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New romances


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As i said before, i have nothing against making the zakuulan royals romance options, but at the same time there should be some new options for the ones not willing to be in a relationship with Senya, Arcann or Vaylin, since there is a very good chance to never see Theron again - people requested his death.

Who would you want ? Both males a nd females, please.

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Throwing Theron into this whole traitor arc was a mess from the start, I liked ... tolerated him up until he shot Lana. (who I was romancing at the time) ... he either needs a very good reason, then another reason for not telling me what he's doing, or yeah, he's dead.


Vaylin would require some Sith Voodoo first ... and maybe some bacta for that hole in her chest ... you know what? **** it ... we survived a similar attack. Is she really dead? :eek:


Arcann is coming on Tuesday, not a fan of him myself, but meh, that options there for those who want it.


Senya ... I don't know.

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Of other previous characters, the one I want the most is Cytharat, though.

Pfft. Hallidrel Setsyn, except she's dead. Or Sharak Breev, who isn't dead.


And if it wasn't for those accursed Consulars, my M!Warriors would be strongly in favour of groping Darth Lachris again.

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Pfft. Hallidrel Setsyn, except she's dead. Or Sharak Breev, who isn't dead.


And if it wasn't for those accursed Consulars, my M!Warriors would be strongly in favour of groping Darth Lachris again.



Grrr leave the Consulars alone! Oh wait.. they are alone.. :(

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Grrr leave the Consulars alone! Oh wait.. they are alone.. :(

I've finished KotFE/ET and WoICoUaTAtC on two consulars. One is alone because her (only) boyfriend went off to join some cult of snake worshippers, the snake. The other isn't alone because a dark advisor keeps her warm at night.

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I've finished KotFE/ET and WoICoUaTAtC on two consulars. One is alone because her (only) boyfriend went off to join some cult of snake worshippers, the snake. The other isn't alone because a dark advisor keeps her warm at night.


As i said before, all my JC are nutjobs. My girls ( sage) married Iresso then cheated on him with Theron when they actually love Zenith. I know, i know, time to grow up.. i'm 39 with the heart on a 16.. LOL.

The other two JC ( shadows) are with Theron till the bitter end - it might actually prove to be bitter.

Complicated, isn't it? :D

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As i said before, all my JC are nutjobs. My girls ( sage) married Iresso then cheated on him with Theron when they actually love Zenith. I know, i know, time to grow up.. i'm 39 with the heart on a 16.. LOL.

The other two JC ( shadows) are with Theron till the bitter end - it might actually prove to be bitter.

Complicated, isn't it? :D

My Main Nutjob is a Miraluka Guardian called Tikreva'tarsil.


(Follow the link - you'll see why she's a nutjob. She's been wearing that since before she met Doc.)

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  • 9 months later...
As i said before, i have nothing against making the zakuulan royals romance options, but at the same time there should be some new options for the ones not willing to be in a relationship with Senya, Arcann or Vaylin, since there is a very good chance to never see Theron again - people requested his death.

Who would you want ? Both males a nd females, please.


Who are these all-powerful people who requested Theron's death and are entitled to decide for the whole SWTOR community?

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Who are these all-powerful people who requested Theron's death and are entitled to decide for the whole SWTOR community?


You realize this thread, and that comment are nearly a year old, right? Necro'ing a thread in an attempt to debunk someone is not a good thing. To answer your question though, those people don't exist or are so few in number as to come close enough to non existent that it really doesn't matter.

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