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Is there - any - chance that Disney will save us from the Empire's tyranny?


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By that, I mean is there any chance Disney will give us a open-world single player story game, be it set in the new trilogy era, or beyond, or maybe even what is now called "legends".


This would probably without EAs name attached, but I fully believe their the sole problem with SWTOR, because it all comes back on them, and the funding they give. Maybe once Anthem bombs EA will wise up, but I digress, this is a subject for another thread.


Do you think Disney will give us anything more mature than say, lego Star Wars? I would, of course any game is cross platform, and besides KOTOR, that would make them the most?

Edited by TyonYlle
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Disney had dragged down the Star Wars name and this game's story looks awesome compared to the garbage Disney has put out. Look what games and media Disney has either cancelled or created then compare with the Lucas era.


I see a lot promotion of Dave Filoni as the new head of Lucasfilm. Compare The Clone Wars which was Filoni under the Lucas then look at Rebels which was Filoni with no Lucas supervision. It speaks volumes that Disney is now cannabalizing unfinished Clone Wars episodes in this Rebels, The Last Jedi, Solo era.

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Disney had dragged down the Star Wars name and this game's story looks awesome compared to the garbage Disney has put out. Look what games and media Disney has either cancelled or created then compare with the Lucas era.


I see a lot promotion of Dave Filoni as the new head of Lucasfilm. Compare The Clone Wars which was Filoni under the Lucas then look at Rebels which was Filoni with no Lucas supervision. It speaks volumes that Disney is now cannabalizing unfinished Clone Wars episodes in this Rebels, The Last Jedi, Solo era.

I'll take Disney's Star Wars output over the Prequels any day of the week, and a number of their works over RotJ for that matter. Dave Filoni's work has been great, but the new movies, novels, and comics Disney has put out across the board have also ranged from good to outstanding.


I do think the video game front leaves something to be desired, though. Battlefront II's story was great, but that's the only standout. On balance, putting all their eggs in one basket with EA was probably a . . . questionable decision.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Disney had dragged down the Star Wars name and this game's story looks awesome compared to the garbage Disney has put out. Look what games and media Disney has either cancelled or created then compare with the Lucas era.


I see a lot promotion of Dave Filoni as the new head of Lucasfilm. Compare The Clone Wars which was Filoni under the Lucas then look at Rebels which was Filoni with no Lucas supervision. It speaks volumes that Disney is now cannabalizing unfinished Clone Wars episodes in this Rebels, The Last Jedi, Solo era.


You mean the supervision that brought us Moriband? The weird looking smoky Darth Bane? I'll pass, Rebels was great.

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