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Getting kicked from after....

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I qued up for EV GF and got a instant pop for match in progress. Before I could even enter I was removed. This has happened to me 3x today, so I said to hell with it and pm'd the person that kicked me as to why I was removed. I was told that they kicked me because its a guild run and they are waiting for they're dps guildie to join. That make's sense, but at the same time its messed up because I had a 15 min lockout everytime I was removed.
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I qued up for EV GF and got a instant pop for match in progress. Before I could even enter I was removed. This has happened to me 3x today, so I said to hell with it and pm'd the person that kicked me as to why I was removed. I was told that they kicked me because its a guild run and they are waiting for they're dps guildie to join. That make's sense, but at the same time its messed up because I had a 15 min lockout everytime I was removed.


I really wish guilds doing this would receive a one month lockout from group finder, but sadly that's nowadays' norm.


Also, for the love of.... BioWare, make it only possible to queue for full ops runs via GF.

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Yea, thats BS, they dont have the right to do that to you. Take Screen shots if you can of those in that match and especially that that kicked you. Then make a ticket in game and send that screen shot/s with the names on it, if you can that is? Just because they have and are in a guild, does not give them the right to do that. You have every right to take their guild members slot in that match. It is first come, first serve, period...


Now what needs to be done, is? BW needs to make GSF pvp and this could go for regular rank pvp and unrank Solo pvp. Give Guilds their own matches with other guilds, being GSF or Regular pvp's. No solo pvper can gain access to these matches specially for Guilds. So other wise all guilds would only go up against other guilds in all expect of pvp.


If you're wondering how could they implement this, well it is simple. Make the matches that recognize the players Guild name. If you have a guild name, then in your pvp box where you select rank, solo, Group & then the new, Guild matches. If you are in a guild and display the guilds name it will recognize that display name, it will calculate how many guild members are qued up and then if there is enough for a full match then your Ques pop, and off you go. There would be no mistakes as far as mix matching other guild member on your team, do to it would know that the 2 guild names, are not the same. So there for, always being 100% Full Guild Match. Guild vs Guild. This could of course be smoothed out by the devs so much better, & it probably should of been done in the beginning of this game, but it is not to late to get it done now. And who knows this could promote old Guilds reforming & new Guilds starting up.


Solo pvp, well, i guess it would stay the same. Just another idea. I dont know how to code but i cant imagine this being to hard to do. Also this should come with new Guild only maps to battle on, i would think?


Any Way,

I am sure they wont give this idea a 2nd thought, but it would stop this crap of members of Guilds, kicking solo people to save their guild members a slot in the matches.


Oh well.


Take care, Be well.....

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It was most likely lockout run, where they farmed Last boss for conquest. Common thing these days. But, to get 15min lockout if you kicked, that is unfaire. Those lockouts should be only if you abondon group yorself. To make life easyer, just answer to some callouts on fleet, there form lot of groups for gf ops
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I qued up for EV GF and got a instant pop for match in progress. Before I could even enter I was removed. This has happened to me 3x today, so I said to hell with it and pm'd the person that kicked me as to why I was removed. I was told that they kicked me because its a guild run and they are waiting for they're dps guildie to join. That make's sense, but at the same time its messed up because I had a 15 min lockout everytime I was removed.

Look on the bright side. The lockout meant that you couldn't be repeatedly kicked from the same group because their guildie couldn't get his ---- together and log on in time. (It probably should force them to the back of the "ordinary" queue as well.)


But yeah, it shouldn't put a fifteen minute lockout on you if you are kicked before you even get into the zone.

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That's just a guild doing lockout runs and the guy with the initial lockout was probably switching to dps and to get in has to deal with kicking all the dps in q until the guy with the initial lockout gets the q to play with his group.


Honestly you shouldn't q for op gf unless you're in a premade because full pug ops are usually a disaster and you can always find people spamming for gf ops on fleet.


Tldr; don't be mad that's what just has to happen if the person with the lockout is trying to get back in on dps. and don't q solo

Edited by masstershake
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This seems to be happening more often than it used to. Before the updates to group finder, lockout queues were generally pretty reliable. It was easy to set your role, and if you queued immediately after the group hit "find replacement" you were virtually guaranteed to get in. Unsuspecting pugs rarely ended up in lockouts that way. Nowadays, gf roles sometimes reset for arcane reasons, and sometimes you just straight up can't get into the lockout run anyway even if nobody else is queued for it. It can be a mess.


The other problem is that, while lockouts are much more common, many of the people who are running them now are unfamiliar with the way to do them reliably.


But yeah: automatically kicking a misqueue or a pug from a lockout run is rude and totally unnecessary. The better guilds won't usually do that; they'll give a pug a chance to not crap the bed, because they'll be running so many locks that it's no big deal if a guildie misses out on one. (They're also usually strong enough raiders that they can survive one mediocre pug.) I'm sorry you seem to keep encountering these groups.

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