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Is slicing still good for credits?


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Is slicing still good for credits making when it's maxed out? Which of the crew skills are good for selling mats? I have read multiple posts on this and it seems that everyone is all over the place. I currently have slicing and treasure hunting.


Short answer: Yes. All of them. And see second answer as to why.


Long answer:


From a farming standpoint, slicing is free credits. Go to a planet like Yavin 4 and you can spend as much time as you want gathering lockbox nodes and you will make credits with slicing. From a selling materials standpoint, sliced parts are in constant demand, so you will profit from that as well.


What you need to realize though is that - with one notable exception - regardless of crew skill the cost to acquire materials (the cost of running the missions) is invariably lower than their GTN value; you will always make credits selling materials...with the exception of mission skill blue materials, but even then, selling blue materials on the GTN is better than selling them to a vendor. I've done the math, and running rich and bountiful missions for any grade 10 material with a modest average companion influence rank (20) will be profitable. And increasing your companions' average influence rank only increases the difference between cost and value (AKA more profit)


However, crafting for profit - once you get beyond the initial investment of time and credits - is significantly MORE profitable than just selling materials. Selling materials is quick and easy and painless. Crafting takes time and effort to get the ball rolling but once it does get rolling it is orders of magnitude better profits. But it is the initial investment and "data tracking" that too many feel is too daunting. The fact is that EVERYTHING sells eventually, but some items sell faster and/or more consistently than others. To me, it is not matter of difficulty in finding what sells and what price they sell at, it is having the patience to continue to post something at an indicated price and waiting for a buyer to show up.


And this is why so many guides have different points of view. All crew skills will generate profits, it just depends upon how much effort you are willing to put in and what your expectations are.

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Also, you are seeing conflicting reports mainly because economy changes, game changes, demand changes, therefore it is hard to predict what will be profitable.


General rule of thumb - more work more profit, and vice versa. If you want to sell mats that is fine, but that is also easy (and in my opinion boring work) and you will earn some credits. If you invest into crew skills, crafting and companions, you will do more work but in return get more credits.

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Best way to farm credits is PVP. 1.5m every daily, 12m weekly (after 70lvl). If we talk about sales of resources, Slicing and underworld trading. If about crafting then Synth, Armormech, Cybertech. First two i think better because craft aug too. 236 raiting crit aug very in demand (synth). There are always a lot of competitors in the cybertech profession. Edited by Raesarator
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Best way to farm credits is PVP. 1.5m every daily, 12m weekly (after 70lvl). If we talk about sales of resources, Slicing and underworld trading. If about crafting then Synth, Armormech, Cybertech. First two i think better because craft aug too. 236 raiting crit aug very in demand (synth). There are always a lot of competitors in the cybertech profession.


Legit question: how much time do you spend in PvP each day to get that 1.5 million? I know that I spend an average of 4.5 hours a week working crafting and can make that 12 million...more like 15 million. I participate in PvP and I just do not see how a player can make that much in the amount of time I spend working crafting.

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Best way to farm credits is PVP. 1.5m every daily, 12m weekly (after 70lvl). If we talk about sales of resources, Slicing and underworld trading. If about crafting then Synth, Armormech, Cybertech. First two i think better because craft aug too. 236 raiting crit aug very in demand (synth). There are always a lot of competitors in the cybertech profession.

What a joke... You, my friend, are not a serious crafter, and I'm not sure math is strong with you. For all that PvP you mentioned, any real crafter will earn a lot more.


Although... I might be wrong... Smart people earn credits... Less smart farm credits... Choose wisely...

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1.5 million is one charged matter that is given for 2 won battles or 4 lost ones. It is clear that the craft gives a little more, but it almost does not bring pleasure. I worked a lot as a craftsman, and I used to spend 6 hours a day trading. And started last month with 200 million cr. But now I think it's better to have fun visiting different planets and with other content - operations, fp, pvp.

I'm tired of wasting time on the competition with robots, although I kept at this expense the price of 246 things at the lowest level. For example, only thanks to me until the last patch of mods and ench cost 270-350000. Now I'm gone and how much they cost? Million instead of 350,000 real value! So do not tell me about who am i. I think it's more justified to earn money on pvp. I'm quite satisfied with everything I want, especially since I already have all the best sets and mounts.

Edited by Raesarator
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1.5 million is one charged matter that is given for 2 won battles or 4 lost ones. It is clear that the craft gives a little more, but it almost does not bring pleasure. I worked a lot as a craftsman, and I used to spend 6 hours a day trading. And started last month with 200 million cr. But now I think it's better to have fun visiting different planets and with other content - operations, fp, pvp.

I'm tired of wasting time on the competition with robots, although I kept at this expense the price of 246 things at the lowest level. For example, only thanks to me until the last patch of mods and ench cost 270-350000. Now I'm gone and how much they cost? Million instead of 350,000 real value! So do not tell me about who am i. I think it's more justified to earn money on pvp. I'm quite satisfied with everything I want, especially since I already have all the best sets and mounts.


OK I apologize, that aspect just did not cross my mind: playing PvP for the materials and then selling those materials. But that is also ranked PvP and you did not specify ranked PvP. You just said "PvP".


And I do not think I "told you about who you are." If I did, again I'm sorry. I incorrectly assumed you were talking about credits earned from PvP, which is not a lot. It would take a LOT of PvP to earn 1.5 million credits from the credits awards alone. And from that perspective, my comments that my 4.5 hours a week is a better use of time.


You are right that doing ranked and selling the exotic materials is a good way to earn credits. I still feel that my way is better. But to each their own. This is the crew skills forum and the OP wanted to know about crew skills and money making.

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OK I apologize, that aspect just did not cross my mind: .


this I answered at once to two, you certainly did not say anything about who I am. I wrote that it starts at level 70, that is it is ranked pvp. And in general it's pretty quick. If you make friends with normal players and go to group battles with them, then for 3 hours you can make a weekley 20 wins and get 12 million. Of course, if these resources are spent on crafting augments, the revenue will be 12 million + 3 more if you are lucky and there will be a crit.

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Even if you sell CMT, you sold it to a crafter who will use it to make augment to make even more credits. So that logic of yours is flawed. The only possible exception would be a player who wants to craft its gear, but those already got what they wanted long ago.


Plus, with so many players wintrading these days, the price of CMT is dropping rapidly.


One thing I may congratulate you on is your enjoyment of ranked PvP.


In short, no game mode offers more opportunity for earning credits than crafting. I'm not counting CM items sales, as they do not qualify as game modes, but pay-to-win and anyone with real money can do that.

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Is slicing still good for credits making when it's maxed out? Which of the crew skills are good for selling mats? I have read multiple posts on this and it seems that everyone is all over the place. I currently have slicing and treasure hunting.


All this skills good. Diplomacy, slicing, treasure hunting, underworld trading. Robots usually produce a level of 10 materials. The players collect materials of a different level for themselves and sell them very rarely. Therefore, in any direction prices are always high. In addition to investigation, there is less demand for it. But you need to achieve the level of 50 affection for all your companions. Then you really get a lot right while you're playing. I counted about 700 thousand for 4 hours of pushing the buttons every 4-7 minutes. But not everyone likes to play like this, I get bored after an hour or so.

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