glad Aric is back though. Him & Vette were some of the best returns IMO.


So to each his/her own. lol

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