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Favorite companions by class?


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Jedi Knight - Scourge. Scourge provides that sweet, sweet difference of ideals, but not only that, he introduces new ideals to you, as well, if you’re Dark Sided. I’m hoping BioWare makes him romanceable when he returns.


Jedi Consular - Nadia. She’s your proper padawan, you get to play the Obi-Wan fantasy with her by your side, given she’s tempted by the Dark Side like Anakin. You get to teach her and become her mentor—she’s also kind of naive which endears you to her as her master. It’s something I really enjoy in the relationship between two Jedi. I feel like the JC storyline is meant to be run as a female, tbh, because I just don’t see a proper Jedi having sex with his padawan, lmao.


Trooper - Jorgan and Elara. Both of them have spiked metal bats stuck in their rears, but a heart of gold that’s loyal and fearless. I can’t help but liking them, honestly.


Smuggler - Gus and Risha (but this is the one class that I ADORE every single companion). Gus is hilarious and endearing. His theme is all about failure, looking back at what could have been, and finally making the best out of your actual situation. He’s like a lost puppy, “I’ll never leave you.” Risha is a darker twist on Leia, which feels great. Great romance story, and her sarcasm and voice acting is to die for, at least imo. I love clicking on her to hear her talk.


Sith Warrior - Jaesa and Vette. Both versions of Jaesa are great, but particularly the dark version of her gives you some nice insight about what it means to be Sith in the most raw, almost primitive, sense. If you analyze her companion/romance story, it really shows you that she’s driven by passion, power, and by freedom turned up to 11. It comes to show how much of a psychopath we as humans can be if we just “do what our hearts tell us.” Vette is nice because she feels like the Warrior’s moral compass. If you choose to heed it, then you go from being a Sith to being an honorable warrior. Of course, I personally went the route of Sith Harem (I even had sex with her sister), but the option’s still there xD


Sith Inquisitor - Khem Val. With Khem, I love the fantasy of being this dark wizard whose primary slave becomes her most loyal protector as the story progresses while she, herself, also becomes attached to him over time. I love the line at the end of Act I, “Is that you, my morose monster?” And he answers, “It is I, Khem Val, your servant, etc...” It makes me happy every time. There is nothing you love more as a ******* crazy Sith than your bald, heartless, hungry Wookiee.


Bounty Hunter - Mako. She’s a cute orphan. How can you not get attached to her? She’s nice and funny, too, like, the writers followed the formula for “easy-to-do likeable characters” to the T. Also, the clone story is really interesting, I wish it had been a bigger part of the BH story, to be honest. Wouldn’t it have been ***-worthy if, after you won the Great Hunt, this masked assassin is just on your *** for the entire rest of the story until the big reveal in Chapter 3 that she’s the Chancellor’s body guard or something? Idk, could’ve done more with that, I feel.


Imperial Agent - SCORPIO and Kaliyo (all companions here are really interesting, though). SCORPIO is super creepy, and I like creepy, but that’s not all, your character ends up being pretty creepy, too. The way I played my Light Side Agent left her as a ghost, someone who never existed. So you have these two creep-lords going at it and threatening each other with very valid threats—I love the interaction. Kaliyo is hilarious, “Yes, sir! Locked and loaded, sir!” Sure, she backstabs me, but hey, she’s a great liar like my agent, and that’s admirable. She has a cool friendship with the femAgent, “You get all the smart men and I get all the rich ones.” I haven’t played her romance, but I will. I’ll be Dark Sided, and probably proud of her for stringing me along so well. I feel like you have to be crazy to marry Kaliyo, but I have no qualms with doing so.

Edited by Joluka
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