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Hostility towards new players


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Sorry but i don't understand why are newbies so hated and told to shut up in every single topic they open. No, you cannot ask about companion gifts or stronghold bugs. No, you cannot talk about certain important characters. Why is that? Why i must google everything? Why does this game even have a forum if only some are allowed to express their opinions while others are just shunned?

I feel like c**p, i never imagined it will be like WoW forums all over again.

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Sorry but i don't understand why are newbies so hated and told to shut up in every single topic they open. No, you cannot ask about companion gifts or stronghold bugs. No, you cannot talk about certain important characters. Why is that? Why i must google everything? Why does this game even have a forum if only some are allowed to express their opinions while others are just shunned?

I feel like c**p, i never imagined it will be like WoW forums all over again.


Don't let smug people get to you. There are plenty of folks that answer questions and try to help out, particularly if you tell them that you're a new player. The forums are not all that active, though.

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Don't let smug people get to you. There are plenty of folks that answer questions and try to help out, particularly if you tell them that you're a new player. The forums are not all that active, though.


That's exactly the problem, i posted something and got attacked by the Mother of All Dragons and told to not post ANYTHING related to Arcann unless I've played all chapters. I get it, he is "off limits" for everyone except an extremely selective group of players. Can i have a refund and my account deleted? Sorry but this kind of attitude scares me, i'm not sure i want to play in such a toxic environment, without any help or possibility to discuss certain decisions made by my characters.

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Don't let people get to you. Some people take things way to serious. And some topics, while not taboo, can be very controversial among those on the forums. There's the few people that love Vaylin and want her resurrected and the many that hate her and think she's better off staying dead. There's some that love Arcann, and those that hate him. There are some that love Quinn, and those that hate him. The list goes on and on. Someone's almost always going to disagree with any opinion you make and a lot of times that disagreement will come with some sort of insult. It's the way things are around here. Toxicity is almost a way of life. You just need to learn to shrug it off and not feed those trolls.


Also remember that the forums are not the majority of players.

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I just looked through a good chunk of your post history. I did not see anyone telling you "you're a newbie shut up". What I saw was you starting a discussion about Arcann without having played through all of KOTFE and KOTET, and so players said you should finish it first both so you don't run afoul of spoilers, and so you know everything that happened with Arcann so you can discuss it knowing everything that happened.


Also, if I missed some spots where you are looking for advice, stick to the New Player area and not General Discussion, and relying on fleet Gen chat is also not always a great idea (I try to be helpful when people ask questions, but I do know trolling happens).


And actually, the stronghold bug topic youbopened was not only answered for you very nicely, it had a bunch of people jumping in and agreeing with you.

Edited by LordTurin
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That's exactly the problem, i posted something and got attacked by the Mother of All Dragons and told to not post ANYTHING related to Arcann unless I've played all chapters. .

But, why do you pay attention to them. They're just people on the internet - what they say has no direct affect on you, and doesn't represent to opinion of the entire community. (Plus, you don't have to read them or respond.)



Anyway, welcome to SWTOR. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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But, why do you pay attention to them. They're just people on the internet - what they say has no direct affect on you, and doesn't represent to opinion of the entire community. (Plus, you don't have to read them or respond.)

You probably ran into some lonely loser(s) who has a thing for fictional bad-boys. You should be feeling sorry for them, not intimidated by them.


Anyway, welcome to SWTOR. :)


Thank you. Your advice is perhaps the best advice I've ever received - don't read or respond to certain posts.

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Please don't sit there acting like a victim. In the particular thread you speak of, the one you created yourself, you posted a question which people responded to. Kindly, no offensive terms or even aggressive wording was used at all. They gave you their perspective and made the suggestion you play all the chapters so nothing ends up being spoiled for you, so the fun's not taken out of it for you--for YOUR benefit and enjoyment.


There was nothing rude about that but you somehow managed to take offense. Fair enough, that happens, it's the internet and intention and intonation get lost when posting simple words but since then you've gone on to make foul and outrageous accusations towards other posters. People who were trying to be welcoming and helpful toward you, accusing them of threatening you with rape, accusing them of reporting you (which if they have, rightfully so at this point) putting words in their mouth and now creating this thread painting them as evildoers.


I don't know if you're trolling or if this is a serious language/culture thing where you read offense into things that were never even said in the first place, but seriously, calm down. Re-read their posts, your own threads--the only one who's been rude and offensive toward other people for literally no good reason has been you.

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Please don't sit there acting like a victim. In the particular thread you speak of, the one you created yourself, you posted a question which people responded to. Kindly, no offensive terms or even aggressive wording was used at all. They gave you their perspective and made the suggestion you play all the chapters so nothing ends up being spoiled for you, so the fun's not taken out of it for you--for YOUR benefit and enjoyment.


There was nothing rude about that but you somehow managed to take offense. Fair enough, that happens, it's the internet and intention and intonation get lost when posting simple words but since then you've gone on to make foul and outrageous accusations towards other posters. People who were trying to be welcoming and helpful toward you, accusing them of threatening you with rape, accusing them of reporting you (which if they have, rightfully so at this point) putting words in their mouth and now creating this thread painting them as evildoers.


I don't know if you're trolling or if this is a serious language/culture thing where you read offense into things that were never even said in the first place, but seriously, calm down. Re-read their posts, your own threads--the only one who's been rude and offensive toward other people for literally no good reason has been you.


I have to agree with this. I just read through that thread (of course I left my 2 credits in there). The OP is taking offense where none was given, and then offending others for imaginary slights. Then the one guy willing to discuss things with her offers to have a discourse about it and she attacks him. :eek::rolleyes:

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Yeah definitely try not to let people bother you too much. I've had people yell at me in game before even though I was being extremely polite lol. I've had people tell me I suck. Some people are just like that. It's not you, it's them :p



All that's to say, don't let it scare you off. I've been playing for 5 years and have had mostly positive experiences.

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Yeah definitely try not to let people bother you too much. I've had people yell at me in game before even though I was being extremely polite lol. I've had people tell me I suck. Some people are just like that. It's not you, it's them :p



All that's to say, don't let it scare you off. I've been playing for 5 years and have had mostly positive experiences.


Check the OP's post history. You'll see that she's the one with the toxic attitude and the one insulting others. She's even blaming people here for her credit card getting flagged. :rolleyes:

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Sorry but i don't understand why are newbies so hated and told to shut up in every single topic they open. No, you cannot ask about companion gifts or stronghold bugs. No, you cannot talk about certain important characters. Why is that? Why i must google everything? Why does this game even have a forum if only some are allowed to express their opinions while others are just shunned?

I feel like c**p, i never imagined it will be like WoW forums all over again.


Well let me say, Welcome to the forums and the game. Dont let the haters bother you. Half the time they do not know why they are hating on a person for? Some people need to feel superior by belittling others. Their the ones with the issue not you.


But Again, Welcome to the Game.

Take Care & Be well...

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You weren't told to shut up by anyone. Suggestions to finish the story to have a better discussion experience does not equal shut up.


If a pm or post gets reported and you get penalized/an infraction for it, it wasn't a civil pm or post.


If someone claims to be someone's husband and threatens you with rape, you report that person and be done with it, you don't take it out on anyone else that was not involved with it at all.

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