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Lightsaber Lore (Minor Spoilers of Class Story)


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Has anyone noticed this game has made the same mistake with three different lightsabers in this game? That mistake being the concept of protosabers.


1) The Jedi Consular's lightsaber is made from the first blade, which I initially believed to be a sword. Then I realized it was actually a protosaber, meaning it was still connected to a waist-mounted power pack. Now they retcon this since the Consular modifies the first blade into a sort of retrosaber. So that one is forgiveable.


2) The Sith Warrior retrieves an "ancient lightsaber" from the tomb of Naga Sadow. Once again, the saber recovered should have been a protosaber. The Warrior had no time to modify it before using it to fight those ghost assassins in the tomb, so it should have been mounted to the Warrior's waist before he could fight with it.


3) The Sith Inquisitor later recovers the lightsaber crafted by their ancestor, Lord Kallig. Kallig was alive in Hord's time, before the Great Hyperspace War and before the creation of the power cell used in modern lightsabers. Ergo, Kallig's lightsaber should be a protosaber with the same waist-mounted power pack that should be seen on the Warrior's, barring modification after being obtained.


Bonus) The Sith Warrior couldn't have recovered an ancient lightsaber from Naga Sadow's tomb as Sadow never used or, as far as the history states, created a lightsaber. So why would there be one buried with him?


Disclaimer: To those about to lecture me on the whole "this is all Legends lore," this game takes place within the Legends continuity, ergo it should follow Legends lore.

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There is no such thing as “Legends Lore”


They are Legends, which may or may not have any connection to another Legend.


And thank god for that, because a sword attached to your hip is an awful thing to try to fight with

Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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Legends lore is the original Star Wars lore from before Disney bulldozed it for emo wannabe Sith, underdeveloped characters, and plagiarized films. So Legends lore is honestly more canon than what we're seeing now. And protosabers were the progenitor of the modern lightsaber. So if you really have issue with the lore that spawned Star Wars, then you really aren't all that much of a fan.
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Legends lore is the original Star Wars lore from before Disney bulldozed it for emo wannabe Sith, underdeveloped characters, and plagiarized films. So Legends lore is honestly more canon than what we're seeing now. And protosabers were the progenitor of the modern lightsaber. So if you really have issue with the lore that spawned Star Wars, then you really aren't all that much of a fan.


Legends lore = fan fiction. Whether it was created by game developers, authors or whoever. There never was any true canon. It was all fiction created by someone. Some author could've written a book called "Everything You Wanted to Know About Lightsabers" saying they used a combination of rare gemstones instead of crystals and were made using a specific alloy combination, or any number of things. It would still come down to being fan fiction. In SWG players could use krait dragon pearls in their sabers, and the color crystal just changed the color of the blade. In SWTOR crystals have stats and we don't need to use krait dragon pearls. Who's right? Who's wrong? Both and neither. It's fan fiction.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Legends lore is the original Star Wars lore from before Disney bulldozed it for emo wannabe Sith, underdeveloped characters, and plagiarized films. So Legends lore is honestly more canon than what we're seeing now. And protosabers were the progenitor of the modern lightsaber. So if you really have issue with the lore that spawned Star Wars, then you really aren't all that much of a fan.


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with Legends, just that it’s just that now: Legends.


It’s like stories told by old spacers on long runs to the new guys “I met Han Solo once, let me tell you about...”


Some may be true, some not, but because it’s all essentially made up there are no canon laws to follow.


If I wanted to write a story about Jaina and Jacen but pretend Lobacca never to sister, I can

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On the Warrior light saber. The game never says it was the light saber of the Sith entombed there, only that it is an "ancient light saber". With the number of acolytes sent through the academy, surely many original artifacts have been removed, but the Overseers, Lords and Darths still need to conduct trials. What is there tht prohibits them from placing artifacts or objects to be recovered? Nothing, one of the missions references such a concept, Naman Fal hid an object in the tomb that his son was to recover. One will recall that the son failed, "He was such a weak boy. He shames me in death as he shamed me in life.", the player then gets to recover the object (I think it was a headgear piece).


Also, just how "ancient" was this ancient light saber? It looks to be in remarkably good condition to me... Sure, maybe the conditions of the tomb and the Force helped preserve it... But as I recall the dark side tends to cause decay... Maybe it is just some "old" light saber that Baras had placed there and attuned to the energies of the tomb (he does seem to know a bit about spiritual entities).


So it /could/ be a really old light saber, but not be Naga Sadow's weapon rather easily.


Now, going off the starwars wikia, it appears that the Sith developed proper, non-belt pack powered sabers first...somewhere before the time of the Great Hyperspace War. By the end of that time, the Sith style light saber with the power unit in the hilt was in use by both Sith and Jedi. So I see no problem with the Sith Warrior light saber being a proper light saber, there are too many possibilities that would allow for it.


Same goes for the "first blade" based weapon of the Consular. The hilt was used as the chassis, the entire weapon was not brought back into service.


That leaves the Inquisitor weapon... We don't have a definitive date for when Hord lived, or for when the first proper light saber was made (hilt powered vs. belt powered). There is also the issue that Hord and Kallig were said to be masters of light saber combat... There is also the possibility that the player would have sufficient knowledge to have converted the weapon to more modern style by installing the power unit in the hilt. That could be a "behind the scenes" thing that we just don't get to see.


Lastly, maybe the cables evolved over time to be really thin like nano-wire and have a retractable feature like one finds in mice designed for use with laptops for travelers.

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With all due respect, legends is not fan-fiction, there was a continuity aspect to that continuity regardless of whether you like it or not.


As to the question I believe you first explanation is definitely plausible. About Sadow I believe they already had the standard sabers, the Sith at least I believe while the Jedi were still stuck using the protosabers, it's also possible that the Sith entombed there wasn't from Sadow's time, who knows on that one really.


And for Kallig it's really odd, because Tulak Hord's concept art shows him with a normal lightsaber, not a proto-saber, and since we don't know for sure from when he was we kind of have no idea, maybe he and Kallig managed to find alternate power-sources that eliminated the need for the backpack? There's also the question of being a Sith Assassin, if you're a Sith Assassin you get a double-bladed version, are we to assume it was Kallig's holocron that Exar Kun used to built his double-bladed lightsaber? Am I over-analyzing a simple quest reward?

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Regarding your comment on the lightsaber in Sadow's tomb, I only bring that up because the skeleton appears to be wearing Sadow's armor. So unless that armor was very common at the time of Sadow's death... I also can't imagine who else might be entombed in Sadow's personal mausoleum.


Regarding the Kallig saber... it's entirely possible it was an oversight. My knowledge of when protosabers were changed, is still tentative. I was under the impression that the standard saber we see now was not converted until around 5000 BBY, though I could very well be mistaken.


Finally, to the one claiming that Legends, or as I call it "the true canon," is just fanfiction, you're categorically incorrect. Fanfiction is non-canonical stories created by consumers of a franchise. The Extended Universe was written By George Lucas, and authors Lucas outsourced to officially to continue the story and vision Lucas created. Lucas' vision is the true canon because Lucas CREATED Star Wars. So...

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In regards to Naga Sadow's tomb and the saber therein. My theory would be that Baras placed that saber there and in some way attuned it to the energies within the tomb so that when the warrior goes to remove it he/she "disturbs" the burial and thus triggers the attack from the tomb guardians.


Essentially, Sadow's body but just some "ancient light saber" that may have belong to any Sith of a bygone era.

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But didn't Baras say that no one had set foot in that chamber in years and that the way was lost? That was the whole introduction for Vette. I mean... I suppose it's possible Baras new how to get in the whole time and was just *********** with the acolytes.
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Honestly getting too nitty gritty in a discussion about lightsabers is an exercise in futility. There has never been consistency in how lightsabers are made, even during the same time period. Each author had their own pet theories or convenient plot devices needed to make it work in their book/comic/etc.
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Do you trust Baras to be honest? I don't, he never told the truth, he at a minimum always shaded things. More often he told something plausible based on the evidence at hand, even when he knew that the situation was actually far different. Deception is a big part of Sith culture anyways, makes more sense... Besides, if no one had been in there in oh so many ages...how would Baras know the light saber was there? Surely, someone in the past had looted (explored) that tomb, it is just too convenient that there happens to be a light saber right where he said it would be if no one had been in there. More plausible would be that no acolyte had been sent to that particular chamber in a while.
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You raise a fair point. However, the weapon is still described as an ancient lightsaber. So maybe it was a relic from Baras' personal collection he planted in the tomb? So it wouldn't necessarily be a protosaber at that point. However, that still leaves the concern of Kallig's lightsaber. Would it have been a protosaber? How could he have created a saberstaff if protosabers hadn't been upgraded yet? Without definitive information of when Kallig or Hord were alive, it becomes tricky to navigate.
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Kallig's lightsaber is probable the easyer one to explain. In the story he is suprised with how far the family has fallen for you to come to him as a slave. So that prob means there were generations of his powerful sith family line modifying and wielding that saber, untill they were cast down and the saber was brought back to his tomb.
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Kallig's lightsaber is probable the easyer one to explain. In the story he is suprised with how far the family has fallen for you to come to him as a slave. So that prob means there were generations of his powerful sith family line modifying and wielding that saber, untill they were cast down and the saber was brought back to his tomb.


Eeer... Kallig's lightsaber was encased into a box that has been locked since he trusted to the one guy who didn't turned on him when Tulak Hord betrayed him, there is no way anybody else ever used that lightsaber since Kallig.

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In regards to Naga Sadow's tomb and the saber therein. My theory would be that Baras placed that saber there and in some way attuned it to the energies within the tomb so that when the warrior goes to remove it he/she "disturbs" the burial and thus triggers the attack from the tomb guardians.


Essentially, Sadow's body but just some "ancient light saber" that may have belong to any Sith of a bygone era.


Actually Naga Sadow was entombed in Yavin IV, not Korriban.

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Legends lore is the original Star Wars lore from before Disney bulldozed it for emo wannabe Sith, underdeveloped characters, and plagiarized films. So Legends lore is honestly more canon than what we're seeing now. And protosabers were the progenitor of the modern lightsaber. So if you really have issue with the lore that spawned Star Wars, then you really aren't all that much of a fan.


You forget Mary Sue aka. Rey, who is perfect inn every way and has no charater arc, needs no one to teach her because she is omnipotent.

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